"Call me Caitlyn?"

Jim Rosenthal

I don't know it for certain. As a physician, I strongly suspect it. As a man and GT40 enthusiast, I have NO intention of finding out for certain.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I'll bet I'm on the same side as Larry on this one, innit?

I think we both are :thumbsup:

It may surprise the two of you to know that Larry doesn't know which side he's on with regard to gender reassignment...apart from the fact that no matter WHO has made the decision to go thru it ought to keep it as private as humanly possible...'no small task in this day and age.

My whole gripe about/against/regarding the LGBT community is its all-out assault on traditional marriage, PERIOD. NO AMOUNT OF SPIN changes the fact that a gay union is NOT a marriage...either by definition OR according to centuries-old tradition. There's a logical, n-a-t-u-r-e - b-a-s-e-d reason behind that; conceiving CHILDREN. Gay's obviously cannot do that on their own. ('NOT gunna get into all the obfuscational "arguments" about adoption, or hetero divorce rates vs. gays who separate, etc., etc., etc. Those "arguments" are all red herrings. "Traditional marriage" reflects the NATURAL order of things. Anyone who denies the obvious biological reality of that is clearly delusional.)

Beyond the above, gay relationships just aren't something I spend any time thinking about. 'Too many other things have a faaar higher priority in my world...like a certain A990 'Hemi' I'm gunna take a look at in SoCal next week...rockonsmile :D

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
The winds of change, they are a'blowin', Larry!

I don't think it will be very long before traditional marriage is a thing of the past. In my area of the world most of the young adult generation is just cohabitating, which means they are not married, and an awful lot of babies are born out-of-wedlock. It wasn't so long ago that if a lady found herself "in a family way" out-of-wedlock she was shipped off to visit a long-lost relative (yeah....right!) until the child could be born and adopted out, at which time the lady could return home (without said child) without having to worry about sullying the reputation of her family. Obviously, these days things are WAAAAY different!

Back in the mid-1980's I worked at a high school in a very low socio-economic area of South Houston. Unwed mothers were so prevalent at that school that the school operated a nursery so the girls could continue their education. Cheerleader practice was particularly impressive...each of the cheerleaders brought their babies and they all ooh'ed and aah'ed over each other's children as they practiced.

As for being delusional...those determinations are made based on current diagnostic criterion....and given the manner in which our society has changed during my lifetime I doubt that anyone would think a lady who did not believe that traditional marriage is the NATURAL order of things would be considered delusional. I have a personal example...my daughter has been crazy for babies since she was about 2. She has worked for many families, first as a babysitter and then as a full time nanny. She is childless at this time (she's 31), but if she doesn't get the chance to be a mother in her lifetime it will, IMHO, be one of the greatest tragedies I can imagine. She will be a wonderful mother...she just isn't a good judge of character, I guess, b/c in the past she has always been attracted to losers. Fortunately she hasn't graced me with a grandchild fathered by Mr. Loser #1 to #10. I keep telling her she doesn't have to have a boyfriend to have a baby, and encouraging her to take advantage of the offerings at a sperm bank. IMHO that would be preferable to having a child with Mr. Loser #11, #12, or any other Mr. Loser.

When we're all old and gone, the world will be a very different place. Just think about how divorce has changed in our lifetimes. In my childhood, one of the members of the marriage had to have committed some inexcusable transgression...abandonment, infidelity, that sort of thing...now the courts are granting divorces for just "mutual incompatibility".

Change is inevitable, Larry.....change is good!!

Having said that, I find the manner in which our society is changing to be a bit undesirable, myself...with the possible exception of the obsession all of us car nuts have regarding hemis...wishing you the best of "unions" with the one you're going to meet in SoCal next week, and many years of bonded happiness to your both! Please name the first baby hemi after me (of course, it will be male!!).

Cheers from "YerDugliness"!! (I just added that last part so you'd know how to spell the baby hemi's name)


Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Kardashian was the family name of one of the attorneys who defended O. J. Simpson. He was the father of at least 4 girls, who have managed to parlay the family name into a cash cow because, apparently, large numbers of us Americans will worship anyone who makes themselves noteworthy for even the most minor reason.

I don't understand the fascination with this family, either...but Jenner managed to marry into the family, so apparently we must worship him/her, too.



To add to Doug's point, Ms Kardashian, is the stepdaughter of Mr/Ms Jenner and came to fame as a result of the release of a sex tape with her then boyfriend rapper Ray J.
She is also known for having an unusually large bottom. As a true indictment of our cultural decay, these items were parlayed into a reality TV series with no less than two spin off productions. Ms Kardashian has also released a number of "artistic" photos and her various hi jinx among the Hollywood trendsetters have facilitated her entry into a number of other commercial endeavors.
She is now married to the rapper Kanye West who finds himself in the position of having Bruce Jenner a.k.a. "Caitlyn" as his mother in law.
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Jim Rosenthal

And former father in law. Amazing.

It's asstonishing what you can parlay a big butt and no sense into, in terms of money. Insane.


Perhaps, but we tend to shrug these things off, at least for now, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that much of the world (including UK) is following US set trends in the 'reality' department and the main reason I gave my TV set away to someone I didn't like.

I'm quite proud to admit I have absolutely no idea about the Kardashians until I read it here. Please cease & desist..
Perhaps, but we tend to shrug these things off, at least for now, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that much of the world (including UK) is following US set trends in the 'reality' department and the main reason I gave my TV set away to someone I didn't like.

I'm quite proud to admit I have absolutely no idea about the Kardashians until I read it here. Please cease & desist..

Kin Wogg
