Introduction ☺️

Hi I'm Matt,

New to the scene but have been dreaming about building a GT-40 for as long as I can remember, I'm hopefully going to begin my journey within the next year but for now I'm planning on just learning as much as I can. I'm based in Derbyshire so any local owners who wouldn't mind me poking my nose around your cars for clues, I'd love to chat.

In the meantime can anyone shed any light on this car (if I manage to attach the photo correctly) stumbled across the photo on Pinterest and think the colour scheme is gorgeous, any more pictures from different angles would be great I can only find this one...


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Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Welcome to GT40S Matt. You would be wise to join one of the local enthusiasts clubs over there. Go to a couple of meetings and I’m sure someone will help you out. Someone will chime in here from that side of the pond soon. Enjoy the forum.

Regards Brian
Welcome to GT40S Matt. You would be wise to join one of the local enthusiasts clubs over there. Go to a couple of meetings and I’m sure someone will help you out. Someone will chime in here from that side of the pond soon. Enjoy the forum.

Regards Brian
Thanks Brian!

Joined the enthusiasts club, definitely going to drag myself to as many events as possible.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Welcome to the forum.

you are not that far from Tornado so I would suggest you make an appointment with Andy and take along a clipboard and any questions you have…..Andy will tell you how it is.

Welcome to the forum.

you are not that far from Tornado so I would suggest you make an appointment with Andy and take along a clipboard and any questions you have…..Andy will tell you how it is.

Spoke with Andy briefly over email and will be arranging a visit soon

Mike Pass

Hi Matt,
The Enthusiasts Club have a group in the North West. We have a meeting on the first Wednesday of the month 7.30 ish. We meet at the Egerton Arms in Chelford SK11 9BB.
You will be most welcome to join us. We have about 15 cars on the road in the NW and about 4 in build. Many different tyoes of cars and a lot of knowledge and expertise to tap into.
I don't know where you are in Derbyshire but there will be a NW member within range of your location. Drop me a PM through this forum if you want more info on the NW group or just general GT40 stuff.