Republicans, what is wrong with you?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
In that other thread, you concervatives said that the Wisconsin Democrates should do what they were elected to do, what the PEOPLE want. It appears that they are!

Wisconsin voters already have buyers remorse about electing Gov. Scott Walker (R).
In a PPP poll released Monday, a majority of registered Wisconsin voters say that in a hypothetical re-do of last year's gubernatorial election, they would vote for Democrat Tom Barrett, whom Walker defeated in November. That finding comes as Walker continues to stand firm on his budget proposals that would strip most state public employees of long-held collective bargaining rights.
Fifty-two percent of respondents said they would vote for Barrett if the election were held today, while 45% said they would vote for Walker. That's almost exactly the opposite of what happened in the election, when Walker won the governorship with 52% of the vote to Barrett's 47%.

The Conservatives just cant get anything correct!

Wednesday morning’s edition of Fox & Friends featured co-anchor Brian Kilmeade misreporting Gallup poll results by claiming that 61% of Wisconsonians favor restricting collective bargaining rights. Turns out that the actual poll says the opposite. Kilmeade later claimed it was an honest mistake, but regardless of the truth, it’s certain to give ammunition to those who agree with Wisconsin protesters who recently interrupted a live Fox News report from the state capital with shouts of “Fox Lies”.

What a bunch of liers, a fare and balanced look at Fox!
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More lies from the right!

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says President Barack Obama's childhood in Kenya shaped his world view -- despite the fact that Obama did not visit Kenya until he was in his 20s.
The potential Republican presidential candidate told New York radio station WOR that Obama was raised in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather.
Actually, Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961 to a mother from Kansas and a father from Kenya whom he would barely know. He spent his youth in Hawaii and Indonesia and did not visit his father's homeland until 1987, well after his father's death.

Huckabee is supposed to be a front runner for the Republican nomination for president. Either he is stupid, pays no attention to facts or he is a lier. Either way he makes a perfict concervative candidate!!!!

I know many of you would say he is stupid, but my vote is he is a LIER!!!

What a bunch of liers, a fair and balanced look at the right!
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Right On Jim!
On a related issue this smacks of busting unions to destroy their funding of political candidates. It is wrong when either unions or corporations fund candidates without member approval. If you are a corporate shareholder do you ever get a say when YOUR money goes to a political candidate or PAC? NO! Those decisions are made by the CEO or Board of Directors. Until recently shareholders couldn't even nominate Board members. Even now that option is limited. The Supreme Court ruling on this matter was extremely naiive. The CEO is not the corporation, although they think they are. Similarly unions should have membership approval for political contributions, but at least electing union leadership is more democratic than corporate leadership.
Jim, this issue of Republicans using untrue information and "stretching" the limits (I'm being generous here) is just more of the same, nothing new. Tom Delay, the Republican Speaker of the House under the previous Republican administration of Gee-Dub (and, whom I am ashamed to admit represented the same district in which I live), "bent the rules", "stretched the limits", whatever you want to call it, on using campaign funds so that the Republicans could force a redistricting plan to guarantee a Republican majority in the legislature. It worked, but he was finally convicted on the charges brought by the state attorney general in Austin, TX. He's appealing, and even the judge who handled the trial thinks that he may get the conviction set aside, if not overturned, by the conservative appeal court.

It just never ends....the Republicans are a great group for claiming they are in touch with the public's wants, but in the end they are only in touch with the selfish, greedy conservatives who are shouting "UNFAIR" at the top of their lungs since the American public elected a POTUS with liberal leanings.

When the Republican's current tactics were pointed out to one of our more vocal conservative participants on these politically oriented threads, he mentioned that it was just payback for the manner in which the previously Democratically dominated legislature used the same techniques to pass the health care reforms. IMHO, it goes much further back than that....the American Public essentially took away the stranglehold the Republicans had under Gee-Dub when they elected a majority of Democrats to congress.....was that "payback" for Delay's tactics when the Republicans were a majority?

I'm tired of "paybacks", anyway, I want our representatives to do what is best for the majority of their constituents NOW, not attempt to get retribution for the tactics of whatever party was in power however long ago....let's live in the present, not the past.

And now I see that Newt Gingrich is considering a run for POTUS :thumbsdown: . He's as much a laughing stock as is Sarah Palin, hopefully the conservatives will run them both on the same ticket.

