F1 in 2016


The tin foil hat brigade are out in force, with the popular theory that now that Max is the favoured no. 1 son at Red Bull, even though he crashed out earlier, Daniel's pit stop was deliberately botched so that Max can retain his Top Dog status. Not only that, the same brigade are saying that Ricciardo has now become the "Webber" of the team and that he might as well move on.

Is that a bit of a stretch for everyone? Well not to thousands of so-called F1 fans around the world it ain't...:stunned:

Personally I blame football fan mentality for this kind of crap - the same ones who reckon they haven't had a good F1 race unless they come away with their ears bleeding and all that nonsense.

The sooner they lose the really retarded chunk of their so-called fan base the better F1 will be..:furious:


Er yeah no Keith, I have to disagree with you. Even without the bad choice to go to intermediates instead of holding out for slicks as the new messiah did, the botched pit stop cost him the race. He entered the track only slightly behind, without the 10.5 second handicap he would have entered quite a way in front and I think the race would have continued in the same way things had been going all weekend. Things are very different if you are in front in F1, especially at Monaco.
Racing is always what ifs and buts though.

I hope it's obvious given past discussions that I don't blindly follow a driver/rider for patriotic reasons and I am not particularly a fan of anyone in F1 these days..

I have found myself disliking Hamilton more and more as the cross Atlantic influence takes hold on him but I think he drove a good race and the one close call he had with his smiliness was close but fair enough IMO. Did he earn it - I guess, but not as dramatically as he seemed to be trying to convince everyone post race.

As for the harden up comment - maybe, but the team cost him wins twice in a row, and he is obviously putting in a big effort so I am ok with his (comparatively mild) behavior.
I think he did a great job in interviews after it happened - especially compared to kanye lite in his pre race interviews...


Pete & Tim. These were the actual numbers. It was a lot closer than you think due to Daniels amazing out lap..All in all, taking the out and in laps into consideration, Daniel lost 7 seconds cumulatively to Hamilton, not 6. My apologies.

Hamilton’s in-lap, including the stop, was a 1:49.843, followed by a 1:41.829 out-lap when he couldn’t get the tyres working – went into the 1:30s after that.

Ricciardo’s in-lap was 1:56.435… so the delay only cost him around seven seconds to Hamilton… but he got his tyres working straight away and his out-lap was a 1:33.994 (by far the quickest of anyone who switched to slicks around that time – only Perez, Vettel and Alonso did out-laps within 2.5 seconds of that).

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
The tin foil hat brigade are out in force, with the popular theory that now that Max is the favoured no. 1 son at Red Bull, even though he crashed out earlier, Daniel's pit stop was deliberately botched so that Max can retain his Top Dog status. Not only that, the same brigade are saying that Ricciardo has now become the "Webber" of the team and that he might as well move on.

Is that a bit of a stretch for everyone? Well not to thousands of so-called F1 fans around the world it ain't...:stunned:

Personally I blame football fan mentality for this kind of crap - the same ones who reckon they haven't had a good F1 race unless they come away with their ears bleeding and all that nonsense.

The sooner they lose the really retarded chunk of their so-called fan base the better F1 will be..:furious:

I don't believe in any of the conspiracy theories other than it was a complete fuck up, and Marko publicly apologised to Dan after the race, which I thought was quite gracious. The absence of Christian Horner post race was significant as normally he is a media tart. Btw Keith if you want to see football crowds, we call them Bogans go to a V8SC race.


Yes i've heard that Pete. An Aussie friend who worked in my local pub was a keen V8SC fan but after one notorious Bathurst where he camped out on the Mountain, he was appalled to see some "bogans" actually throwing plastic bags on track, trying to get them into the rad intakes of the race cars! He never went again. It was the time when Craig Lowndes drove the Green Eyed Monster. Guess Holden fans hadn't forgiven him or switching to Ford and I think those buggers actually nailed him one year!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I think the cops have it relatively under control now, for instance fans are allowed only one slab of beer per day now. That's only 24 cans,not even a drink.:laugh::shocked:

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
For such a reputation as a boring race, Monaco never seems to disappoint for drama.

I'm a Lewis fan but Ricciardo was faster in all aspects Sunday. You don't get many chances to win there since you basically have to win pole, and he lost one he should have had. I found his frustration to be honest.

Ricciardo, Hamilton and Vettel are the three best out there these days and are/should be the No. 1s at their respective teams. If I were Red Bull I'd be very careful about losing that kind of talent. They no longer have the car where they can put in a good but not great driver and win races.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
NR moved out of the way as soon as the team told him to, which I thought was very gracious, not many drivers in a similar situation would have done the same.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Time for some re branding.


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Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
NR moved out of the way as soon as the team told him to, which I thought was very gracious, not many drivers in a similar situation would have done the same.

True, but the chance at a team victory was obviously not going to happen with the two Mercedes stacked up and loosing ground quickly. I was surprised they waited that long, considering the gap rate.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
F1.com had a pretty good summary from Toto Wolf on that I think.

Nico just couldn't get heat into the tires and thus was 4-5 (it was a crazy number) seconds a lap slower than Hamilton. Mercedes saw that, told Nico and gave him a couple laps to get up to speed and then said move over. And he did.

I really don't like Nico but that was a class move.


Interesting quallie in Montreal. Ferrari & Red Bull taking it to Mercedes. Pole lap of 1:12.812 beats JPM 2002 pole record while Ruben's 2004 lap record of 1:13 odd looks in great danger...

The Wall of Champions claims more victims!

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Hammy pulls it out, but yeah, it's close. Hammy-Neeko-Vettel-Ric all within a few tenths.

Should be a great race,t hat track allows passing.

Also, news this week was Redbull paid Ric his $1 mil winners bonus for Monaco. Class act that.

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
So...I recorded the F1 race so that I could watch it when I got back home from TMS (watching the Firestone 600 Indycar race in Fort Worth). Never got to watch the race because of the sissified Indycar series that won't run a wet, or even an intermediate tire. So, back to my rant...seems the F1 recording was preempted for the Orlando shooting coverage, and then when I went to record the next rerun (tonight), golf, and then wresting preempted it. This was a horrible weekend for for me in my attempt to watch some open-wheeled racing.
I would have personally beat the POS Orlando shooter to death for causing the pre-emption! Not to minimalize the tragedy, but I actually had two hours to watch the race. Oh, well I caught up with some yard work instead.

From what I know it seems RB and Fazzaz are coming right and taking it to Mercedes. I would love to see real racing between the three in lieu of pit strategy and "driver coaching".................
Well there is always next weekend with the LeMans race starting 0830 hrs Saturday, and some race 9 time zones away from the Canada race. Really who wants to go to Abrakadabra? NBC did show laps 68-70....must of had time to fill between the updates. I did get many little task finished and worked on the '32 Buick some.
I got lucky and found it by switching to a Spanish network. In some ways better coverage as the US version shows WAAAAY too many adverts. The Spanish coverage had less interruptions for the short time I watched but I don't speak Spanish so I was then able to locate the F1 race on the other NBC affiliate NBC switched it to. For those who missed it....what a start by SV....the Mercedes boys looked like they were in reverse!

Another possible tire strategy mistake by Ferrari though?
Of course after it was over and my wife was tired of listening to me bitch, she reminded me we live ON THE BORDER OF CANADA and it was on Canadian TV!!!
