Public update on current RF legal activities

Alex Hirsbrunner

Lifetime Supporter
Hello Folks,

As some of you are aware, there is a group of RF customers that have an attorney in Australia attempting to remove the friendly administrator (to Robert Logan) that was installed as a result of his going into "voluntary" administration with respect to Roaring Forties PTY LTD.

Ron Earp is spearheading this effort but has business commitments that must be attended to so I am temporarily acting on behalf of the group.

At this point in time, the group has decided that we will be attempting to fund the approximately $9500.00 US in legal fees required to install a new administrator by proportionally dividing the costs based on the size of the deposit that is at risk for each person. Fortunately, once we reach this milestone <u>there will be no more legal fees</u>, as the administrator assigned to RF will perform any activities that are possible that will result in satisfying creditors on our behalf.

Currently, we are approaching this amount, but there are some folks that simply do not have the financial ability to participate as a result of their loss, so we will be offering some of the information that the group has in the hope that some folks will be contributing to the legal fund that Ron has set up at PayPal ([email protected]) - especially for anyone that has any deposit at risk or even parts they have paid for but not received.

An example of the proportional payments that have already been made includes my $1500.00 based on my outstanding deposit of $32,000. Ron Earp has a proportionally higher loss that he has committed to.

<font color="Blue">I understand that many may believe that we are wasting our money and we will never see any additional returns on this outlay of funds to the attorneys. Let me say that we understand this, and I would ask you to review the attached and documents that I post following this one describing why we are doing this. </font>

As a quick summary, it boils down to this – with a friendly administrator in place there mayl never be a complete and thorough investigation of any possible financial wrongdoings associated with RF. As a result, the directors will not have any of their personal property at risk.

Let me be clear, I do not have any information that there was any financial impropriety (such as operating an insolvent corporation), but likewise, I have no idea what happened to our funds. The other threads on this forum that you have seen stating that deposits for X chassis were taken, yet only only a fraction of X were actually commissioned for build with Camco, which leaves some questions that still need to be answered.

Finally, we believe that taking this action will make it clear that we, as a forum will not standby idly and allow such actions to be swept under the carpet, potentially allowing for the repeat of this story in the future.




  • 77838-RFLegalUpdate#2.doc
    23 KB · Views: 514

Alex Hirsbrunner

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Public update on current RF legal activies

FYI - It may not be obvious, but there is a Word file attached to the above post. Just click on "Attachment" right below the title of the above post.



Lifetime Supporter
Re: Public update on current RF legal activies


As a member of this group of RF customers, I have a request for each one my friends and fellow forum members.

If you know of or have even heard a rumor about anyone who may have placed a deposit with RF for a car, please, PLEASE contact them today. Make them aware of the events which are happening, get them to a computer so they can review for themselves what has transpired and, most of all, let them know that a major meeting concerning RF is scheduled for early next week.

This group (RF mates to steal the phrase) has to deliver this large sum of money in just more than 48 hours. Right now, I’m aware of several in the group who are onboard and willing to take this to the next step – which would be a lot easier burden if all of the ‘RF mates’ would take out their checkbooks and contribute as best they can.

It is imperative that the RF mates, no, make that the entire forum, work together and speak with one voice to ensure we have an opportunity to recoup some/all of or investment for our brothers. Frankly, we'd all just rather receive the car ordered, but one has to start somewhere.

What a way to make my first post, eh?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Kind regards to all,


Alex Hirsbrunner

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Public update on current RF legal activies

Hello All,

We are currently $2770.00 from reaching our goal of $9,500.00 by tomorrow morning. The next $500 in donations received via PayPal at [email protected] will be matched with an additional $500 from one of the affected members. Note that any donations totaling $500 will be matched, that is, a lump sum of $500.00 is not required to qualify.

At the moment Ron is busy so I don't know what has already been donated by members, but I'm sure he will report when he can.

I'll sign off now before this really starts to sound like a public television fund drive :)

Thanks for your consideration,

Al & what has now been termed as "the RF mates"

Alex Hirsbrunner

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Public update on current RF legal activies

John: Thanks very much.

Keith: Actually you just sent $17.24, since your donation will be matched! Any amount is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

RF Mates

Alex Hirsbrunner

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Public update on current RF legal activies


Thanks very much for pointing that out. Fortunately I just checked and the incorrect version I posted is not an active address. I will ask Ron to update my posts with the correct link as the max edit time has expired on my post.

Just to make this stand out until then please use:

<font color="green"> [email protected]</font> not <font color="red">[email protected]</font>
Re: Public update on current RF legal activies

Best of luck to you all. I hope you manage to get to the bottom of it. 50 Bucks on its way for the cause.

Re: Public update on current RF legal activies

Similar donation just made to help to secure the best representation possible. If there has been any wrong doing then it needs to be sniffed out and dealt with.


Alex Hirsbrunner

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Public update on current RF legal activies

Speaking on behalf of the RF Mates, you guys are awesome /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/flehan.gif, I hope to be able to meet you all in person for a drink or two or three... sometime in the future.

Best Regards,
