American Ambassador killed in Libya

And don't spend trillions developing solar energy tech for when the oil runs out. The sun is also something the ME has plenty of. Let the West focus instead on water power! That'll screw the b'stards!


To The New Consevative Doug

Now, I think we ought to just abandon them...let them use what might they have for the benefit of the world.

Yes My thoughts exactly

At the risk of sounding like an isolationist.

You wouldn't be. We are all in this together...but just get your man to stand 4 square behind us on the Falkland Islands, little things like that. After all, our troops are also dying out there on a Foreign Field in support of the USA. Quid pro quo mate..

There's a fine line to be drawn, though...I sympathize with the friends and families of 6 Sikh (I bet I misspelled that one!) worshipers who were murdered by an American skinhead just because they wore turbans to their mosque to worship.

Well said...

The day of the "melting pot" is over, in my eyes....don't want the rest of the world bringing their hate here, we seem to have enough to go around among ourselves....sadly :sad: .

Agreed, we must put our own houses in order. From a distance, we are hypocrites.

Abandon them to their own devices....let them have their oil, I can learn to live without it...put up a wall to keep them out...give them not a penny of aid...even if we do all those things, they will find a way, honestly, to foment their hate and will attempt to injure and kill us who have a different lifestyle.'s just what they do, let them hate among themselves and leave us alone....but, to do that, we have to leave them alone.....:thumbsup:


You ARE becoming a Consevative (Please note the accepted forum spelling of same)
You see guys? Though we frequenters of the rant zone often disagree, it is for times like this that I get great satisfaction from participating with you all.
America is no longer a "melting pot". Immigrants no longer want to blend into and become part of our country, they want their country in our country, their language, their country of origin customs and holidays. We have some of the most relaxed immigration requirements in the world. Mexico's requirements are far stricter. Why would one want to immigrate to the US if they want it to be the same as their country of origin? My guess is all the benefits that are available and easy to obtain.
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Peter FitzSimons puts things in perspective on the nutter Islamists who think it is ok to cause violence and mayhem over a stupid Youtube video.

HAVE we Sydney-siders got this straight?
Because on the other side of the Pacific, somewhere in California, some loser has thrown together some kind of amateur internet video insulting your particular god, you think it justifiable to:
• Take over the Sydney CBD.
• Cause willful damage to property.
• Throw rocks at police officers who are doing nothing more than their duty.
• Hold up such ludicrous signs as “Behead all those who insult the prophet.”
We have to ask: Do you have the first clue as to the ramifications of your actions? Do you not understand that the net result of such irresponsible, appalling action is to give ample fuel to every racist in the country to reinforce every bad stereotype they have ever had of you, and that will affect badly the hundreds of thousands of other peaceful and law-abiding Islamic Australians?
Get this straight, and quickly: some of you may be from countries where this kind of thing is acceptable. But it is NOT acceptable in this country.
In this country you are free to worship whatever god you damn well please. Others are free to worship their gods.
And I am free to say it is all nonsense over imaginary friends.
But you are not free to create the mayhem you did yesterday, simply because you don’t like a freaking video!
Racists have said for years, “If you don’t like the way we do things here, go back to where you came from.” The net result of your actions yesterday is that – for those people specifically disgracing themselves in the CBD yesterday, not the vast bulk of Islamic Australians – much of the country now feels the same.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
He should get rid of his advisors and go talk to the troops on the front line. What a dickead. Reminds me of the shit pollies came out with during Vietnam.
I think that our good friend Mr. Morton has it right. Turn the region to glass. We could even then erect giant refectors to catch the solar energy reflected from the surface and live in peace with ample power for the rest of enternity.

Oh well. One can dream.

