Jokes anyone? -

It’s been a while but great to see this thread still delivering.. nothing to add currently but this made me chuckle.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter

The above cartoon triggered the memory of a story my Dad told me years ago. It's supposedly true:

As the story goes, when I was about 4-years old I was in a park with my Dad watching some of his friends fly their model planes (tether-controlled...we be talkin' 1948 or so, guys ;)) when the one being flown at the time sputtered, obviously ran out of fuel and glided to a to a controlled stop on the grass...whereupon my Dad told me I had confidently proclaimed, "Put more gas in the 'carbanator'."

Reportedly that stunned a few people...including my Dad! (Where / how I came up with that diagnosis I have no idea. 'Must have heard it used in a similar context somewhere?)