Cheers from Doug!!
Dont you guys think that voting would be a lot fairer if you got one vote for each $ of tax you paid?

The big boys who pay accountants to avoid paying tax would lose out
Likewise the "scroungers" who never pay tax lose out

Good old middle of the road man will then confirm which arseholes get elected!

Ian, don't worry, plenty will get through. My cousin suggested this to me last year and I suggested that the constitution was written for one man/one vote. Don't worry, those "rich" guys still pay a ton of taxes (they basically fund the government, 50% of the working population pay no tax), and will wield significant influence, perhaps more than he does today.

I was really hopeing you would comment on the recent polls in Wisconsin and about the lies from Fox and Huckabee.

What do you think, are they stupid or are they liers?
Don't worry, those "rich" guys still pay a ton of taxes (they basically fund the government, 50% of the working population pay no tax),
Part of a post be Domtoni


That is not correct and you know it! Once again a concervative miss-quoting the facts!!!!!

I'm sure that you saw the headline that 47% of households pay no Federal income tax. This may well be true. Domtomi, the important words here are 47%, household and Federal.

Domtoni, you know that a household is different than "the working population" right?

You said that 50% pay ***NO*** tax! Most of these folks pay sales tax, gas tax, social security tax and state tax, did you forget?

Domtoni, is 47% the same as 50%?

You should see about working for Fox, you'd be perfect!

Lies, a fare and balanced look at the right.
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GEEZ, Jim, imagine a Republican doing this:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, a potential presidential contender, accused the Obama administration Wednesday of favoring a run-up in gas prices to prod consumers to buy more fuel-efficient cars.

But the recent rise in gasoline prices has been primarily driven by unrest in the Middle East, particularly Libya, where protests have diminished crude oil production.

"This administration's policies have been designed to drive up the cost of energy in the name of reducing pollution, in the name of making very expensive alternative fuels more economically competitive," Barbour said during a U.S. Chamber of Commerce breakfast across the street from the White House.

The truth? Here:

The administration has boosted fuel economy and placed the first-ever greenhouse gas standards on vehicles in an effort to reduce the pollution blamed for global warming and wean the country off foreign supplies of oil. Those regulations will result in less gasoline being used, but should have little to no effect on gasoline prices.

Gee, imagine that Republican :clown: Barbour saying that!!

Cheers from Doug!!

It's hard for me to understand todays republicans/concervatives. What is wrong with these folk?

Is there a party "culture" that makes lieing mandatory?

Here in a discussion about Republican/Concervative honesty, Domtoni can't get through one post without significant "distortions" (I'm trying to be nice)!

Lies, a fare and balanced look at the right!
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NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin Tells It How It REALLY Is during his farewell Speech
 I will have no further comment, but I thought the speach was interesting.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Part of a post by RonR

Doug, remember this one?

RonR, comes in, and drops this pile of crap (miss-leading, out of context, edited crap) and then says: "I will have no further comment"

RonR, just like Brietbart, he drops a pile of criminaly edited crap and will not stay and defend his post!

What is wrong with these people?
I think that both parties are terribly screwed up and have sold the USA down the river. This has gone back a long way and both parties are responsible for it. When Obama tried to sell his budget of near 4 trillion dollars for this year, to the great jubilitation of the democratic congress, the republicans are holding him to the fire and threatening to shut down the government because they want to hold back 60 billion from the budget. ummmmmmm that is just pennies in the budget. If they were to hold strong, showing they are true fiscally conservative representatives, they should try to cut the budget by at least half or more. Right now, they both suck.
Right on, although there is an argument for being realistic and taking this one manageable step at a time. However, cutting funding for NPR, for example, is pure garbage and partisan selfishness. NPR is one of the closest to neutral news outlets available.
Dont you guys think that voting would be a lot fairer if you got one vote for each $ of tax you paid?

The big boys who pay accountants to avoid paying tax would lose out
Likewise the "scroungers" who never pay tax lose out

Good old middle of the road man will then confirm which arseholes get elected!

At least in the UK you have a reasonable level of campaign spending. As I recall 6 week campaign max and no TV adverts? Here everything is so corrupt because of unlimited time/$$. No chance of a change because incumbants make the laws and voters are too stupid to get rid of them (i.e. Mitch McConnell). Love your monthly 'put the PM on the hot seat question time'. Bush would have had a meltdown answering questions.

This Huckabee story is all over the news tonight. You remember, Huckabee said that Obamas beliefs were shaped by his growing up in Kenya with his father and paternal grandfather. Huckabee went on to say that's why he hates the Brits.

He then went on to say that Obama rudely returned a bust of Churchill that the Brits had given to the US as a gift. Greatly insulting the Brits! That is not true!!!

The bust was a loan, Bush had said he was a great admirer of Churchill and after 9/11 he put it in the oval office.

When Obama became president, and Bush was moving out, the bust was returned a to those who lent it and Obama had a bust of Lincoln and Dr King ( (two folks he admired) put in the Oval office.

Why would Huckabee lie about this, why would any American try and cause trouble between our countries? WHY?

(Can you imagine what the Limbaugh, Beck nuts would say if Obama had removal Lincoln and replaced it with a European leader)


Now today everyone is calling Huckabee on his lies, his excuse, I meant to say he grew up in Indonesia.

That's all crap! If Huckabee had meant Indonesia why did he bring up raised by his father and the Brit thing?

This man Huckabee is an outright lier, he will say anything, to forward himself, even willing to cause trouble between the US and the Brits, what an ass!
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The full version:

YouTube - NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin Says Farewell

I don't know how you couldn't have had the time to look up this seems to me that you must live with the keyboard at your finger tips.

Anyway, as your tactic is to attack the source rather than to answer the charges (so to speak), I've provided you with the full version the the speech.

Oh, and constantly yelling "Liars Liars Liars" is losing its comedic effect... kinda begining to sound too much like a broken record. Be creative!!

On the other hand, I have a fulltime job and a life, and I've decided it's not worth my time to engage you in conversation...much like Al (obviously, he is brighter than I, and so I'm just going to follow his example and ride off into the sunset).

PS, please be so kind as to provide any future posters with an acceptable list of "unbiased" sources...
NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin Tells It How It REALLY Is during his farewell Speech
YouTube - NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin Says Farewell

I will have no further comment, but I thought the speach was interesting.

Obviously you lie, too, as you HAVE offered further comment :stunned: !

In order to give you the benefit of the doubt, I went back and listened carefully to the original version as well as the one from NEA......didn't do anything to change my mind, and for good reason. Mr. Chanin is not a teacher, he's a labor organizer. His goal, his purpose, is to convince people to join his organization so that he can use their dues to further the goals of the members. He is NOT an educator. He was addressing an audience made up of educators, but his audience was not subject to persuasion, they were only there to hear him say goodbye in a manner that would (he hoped) ensure that the goals he had so diligently pursued for his working life would not be abandoned. The "copy and paste" tactics of TheFoundryBlog were intended to draw attention from that fact and were "composed" to inflame HIS OWN radical-conservative audience, a bit like preaching to the choir, no?

Anyway, as your tactic is to attack the source rather than to answer the charges (so to speak...)

Ron, you're still "not clear on the concept". That is the name of one of my favorite cartoons, a single panel piece in those newspapers that carry it. My favorite so far: visualize a pretty common living room for an elderly couple, a couple of easy chairs with a small table between them on which is located a table lamp. The gentleman is sitting in his chair, reading a paper. His wife is standing behind him holding the day's mail, and as she's looking at one of the unopened envelopes, she's saying "Oh, look, dear, it's from the IRS. Let's open it and see what we've won this time!"

The concept is this....the veracity of the source ALWAYS rests upon the impartiality of the source....the radical-liberal sources of information are every bit as suspect as are the radical-conservative sources of information. If a source is biased, it is not believable, pure and simple, regardless of whether or not it agrees with your own personal opinion. Preaching to the choir does not a persuasive speaker make....ALWAYS check the source before you bet your paycheck.

I have a fulltime job and a life, and I've decided it's not worth my time to engage you in I'm just going to follow his example and ride off into the sunset).

I'd like to say "YEE-HAW" and give you a :thumbsup: , but the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so I'm not holding my breath. Like a bad penny, you'll be back, just like you came back this time.....and you'll continue to :dead: .

Cheers from Doug!!
.” Rush Limbaugh was appalled by the “descent into barbarianism” going on amongst the “union thugs.”
Rush, not surprisingly, went a bit further in his description of the “bunch of slobs,” calling the protesters: “long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking, FM rock and roller types.”
Mr Limbaugh's fair and balanced look at the protesters!

Mr Limbaugh, you being addicted to Oxycontin is ok, but not smoking dope?