Odd Planes

Which English plane was it that, after the first flight, the test pilot commented "The cockpit of the __ is difficult to enter. It should be made impossible."

Ian Clark

Since Jeff mentioned it and Jim complimented, here's the Avro Arrow. 1959 all weather, multi-mach, interceptor-fighter. Many technologies and materials we take for granted today were made feasible by virtue of the Arrow. Although we Canuks like to claim the plane as our own, it really was the embodiment of more advanced design and equipment from around the free world than existed on any single flying aircraft at the time.

There are many elements of this aircraft that were 40 years ahead of existing warbirds, truly an amazing plane, the biggest shame is that the project was terminated under circumstances the government will still not disclose. Might be in the same folder as who killed J.F.K. and Marilyn Monroe...

Wikipedia has some basic info, Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia we'll need Wikileaks for the rest:)



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I saw your native son Dan Akroyd in the movie some years ago. Were it not for politics and big money, the Arrow would be well remembered as a first line aircraft!

Ian Clark

Hi Rick, Thanks for that, here's a link ADA-Arrow Cancellation which delves into some of the advanced technologies in the Arrow, both domestic (Canadian) and international. There was a lot of big stakes gamesmanship going on then. How much have things changed if at all? Another pic just for fun, isn't she beautiful! Cheers


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Rick , Ian,

Fly by wire. Weapons Pods. Radical new engine design and fast. AVRoe Canada was the place to be if you were an Engineer or AE. Destroyed almost everything when canceled. That was cold war era. Most Canadian talent left the country. Brits returned to Britan. Kiwi's to NZ. Americans back to McDD,Boeing. At least the Concord was a byproduct of the technolgy.

Ian Clark

Hi David,

Yeah that's true. The Orenda Iroquois engines met specifications Rolls Royce said couldn't be done. Of course after they took one apart, figured out how to make it they had engines for the Concord!

Outside of Canada or the aerospace industry, not many people knew about the CF105 Arrow. It's too bad we don't have a flying example today. Just standing beside the full scale model was enough for me to pay silly amounts for memorabilia and support the museum.

I also support the sole surviving airworthy Avro Vulcan bomber.

The Arrow benefitted from the Vulcan, every fighter aircraft after 1960 benefitted from the Arrow... ADA-Arrow Milestones-AVRO CF-105 ARROW


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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
your second photo in your post #23 looks like Downsview. If the Arrow had been developed, no doubt it would still be at the forefront in the fighter world. That and the TSR2 were just such beautiful designs.

My friend Debbie who was born here in Malton. Her Father was ex RAF Squ AE. Worked for AVRoe on the Arrow. When the project was canceled packed up and moved back to the UK and worked for BAC. He ended up buying a Hotel in Blackpool. I guess it was steady work.
German reconnaissance aircraft Blohm & Voss BV-141, nicknamed the "flying greenhouse":


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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
The ones that spring to mind were glowplug diesel driven and flew round and round on control lines. They were honed and specially toughened for combat with sharpened propellers desined to saw off the elevators of other similarly equipped machines. On a good day, I might go back home with the control line, a fuel tank and an engine. The rest was scrap.