A noble attempt

Economic Alternative

The above link will make some laugh and make some cry (I know I did) but to others perhaps will represent a viable means to get into the "GT-40 World"......well at least as much as a Pontiac Donor allows.
stand back 50 feet and squint real hard, never will be able to tell the difference.
I think I love it. Anyone want to by a partially started RF. Wait a minute what am I thinking- Man I gotta stop drinking this whiskey before somthing bad happens.
Looks like a good "winter car" for when the GT has to hibernate due to corrosive materials on the highways. A mini-GT with no testosterone. Hey, maybe I'll get an extra body and bolt it down to a 4x4. 4 wheel drive GT40.

I may have forgotten to take my medicine.
I'm sorry guys, I just can't throw any rocks .
Personally I think it is an Economical Alternative. I don't think it looks that bad.
Besides they do sell Northstar V8 kits that fit a fiero chassis. I saw one in a Lambo kit and it went like stink.
I'm sure there are a few guys on this forum who may have one of these. I feel bad that they have to read this post and feel somewhat excluded. It isn't a real GT40 but niether is mine. His expression in cars is just as valid as mine.

Sorry but that's just my two cents worth.

Sure why bother discerning between the great original and a poor knock off that handles like a Fiero. We're talking Chevette parts bin here folks. So have pity on the lowest common denominator and ignore why the original car was so great to begin with. To hell with the elitist pricks. We don't need no stinkin' anti-dive geometry.

"You shouldn't try to excell so much. You make people who can't excell feel bad" Carlos Ronquillo

Ron Earp

I agree with you folks, but looking at that page with turnkey's at $26,000 makes me wonder. There are GTDs in the UK for $31,000 - I think the price difference of 5k is money well spent! One sort of looks like a GT40, the other looks like one and performs like one.


At the GT40 reuion at the Glen in '89 George "Mr. I got all the high dollar cars" Stauffer had a Fiero Mk II there he was showing.

Hell, he owns the '66 LeMans winner, if he has that good a sense of humor, shouldn't we?


Saw the "new" GT 40 this weekend as part of ther "living Legends" Ford tour. Neat, if I hadn't had P1116 in my garage (stored for friend, hell I don't have that kind of cash) I would not have noticed how much larger it is. Still, if two years ago you would have told me "Project Petunia" was a new GT40 AND THAT it would get built for production I would have asked for toke on whatever you were smokin'
Ya, Mark IV. A sense of humor is just about the way I was looking at it. A neat and unique item but never would I think it was gonna be like the real thing. For the extra $5K and $5K for shipping I'd surely opt for the used GTD. Now if I had a GTD and the extra cash it would be a neat oddity to own. A little mini GT. I could race against a Europa and lose.

Mark (I'm just so cruel)