McLaren M8 B look alike

Russ Noble

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Who needs a private track?

If you're interested in motorsport, apart from the fact that it's on the wrong side of the world, NZ is not a bad place to be. My local club track, Ruapuna Raceway, which is a professionally run, internationally graded FIA track 3.3km long, is only 20 minutes across town from where I live. I can test on that all day for ninety dollars. Entry fees for club race days have just gone up from fifty to seventy dollars for the day, and for the international SFOS three day race meetings about $250 per meeting. So whether we're racing or just testing $70 - $90 per day.

That's good Russell. The closes track to me is Mossport. Test day starts May 9 2008. I of course would have to attend a driving school to get my race licence. This track is about 20 mins from home. Here is the link for the Ontario Chapter CASC Ontario - Home check the rates you have a pretty good deal and longer access times to the track. I building a road car so my spring rates will be softer and if it does go to the track I will be a spectator.
Russ, when I started this project, and had to order the shocks and springs in from the UK, the only thing I knew about frequency was the local radio station!!.or how often the pay cheque arrived. Seriously though the well know local who worked it all out did go on about wheel motion ratio etc but it was all lost on me. In answer to Davids question about specs. I started with a 1/18th scale model and a large bucket of passion.
The springs that we arrived at were 300lb front and 350lb rear.

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter

I wouldn't think those springs would be too far away from what you want. As I said, worry about it later if you find there's a problem.
I did a spreadsheet for calculation of suspension travel and spring rate, from first principles, as described by Allan Staniforth.

If anybody wants it email me, I can send it to you.

Email address is

fballinger at


Fred WB
Russell k
That sounds a bit better. You and Russ N should get it figured out. I would also like a copy of your chart Fred. Russell K you will notice that on all the race car sites there are alot used springs for sale with high rates. Tuning is a tricky buisiness even for the most experienced, I find this a good learning experience.
Well this is about it for looks now, we have had the car at a Classic Car Show today and it has attracted a lot of interest by people who can remember the CANAM era. The next big thing now is to get that motor built and back in the car.


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Look's good Russell. The overhead shot is the money shot. I saw some M1B/C molds advertised not far from me. Want to build it an older brother.
No David. I have not been told but am fully aware that after its running I will `need` a break from building. So its paint the house and a few other delayed jobs for a while officially.
I hear you Russell. I 'm a full time domestic engineer now that I have retired. Never retire before your wife. I hope you will keep up on the forums. I value your's and Russ N experience with scratch builds. The kits move a little faster on the builds. The car I'm building is hard to get info on. I will prevail.
Keep on fighting, guys.
I see the day coming when I myself will be grateful for any encouragement...

Russell, phantastic job, really admiring your work.

Just one question which has been on my mind whenever I follow your thread:
What are you going to do regarding the wheels?


Wait until I win lotto or meet some cool rich chick that my lovely wife will become good friends with... IN A NICE WAY. The funny thing is that at the car show nobody commented on the wheels, a Mclaren `expert` commented on it not being an M8B as it had no wing,(it was pretty obvious that it was not completed with only 2 carbs on show, the wiring loom was loose unconnected, no screen fiitted) and some one else said a sticker was in the wrong place. Many people got the car confused with the real thing. A set of 3 piece wheels is about $3500.00 NZ so there on the Christmas wish list.

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
You had a STICKER in the wrong place!

Jeez Russell, WTF were you thinking of???? Get it right man!!!!

FWIW I think those wheels set the car off nicely.:pepper:
Pity about the sticker though.;)boomsmile:lol::eek: