Isis jihadists 'seize Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons stockpile'

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
If the USA stood by their promises to the Kurds after tha last debacle, ISIS would not exist. I say arm the Kurds and back them up to the hilt and watch how they do it. No prisoners. Protect your embassy with enough marines to either keep it going or withdraw in safety .
As things stand right now I see a bad moon rising. 300 advisors going in (fact) then another 600 (my guess ) followed by thousands more. These guys did not sign up to see their lives squandered by a bunch of stupid ragheads.
And look what happened when the US assisted the Taliban back in the eighties, not best mates now are they ? I dont know the answer and the truth is there probably isn`t one.

Bomb ISIS out of existence now before they gain any more strength and this shit fight goes any longer,we have seen this kind of thing happen before when no one acted,and no one in the civilized world liked what we saw....

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Well as far as I'm concerned let them keep killing each other, the world is a better place without religious zealots of any persuasion.

Mike Pass

WOW. This is amazing! So......Tony Blair was right about wmd!

Anyway here's a quick solution. These ISIS guys are Sunnis so let's give the Shias a load of weapons, wmd or worse. These people have been killing each other for centuries. I suppose there is some difference but I for one can't see what it is.

WOW. This is amazing! So......Tony Blair was right about wmd!

Anyway here's a quick solution. These ISIS guys are Sunnis so let's give the Shias a load of weapons, wmd or worse. These people have been killing each other for centuries. I suppose there is some difference but I for one can't see what it is.


Do you think this will be politically correct? :)


If the USA stood by their promises to the Kurds after tha last debacle, ISIS would not exist. I say arm the Kurds and back them up to the hilt and watch how they do it. No prisoners. Protect your embassy with enough marines to either keep it going or withdraw in safety .
As things stand right now I see a bad moon rising. 300 advisors going in (fact) then another 600 (my guess ) followed by thousands more. These guys did not sign up to see their lives squandered by a bunch of stupid ragheads.

David, it's not just the Kurds we crapped on. We left the Sunnis that supported us in 2007 high and dry as well.

Consider the following:

-To your point- The Iranians are already advising the Iraqis, so why are we sending advisors? The Revolutionary Guards Force (Quds) and their Commanding General were reported there over a week ago.
- Also to your point- We now have mission creep: last week 275 Marines, this week 300 advisors. You cannot be successful with small commitment. That force really isn't enough to even protect itself and so more must follow or we admit failure - a lose-lose scenario. We are also asking for a kidnapping/hostage situation or another Benghazi but an order of magnitude higher.
-The Iraq we desired to create resides on Kurdish Iraq: pro-western, democratic (they were holding elections a decade before the Iraqis), from a geopolitical standpoint they are strategically located and they possess one of the largest oil reserves.
- Operationally, the wisest move we could make at this time is to arm the Kurds as we did the Iraqi Army ( they have extremely old equipment, both the US and Iraqi Governments refused to equip them). This would give us, if necessary, the option to have them attack ISIS from the north making ISIS fight a two-front war which they can't win.
-Insure the survival of the Kurdish Region and if necessary, declare them a protectorate, which takes the argument of a separate nation off of the table (we could even propose to do it jointly with Turkey which is even better).
- The Arab Iraq that we created became an ally and political instrument of Iran, not the United States. If we put it back together, it will be the same.
- Iran has only two Arab allies: Syria and Iraq (Assad and Malaki). Iran will go to any length to retain them.
-If you think about it, the ISIS crisis in Iraq is by an order of magnitude, a greater problem for Shia Iran than it is for the US.
- For once do some forward planning to ensure that we have enough support for Jordan to stop ISIS/Al Qaida. Because they will be the next target.


Lifetime Supporter
Ya know drilling through a couple of inches of glass isn't to hard, we can wait a hundred years for the area to cool down.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Thanks Pat,

But with Obama it will never happen. Again, I see that bad moon rising and it will explode in all directions - affecting both you and me.
Stockpiling Petrol? You've not seen anything yet.

Jim Rosenthal

The Shias AND the Sunnis already have plenty of weapons from us. I don't vote for giving them any more.

As a matter of fact, this seems another lesson (not that we'll learn from it) in the impossibility of nation-building. If we wanted to kill Saddam, we shouldn't have invaded their country to do it. Now, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars later, they are at each others' throats again. And Mr. Dudley Do-Right Kerry has just announced that we are going to partner with the latest Egyptian dictator, General al-Sisi, and give them 1.5 billion dollars worth of aid. What a crock of shit, announced by a board-certified shithead.

I'm sorry if they all want to tear each other to pieces, but why does anyone think we can have any effect on any of this? Show me one instance in which any of this has ever worked. Please. Why is it OUR fight? Why don't we just close our embassy and fuck it?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Very well stated, Doc. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

'Wish I could fully - rather than mostly agree with it...but, there's that sticky lil' oil thingie...

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Its not your fight and nor is it ours. However, the total airheads we call
politicians will make sure it will be. That's what they do, and they will not miss this new bunfight to mark their names into the history books.
As things stand, arming the Kurds would be to little and far too late. Its either many, many more boots on the ground or withdraw now before lots of yours, and as I see it our boys come home in a box.
Just one soldier would be far too many.
ISIS has taken control of the west of the country and are already driving through Fallujah unopposed. If you remember the joint operation to defend Fallujah in 2004, it saw some of the fiercest fighting since Hue in Vietnam and now its fallen to ISIS. This means they control the main road to the border to the west. ( a double edged sword actually as they can be easily sorted by UAV if they use the road.)
Its going to deteriorate - have no doubt about it - so once again make your feelings known to your respective politicians and tell them this war is not your war and the soldiers being sent there are not going in your name. Obama and Cameron are shitting themselves.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
YEP! Says it all.


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