The Ashes.


Your team didn't seem to do very well did they David?

Or was the giant loss strategic in some way?

Anyhow cobber mate, fair dinkum, drag up a slab and toast the winning team!

Oi oi oi... :)


Wow! What have I been missing?

Teletubbies? Hahahaha

Not only sledging, but the whole dog team too! :laugh:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
England has Australia on the ropes: England's strategic plan formulated by a well known ex pilot and notable weatherman to lull Australia into a false sense of security was played out brilliantly by England yesterday in Adelaide.
Dropped catches, no balls and crap bowling was all part of our sandbagging strategic plan said Mr Morton as he sipped a celebratory glass of champers. Our remarkable strategy was even more brilliantly played when we lost our first wicket for only nine runs.
Yes we definitely have Australia where we want them, well played chaps Mr Morton was quoted as saying.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
More devious sand bagging by England:
David Morton well known Bon Vivant and sometime strategy coach was heard to comment before reaching for the chilled Moët. " it was part of our strategic plan to allow that Watson Colonial chappie to get seven for". " He poor chap has been known to wilt under the spotlight of fame." "Why even now he is probably imbibing to excess in that horrible brew the Orrstalians call beer and thinking of shagging one of our Lassies that we have planted nearby to help wear him out".
" Also the Orrstralian captain with the silly nickname walked right into our trap when he didn't enforce the follow on, our chaps needed another day in the field to help them get fit for Perth."
"Be a good fellow old chap and pass the champers."

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter

Of course in my #36 post I meant Johnston not Watson, my error my apologies.

We are off to the W.A.C.A. To see if the master strategic plan comes to fruition.
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