The Ashes 2010

We had considerable glory for some time. It is now England's turn; well done, lads. Hope we can keep the remaining tests at least interesting.
I am so happy :) Although I cant believe the rest of series will be so one-sided ............ can it? Please? Im asking nicely :)

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
AFP <!-- // .caption --><!-- // .tabs .js-tabbed --><!-- // .article-media -->
<!-- google_ad_section_start(name=story_introduction, weight=high) -->The desperation for Shane Warne to become Australia's Ashes saviour has reached fever pitch with a group of Queensland businessmen reportedly offering the King of Spin $1 million to make himself available for selection. <!-- google_ad_section_end(name=story_introduction) -->

<!-- // .story-intro --><!-- google_ad_section_start(name=story_body, weight=high) -->The audacious bid came as Australian coach Tim Nielsen revealed selectors could today discuss a Warne comeback for the Sydney Test.
Nielsen understands the public clamour for Warne to return - particularly if Australia and England are locked at 1-1 entering the final Test.
"He only has three weeks," Nielsen said of Warne.
"I don't know where he is at with it or if he has talked about it. I haven't spoken to the selectors, they are meeting (today) and will have a pretty clear idea of where they are going then."
A Bring Back Warne website is taking pledges from members of the public to produce a fighting fund to entice the 41-year-old back. The group of Queensland businessmen are prepared to line Warne's pockets even further if he rescues Australia.
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Nielsen said Warne must quickly decide whether to make a sensational comeback.
"Warnie hasn't got a lot of time. He has been working hard in the commentary box so it might be a bit hard for him to jump out to the middle. If we had to bowl for 150 overs he might feel the heat a bit.
"Warnie has been four years out of international cricket and only played Twenty20 cricket. There is a vast difference in that sort of format compared to what Test cricket asks of you.
"I think when you have bad games people will always look for answers, go back to look at the greats of the past."
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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Seems that Shane has some choices to make.
1. To play for Australia in Perth.
2. To commentate on how badly Australia will play without him in the side.
3. To play with Liz Hurley.

Theres no argument. Its number 3 everytime.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Seems that Shane has some choices to make.
1. To play for Australia in Perth.
2. To commentate on how badly Australia will play without him in the side.
3. To play with Liz Hurley.

Theres no argument. Its number 3 everytime.

Fully agree David, but don't rule him out yet! It wouldn't be the first time Warnie has spent all night shagging some Pommie Sheila and taken five for the next day.:laugh: