Safety Equipment Group Purchase

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen
This group purchase runs through the end of the month, so you have time left to check out the systems there. Or, depending on your point of view, the group buy is half over, so if you want to pick up a system for ~15% off, you better get crackin'.

Click on my name in the upper left hand corner, then click on my email address at the top of the resulting list. Just let me know that you want to participate in the Safety Equipment group purchase sponsored by the NMRA and I will send you instructions on how to do it. The vendor is providing the NMRA with kits based on the number of participants. With the proceeds from these, they are setting up a fund for racers who are the victims of an accident. This was spurred by a recent accident and subsequent fire. So not only are you helping yourself, our main motivation for getting involved, but you are helping others as well. You are also getting a decent discount on your purchase as well. Its a win/win/win proposition.



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Chris Duncan


Which model/size are you getting for yourself? I'm wondering what size is good for a GT40 the 5 lbs. or the 10 lbs.? Also thinking you need 3 nozzles, one for the front, one for the cab, and one for the engine bay?

I'm in for one as soon as I decide which one.

I would think that with a GT40 which has the gas tanks on the side that a fire suppression system would be mandatory.

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

I completely agree! I am thinking 10lbs and agree 3 nozzles, but I want two in the sills (one each) to keep the tanks safe. It is an enclose area on my car so suppression ought to be very effective unless it is completely torn open. Anyway, another in the engine bay. I am not too concerned with the front of my car as there is nothing to flammable up there anyway. Does gushing coolant work as a flame retardant? lol I am thinking about putting a hand held in the cabin. I found one with a lot of bling on eBay that would look good as well.

I assume you got the instructions for the group buy OK. Let me know if you didn't.



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Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen
There are no pictures of the car shop inc. stuff , but when I look at the price list, it looks like everything is ala carte. If you add up everything that comprises an equivalent kit, it looks more expensive actually. I checked out about 8-10 other racing retailers on the web and Safecraft's regular prices are right in line with others. Can someone go out and find lower prices somewhere on the net? Well, duhh; of course they can. Is the merchandise of equal or better quality? Hard to say when all that is given is a list of stuff.

So, what is it, exactly, you are trying to say Faili F. Did you actually send in a request for quote or are you only looking at the prices on the website? If you had bothered to get the instructions and followed the process you might have a different opinion. (Hard to say since you didn't actually come out and say anything.) Anyway, nobody said they were the best prices on the net, but there is a little more to this than JUST low prices. But it is the other part of it that may be hard to grasp, let alone, quantify for a pimp. (I am not calling him names; check out his profile and you will see that this is a self description.) Your bull sh!t profile doesn't show much respect for the members of this forum. What is your real name anyway? Or does the "General Manager, Director, CEO,CFO and President of Pimp Inc." choose to remain anonymous? As for the pictures in your profile, which one is you? Or, are you going to keep us guessing on that one too? My money says neither one of them is you. I'll clue you in on one more thing: owning a cool car, doesn't make you a cool person. An asshole in a GTD is still an asshole.

I really don't appreciate the innuendo in the tone of your post: as if I am leading people into a rip off with this. If you want to tell people there is a good price on this or that or what ever, then do that, but just do it in your own f__king thread.


I have come across 3 or 4 assholes on this forum. I have never thought of you as one of them. I STILL DON’T THINK OF YOU AS ONE of them.

Read my post again,,,,,,,, Then read your reply,,,,,,,,,

Does it warrant a reply like that????

I bought a fire safety system from car shop2 weeks ago (see photos below, part number RC500). 5 lb Halon bottle with all the fittings, aluminum lines and 2 nozzles. Price was $285. I am sharing the info with all of you to compare and get the best deal.

The picture on the left is me (I am the Bald ugly guy). The name is Farhad Faili. The stuff on the Bio has been there for nearly 2 years and it is there for FUN, nothing more!!! I didn’t see anything under your bio. You are not a pimp are you??! (I am only KIDDING)

A year ago a guy named Lynn put me in touch with Mike Coat who makes Ali rear panels for GTs. I saved a lot of money thanks to him, and Mike turned out to be a fantastic guy. Are you the same LYNN??!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I hate to say it, but I think you are over reacting here.


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Here is the shot of one of the nozzels.


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and some of the fittings, there are more.


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Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen
You apparently still don't get it. This group purchase is not JUST ABOUT THE BOTTOM LINE COST!!!! Go to the NMRA website; they have a story now about the guy that got burned in an accident. There is a whole community of Ford/car people thing going on here.

I couldn't care less if you tell people about the fire system you found for a whole $12 cheaper (although I still didn't see where they advertised anything other than a the bottle of halon for that price either on the website you linked or the manufacturer's website.) Just don't come on a thread like this where we are trying to be supportive of another groups project, especially one that has an altruistic motivation and start saying "Hey you can get it cheaper over here ....."

If you are just too self centered to understand this, then I feel sorry for you. But, Dude posting this stuff on this thread is absolutely classless. I could care less if you think I am an asshole or not. I am who I am regardless of what you think and despite what you think. Have some class and sensitivity and put this in another thread, like I said.

In readying your threads, you were sometimes called Fred (indeed the only time that I saw where you identified yourself it was as Freddy Fender) sometimes Farhad but it was always other people addressing you. All I am saying is have the nads to be yourself and not hide behind cutesy names. People get awfully brave or become something they wish they were when they can hide in the anonymity of the internet.

I have been on this forum from within days of when it was formed and I have never been bashful about who I am or what I do. I didn't see a need for much more in my profile when there were less than a dozen of us. My name is there, my email is there and anyone who wants to know who I am, can find out easy enough. Yeah, it was me that told you about the panels. I like to help people out: did then, still do and probably always will. That is why your post pissed me off so much: I am trying to help some people out and you are coming right in my face and criticizing my efforts by telling people hey you can get it cheaper somewhere else. If it was just buying parts, I wouldn't have cared less, but this is different. If you can't figure that out, then, like I said, I feel sorry for you.


Edit: my occupations and location are also in my profile. The dates or my registration were lost when we switched to new software. Most of the ***Do Not Delete*** entries are mine. So don't go down the "who has been here longer" road; you will loose Fahrad.

I did not mean any disrespect. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif I will send you a PM.

F.Faili (same name I have used from day one) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen
I apologize to you Fahrad for coming down on you like a ton of bricks. When I saw your post I, obviously, became insensed disproportionally to the faux pas, I admit. I did look through your posts later to get a feel for who you were and I must say that, while I didn't read every last one, I did not get a sense that you were a bad guy or anywhere close to an asshole, so I apologize for that indirect slam as well.

The one-ups-manship that takes place on many of the forums often causes a lot of problems. It really was this perceived behavior that I was reacting against, especially, in the context of this particular thread. I sense that you do now understand where I was coming from in that regard; although, I used a Howitzer where a BB gun would have been a more appropriate weapon. (Unfortunate side effect of my passive-aggresive nature I suppose.)


As I said before, you are one of the good guys here.

Please use the BB gun next time (I use water pistols). I am only now writting this reply due to my wife's application of CPR after your Howitzer/M1 Abrams blast /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

By the way, I changed my profile to tease/raz you a bit. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Alright enough already if you two start huggin' and kissin' I'm out of here.
Save us all the trouble and just go get a room somewhere. This site no place for this kind of "man love". Let's just get back to webers or EFI talk.
In Australia, the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (the governing body) has made Halon fire extinguishers illegal. It's to do with protecting the ozone layer. Regards

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

Good point, I was not aware of that fact. Someone also mentioned early on that they were concerned about using Halon in a closed cockpit, like the GT40, since it displaces the oxygen and the obvious drawback that presents to the occupants. He asked about the water based alternative that Safecraft has. In the sister thread to this one in the "Off Topic" section, I posted the response provided by Safecraft to the non-halon question.

I am getting the feeling that a non-halon solution is the preferable agent according to current wisdom. Would you all agree with that? Supporting/opposing arguments anyone?


Howard Jones

Lynn, My system uses CEA-614. This is the current replacement for Halon in newly installed fire systems. It is slightly more costly, aprox. 7%. What about the question about deplacement of air inside a closed cockpit? Here is what I think.

In the event of a fire that gets into the drivers compartment it is more than likely that the driver has already pulled the fire handle and started to get out of the car before he runs out of breath. This is a good thing because any product of combustion gasses or superheated air inside the car wouldn't be much good for breathing anyway.

If in fact the driver is trapped then cool halon that has no air in it will kill you as well as the above hot gasses/air. I think I would rather take my chances with the cooler option.

And, should the driver not be able to pull the fire handle.... Well on a track you have cornerworkers that will need a outside fire pull that is clearly marked. On the road....... Someone once said that when you are about to hit the wall pull the fire system. Ya right! Like I'm gonna remember that.

This is really one of those things that have no really good outcome except the fire system you install in the car will give you 5-10 sec or so to get the hell out of there.

Should you have a engine room fire it will of course save your car for you.

Put a fire system in your car reguardless of where you get it. 300-350 bucks is nothing compaired to standing on the side of the road and watching your car burn to the pavement.

My 5 pound system has one valve up under the dash pointed at the drivers chest and another in the engine room pointed at the top of the engine.

I hope I never use it.

I think it is cool to try and help other people.
On a completely different note, Halon for Fire Systems has relating to building fire systems has been subject to legislation for a number of years and the use and supply is restricted (I think you can not get it recharged) due to its ozone depleting nature, which is why you see either CO2 or FM200 now.

Please check on the physical implications of setting Halon off is a confined space, as it is an oxygen replacement gas.
