RCR Visit - Searching for a new GT40

Tim Kay

Lifetime Supporter
I thought your post was an objective overview of a visit to "a" shop. Based on how it was written, I believe it could have been X, Y or Z brand. It was a review of your experience and opinion. I for one appreciated it. It validated my opinion, and from someone I view as a qualified source. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

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Nice review, Ron. It sure looks like Fran likes aluminum! In fact, I'll be very curious to see what the RCR40 weighs in at with the extensive use of aluminum. I do like those front uprights! And I'll bet Fran's adapter plate is made out of aluminum also.
Does anybody here really thinks our “plastic cars” (what ever the brand) will survive a side impact involving a grandma with a 4 door sedan?!! Every one of our chassis are way under the bumper of an F150. Worry about your roll cage (not that it will save your ass) and fire system.

If not flattened like a pancake, we will be charcoaled like a nice chicken wing. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif
I did not order it but my friends at ERA installed a roll cage and very nice looking. Anyway I am not worried about a F150. My concern is concrete walls, armco rails and other cars in the track.
Does anybody here really thinks our “plastic cars” (what ever the brand) will survive a side impact involving a grandma with a 4 door sedan?!! Every one of our chassis are way under the bumper of an F150. Worry about your roll cage (not that it will save your ass) and fire system.

If not flattened like a pancake, we will be charcoaled like a nice chicken wing. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif

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I believe that is one of the most astute statements I have read in a while. Any of these cars need to be considered equal to a motorcycle from a protection/survivability standpoint.
Yes, I worry about it - that's why I've ordered a full roll cage in mine. You did not mention the fact that there are no front and rear bumpers or air bags to protect you.

John /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/driving.gif

The only thing you're really concerned about is getting a bad piece of steak at dinner.


PS: These cars are essentially four wheel motorcycles. ...with all the protection that a motorcycle affords its rider.
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Lifetime Supporter
oohhh good thinking flatchat. The BAW isn't damaged either. (That's Big Ass Wing) Some punk kit in the neighborhood would pay big bucks to have that for his Dodge Neon. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Lifetime Supporter
Oops fat fingered "kid". Hmmm... Freudian slip on the "kit". /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bash.gif Don't worry Fran, I tell people it's a "component car", really.

Ron Earp

Belated follow up, but I thought I'd add a little information.

As some of you know I ended up not getting a GT40 from RCR. But I did order a Lola T70 Spider from RCR that you can find here:


I don't think RCR has pictures of the Spider up yet, but, I imagine they will soon.

The reasons I didn't go with a GT40 are more cost and emotional than anything else. I just didn't want to jump into a GT40 after trying to obtain one for five years. Odd sounding, I know, but it didn't feel right. I needed a well-designed car I could get into quickly, build for my track/street purposes, and raise some morale. Jumping back into a 40 would have not been a good idea because they will take longer to complete than a Lola. Plus, I was always going to build a Lola (plus a XJ13 as well) but the Lola just wasn't first on the list!

Anyhow, I like RCR's designs of both cars because the chassis design is similar and I feel the quality of it, and the rest of the parts, is top notch. I'll know more when the spider is delivered later in the month and will start a very active build thread on the car - my partners and I have a very short time frame in mind for completion of the car!

I'll keep folks posted on the build thread and post my analysis and critique there. It should be fun and I am looking forward to it!


Ron McCall

That's great Ron! I hope I can learn some details of suspension set up from you !
I plan to track my car but it sounds like you will make it there before me.Your feedback will be very helpful!
What do you plan to run for sway bars?

ps: Do you plan to go the the Shelby convention at VIR at the end if the month?

Ron Earp

Hey Ron,

Fran answered that question quite nicely - I'm gonna use those! :)

Seriously, I do the old school thing and try to get the springs right first and if possible avoid the bar. Once springs are done tune with the bar as it seems they are almost universally needed from the front of anything I've worked on with the exception that the Jensen felt quite nice with no front bar before the engine went boom.

I like those adjustable bar designs and was thinking to mimic a setup as in Tune to Win. Didn't look hard to do and I think would be cheaper than $1500, but you never know. I would love an easily adjustable bar because even with a test day and say five test sessions you have to go out, run, then come in and change what you need. Time passes and you go out next session not knowing if what you did was okay or not. So, with say five sessions you really only get two chances to change anything and make it good. Cockpit adjustable bar - that'd solve that problem.

I was planning to go to the VIR event with my brand new Roaring Forties GT40 replica! Now, where did that thing go.....Are you going, any other GT40s.com people going? I'd go up if there is a group coming in.

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