Israel and Gaza?

Jim Rosenthal

"The well-worn definition of insanity: trying the same tactic over and over and expecting a different result."

I can't think of a better definition of insanity than the current Israel/Hamas idiocy. I understand why they're all so pissed off- murdering children does elicit that response. I also understand that a few really bloodthirsty players on both sides are manipulating everyone else- on both sides.

I hope I live long enough to see peace in the Middle East. But I'm 62 and I think the odds are against me. The best description, by the way, of the way that the Palestinians' various governments (if you want to call them that) does business is the one Tom Friedman wrote years ago: The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

If this is also quoted above, I apologize. It's made the rounds.

Charlie Farley

"The well-worn definition of insanity: trying the same tactic over and over and expecting a different result."
"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

I think those statements could be equally applied to the interested arab and jewish communities, worldwide.

Too many interested parties to have a final settlement. Continually stirring the pot.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
All I can say with regard to this subject is I've read The Book on the subject and therefore 'know what the final outcome will be...;)
What I cant for the life of me figure out is how such a small majority can cause so much havoc, where dose this Hamas mob get their weapons from, as there seems to be a never ending supply, and who's paying for them, as if I recall they don't come all that cheap,
Now the impossible, why not spend all that ammunition money on the people of the Gaza strip, and then every one would have a house, a job, and be able to frolic on one of the best beaches in the Mediterranean, what's so bad about that.


Jim Rosenthal

You're having a logic attack, as my Navy friends would say.

The people spending all that money are not interested in peace and a house and a job for everyone. They are interested in fomenting war between their proxies and Israel and they are doing a damn good job of accomplishing exactly that.

My understanding is that Hamas are supported by Iran and Hezbollah. That's from what I read in the news; I don't have any special information.

I think even the youngest person on this forum, or their grandchildren, will not see Middle East peace in their lifetimes. They just don't seem to be made that way. Where else would you hear someone say "the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" How could there ever be peace among people who think like that? For sheer backstabbing intrigue, nothing equals the Middle East.

The situation will never change, as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps the biggest mistake of all is that the rest of the world keeps paying attention to this continual crisis, thereby encouraging the respective actors to keep misbehaving. It's sort of like the Islamic criminal kleptocracy in Nigeria, Boku Haram- when they got all that attention for kidnaping all those school girls, what did they do? They committed mass murder and more kidnapings, figuring that as long as they were in the public eye, they should take advantage of it. Perhaps paying attention to all this misbehavior is the wrong thing to do, not the right one. After all, it isn't as if anything we do makes a difference. Does it?
What I cant for the life of me figure out is how such a small majority can cause so much havoc, where dose this Hamas mob get their weapons from, as there seems to be a never ending supply, and who's paying for them, as if I recall they don't come all that cheap,
Now the impossible, why not spend all that ammunition money on the people of the Gaza strip, and then every one would have a house, a job, and be able to frolic on one of the best beaches in the Mediterranean, what's so bad about that.


Who would there be to poke the Israelis with a stick? The Palestinians are the chosen people, chosen to fuck with the Israelis at the cost of their own people.

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
What I cant for the life of me figure out is how such a small majority can cause so much havoc, where dose this Hamas mob get their weapons from, as there seems to be a never ending supply, and who's paying for them, as if I recall they don't come all that cheap,
Now the impossible, why not spend all that ammunition money on the people of the Gaza strip, and then every one would have a house, a job, and be able to frolic on one of the best beaches in the Mediterranean, what's so bad about that.


Am I missing something here? Even if money was spent as noted above, is that the simple solution to stem Israel's consistent and never-ending settlement encroachment? It seems everybody is focused on Hamas' response, and no thought as to what Hamas is responding to in the first place. If Israel continues it's current practice, there eventually won't be a Gaza strip for a Palestinian to own a home, or job, or to frolic within (and I certainly enjoy frolicking).

Jim Rosenthal

I agree. The Israelis have behaved in an arrogant and wicked fashion. In point of fact, they frequently emulate those countries they most despise, who historically have abused the Jewish people in the most egregious fashion.
Am I missing something here? Even if money was spent as noted above, is that the simple solution to stem Israel's consistent and never-ending settlement encroachment? It seems everybody is focused on Hamas' response, and no thought as to what Hamas is responding to in the first place. If Israel continues it's current practice, there eventually won't be a Gaza strip for a Palestinian to own a home, or job, or to frolic within (and I certainly enjoy frolicking).

Yes you are missing something, the Egyptians lost the Gaza strip to Israeli in 1967. Over time it has been given back. The Israelis are not encroaching, it was land won through a war started by the Arabs and finished by the Israelis in 1967. If you want to play with the big boys you accept the consequences. I believe it's called spoils of war. Stop whining, get your facts straight. If the Arab world left Israel alone on their piss ant strip of land, there would be peace.

Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The shoreline on the Gaza strip is 42Km long. Can you imagine the money that could be made if they took the money they are using to attack Israel and built waterfront resorts?
Seems like a no brainer, but no adrenalin rush of impending death and no 72 virgins. Never could see the attraction of 72 women that don't know squats about sex. And nothing for Libs to whine about.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Seems like a no brainer, but no adrenalin rush of impending death and no 72 virgins. Never could see the attraction of 72 women that don't know squats about sex. And nothing for Libs to whine about. Jeff Dunham has pointed out many times in his act...where is it written that those 72 virgins are women???

:shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:
Hey Gents.

I saw this string and thought to give my 2 cents.

Whether it is religion, oil, economics, or whatever, we will never run out of excuses to kill each other. The simple reason.... because humans like it! We like conflict and thrive on what it brings. We are at the top of the food chain. There is nothing left but each other. Yes, some have more of a stomach for it than others. But, there is always someone doing it and they always have some reason.

Peace is a fools errand. Most of us spend 1/2 our time "at war" with our wives over our toys, so what makes anyone think peace can be accomplished world wide?
Am I missing something here? Even if money was spent as noted above, is that the simple solution to stem Israel's consistent and never-ending settlement encroachment? It seems everybody is focused on Hamas' response, and no thought as to what Hamas is responding to in the first place. If Israel continues it's current practice, there eventually won't be a Gaza strip for a Palestinian to own a home, or job, or to frolic within (and I certainly enjoy frolicking).


You are not missing anything in my or it would appear Jews for justice in the Middle East opinion.

By Jews for Justice in the Middle East

As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational “terrorists” who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes — on both sides — inevitably follow from this original injustice.

At least 1,111 Israelis and 7,092 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000

on Children
131 Israeli children and 1,562 Palestinian children

You are not missing anything in my or it would appear Jews for justice in the Middle East opinion.

By Jews for Justice in the Middle East

As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational “terrorists” who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes — on both sides — inevitably follow from this original injustice.

At least 1,111 Israelis and 7,092 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000

on Children
131 Israeli children and 1,562 Palestinian children

Just by the numbers you've shown, you would think anyone of average intelligence would have figured out long ago that it's not too bright to attack the Israelis.

Jim Rosenthal

Average intelligence being the operative word, here.

And below-average intelligence being the actual state of affairs.

Whoever killed those three boys must have known what a fire they were going to light. Fuckers.