Posting Pictures


Hey Ron I am confused. (No change there then):squint:

Sorry if this has been done before , but I still don't know if this is a glitch or the 'Rules'

I cannot post any images of any size anywhere on any forum on this site because:

a) I'm not currently a financial supporter
b) I've posted over a pre-set limit already
c) There's a malfunction somewhere

(PS I'm told that multiple choice answers offers the most intuitive and consistent solution to problem solving, but I'm a) Not sure, b) dead against it c) don't understand it anyway). :)
If its not one of the above, the size limits are strict. It kept me from posting a jpeg that was 600x497(rules say 600x480). The old forum would take whatever you sent, just had to use the scroll bar for the really big ones. Try editing your photo by croping and saving as a web foto.


Ron Earp


It is simple, the forum thought you were some sort of thug! :)

Seriously, when your ID migrated you somehow got tagged with the user group "Waiting for Email Confirmation", which is the group that anyone new goes into while the forum waits for them to click on the registration email to assure they are not a spam bot.

So, while you are in that state you can view, make replies, but you cannot post pictures because if you were a bad spam bot you might do bad things on the forum.

Anyhow, I put you in the registered users but I do not know if that is correct for you or not - if you are a forum supporter let me know and I'll adjust it. I could check records but it'd take a long time, easier to simply ask.

Now, try the pictures.

And, on the size, we'll up it to 800x600, but we probably won't be going any higher due to functionality. It stinks when someone posts a HUGE picture, it makes it hard to read any posts on the threads since the text won't wrap until the end of the picture.



So, it was answer 'C'!!

Multiple choice answer concept is vindicated! Yay!

Thug? Moi?

PS as you can see Ron, it works fine now. Many thanks...


  • KHs.jpg
    10.6 KB · Views: 300
Keith, there's a striking similarity with your avatar :D
(which by the way brings a smile to my face every time I see it)


John W said:
Keith, there's a striking similarity with your avatar :D
(which by the way brings a smile to my face every time I see it)

John, it's not accidental. The avatar is a computer generated likeness of Homer Simpson as if he was a real person not a cartoon character, and my daughters think I am Homer Simpson anyway. I have a house full of statues of Homer in his Y fronts in all kinds of crazy poses. I have Homer shaving cream, Homer, shower gel, Homer toothpaste and ironically Homer shampoo which seems to last a very long time. I also have Homer socks and even a set of (unused) Homer Y fronts.

So, I guess I'm Himer then. D'oh!


  • HS.jpg
    50.2 KB · Views: 371