Answers On A Post Card "again"


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Your an impatient bugger aren't you? Let me go over the rules one more time. Go over to the blind to your right and count to ten. Meanwhile I'll go hide.
(He's got a gun on me....what to do?) (I saw in I dream of Genie where she touched the side of her nose and blinked twice, then dissappeared....maybe that will work.)


Lifetime Supporter
I'm thinking, maybe a smaller gun would be better for you. We wouldn't want you to fall over now, would we?
Okay Andrew Mums The Word I Promise Not To Tell Anybody That You Had Sex In The Back Of Your Ford Capri (please Dont Shoot Me)
From previous experience of Andrews marksmanship, the instructor carefully positioned himself into the one place he could be sure of that was in absolutely no danger of being shot.


The pea is lodged well up my right nostril. Now, if you'll just kindly blow my head off that should dislodge it so I can breath more freely.