Jim Rosenthal

Panetta is dreaming, he's a delusional idiot. This isn't the Taliban's last gasp by any means. It's a sign of their increasing power- AND the fact that Afghanis, understanding that the Taliban are going to inherit the country once we leave and are consolidating power, are cooperating with the Taliban. The first thing the Taliban are going to do once we're out of there is get their hands on Karzai and publicly cut his head off. Literally. No great loss, mind you. Calling him a two-faced bastard is an insult to two-faced bastards everywhere- he's got at least eight or ten faces.... he sold us out countless times. At least the Taliban publicly state they are our enemies. Karzai does it behind our backs.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
We have to ask: Do you have the first clue as to the ramifications of your actions? Do you not understand that the net result of such irresponsible, appalling action is to give ample fuel to every racist in the country to reinforce every bad stereotype they have ever had of you, and that will affect badly the hundreds of thousands of other peaceful and law-abiding Islamic Australians?

I don't think they WERE thinking, Pete, I think they were feeling.

Their religious fervor is equal to ours, that is just the human condition, but in their world the country is ruled by religiously oriented leaders and the laws require adherence to the only religion recognized by their government. Jihad is an honorable reaction to slurs to their god or their religion....and to die as a Jihadist ensures eternal bliss in whatever heaven in which they believe. They die happily...:stunned:

Remember Salman Rushdie? Just recently the "reward" for his death was reportedly raised....after more than 20 years since he published the offending book?

Yet, in their fervor, they fail to recognize that they offend our sensibilities with their revengeful efforts just as we do theirs with our (often unintentional) acts which ridicule their god, their religion, their fervor. They are so egocentric, so tied up in angst over their ONLY hope for salvation being ridiculed, that their feelings rule.

They are not rational human would do what they do if they were, IMHO.

How long before our U.S. government gets enough and starts revoking visas, sending home the offending parties as well as the innocent. We interred American citizens of Japanese descent during WWII, an act that was upheld by our court system, because they were percieved as a danger within our society. Can purging our country of the new danger within (whether right or wrong), many who are here on temporary permits, be far behind?

I, for one, hope not!!!!!



Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Just stop technology getting there.

No phones, no mobile phones, no internet, no computers

They never heard anything so will live their lives happily in ignorance.

So come on Apple, Samsung, Nokia etc do your bit and stop selling the technology.

Just stop technology getting there.

No phones, no mobile phones, no internet, no computers

They never heard anything so will live their lives happily in ignorance.

So come on Apple, Samsung, Nokia etc do your bit and stop selling the technology.


Not too far off the mark. These people who want everyone to live in the middle ages have no problem using modern technology when IT FITS THEIR NEEDS!

I actually Googled and watched the trailer. Anyone who takes this seriously probably is also waiting to the tooth fairy......
To be offended by this stupid slapstick video is rediculous. This is like Christians and Jews had they stormed British embassies in 1975 for MontyPython and the Holy Grail, a very funny film. The video is offensive because the Secretary of State, American Embassy in Egypt and PC people say it's offensive. This is where political correctness has taken us, saying a really stupid video is offensive. Dark ages people that can't laugh at themselves, WTF is this world coming to?


Just stop technology getting there.

No phones, no mobile phones, no internet, no computers

They never heard anything so will live their lives happily in ignorance.

So come on Apple, Samsung, Nokia etc do your bit and stop selling the technology.


Oh come on Ian, I think that's a bit harsh.. surely we could leave them a few drones couldn't we? :shifty:

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
To be offended by this stupid slapstick video is rediculous. This is like Christians and Jews had they stormed British embassies in 1975 for MontyPython and the Holy Grail, a very funny film. The video is offensive because the Secretary of State, American Embassy in Egypt and PC people say it's offensive. This is where political correctness has taken us, saying a really stupid video is offensive. Dark ages people that can't laugh at themselves, WTF is this world coming to?

Um, it was Life of Brian that parodied the life of Jesus. Holy Grail just made fun of people who thought a lake tart giving them a sword was a sound basis for governance.

It's not just Muslims who are offended by religious jokes though. I seem to recall one Jerry Falwell, being angered to the point of lawsuit! by one Larry Flint and a parody in Hustler:

Hustler Magazine v. Falwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The video is offensive. It's also 100% acceptable in the US because we have the 1st Amendment. Those two concepts are not mutually exclusive.