Roaring Forties 105

I have had the RF40#105 since late 2004.
I had it painted & zinc painted pritty much straight away.

Then the usual happens & all hell brakes loose at work.
I did 16hr day for about 6mths.
I just kept looking in the corner at chassis & nothing was happening.

Finally I pulled the pin & rearranged to suit me.
I have spent about a month (started Qeens birthday long weekend) of saturdays, Getting up at 4.30 in the morning going to work & getting in a few hours before it all starts.

I am loving every minute .to do fabrication work for yourself is a nice change.

I knoow it early in the build but its moving quick so i thought i should post.

Im doing my own sheet work ,I had a few ideas of my own that i wanted to do im happy with the outcome so far.

Jim C


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Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Re: RF105

Nice work Jim - the whole thing is quite infectious - once you make a start & see some real progress, its bloody hard to stop !

Where in Sydney are you located (I am in Turramurra) ?

What are you planning engine-wise ?

Keep us in the loop - even though I have a DRB, there are quite a few other guys in the Sydney group with RF's & we would all be delighted to pitch in with any advice you might need.

Kind Regards,

Peter D.

Ron Earp

Re: RF105

I really like some of your ideas with the front suspension and paneling, good job there. Keep on keeping on!
Re: RF105

Peter I am in Brookvale , not far from u.
it is very much a drug.I think it is the progression.
the engine will be the 4.6 all alloy mustang engine.
I havnt checked it out but it sounds like a good thing.
Quad cam 4 valve ect.

Thanks Ron.I had a few ideas for around the suspension that was the better of the options.

I think it should help with water ect & noise.
Re: RF105

Hi Jim,
Congrat's the car is looking good, what tranny will you use? Did they have to alter your chassis much to allow for a 4.6 quad to fit?

Re: RF105

Thanks Steve.
To my knowledge no mods on the chassis for the 4.6.
The eng mount plates in the chassis leves it open to fit anything within reason.

The transmission will be a g50 . I am not shaw if I will have to modify the chassis for that.(lower cross bar).

But that will not be a big deal.

Jim C
Re: RF105

Jim great sheet metal work and some super inovation and vision ! You must have spent a bunch of time planning and figuring out how to do it differently and make it look more like a mono. Congrats /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: RF105

Your right it was a lot of work, The first side took about 2.5 to 3 days roughly.
I have to admit a lot of looking & beer drinking went on in that time.

The new handbrake panel wasnt in these pics.
You will be pleased to know ive called it the Dan Weilacher handbrake after you.

Lowering the handle was a good idea.
Re: RF105

You will be pleased to know ive called it the Dan Weilacher handbrake after you.

[/ QUOTE ]
Jim I hope you dont hold me responsible if it does not work,,,LOL
Nice work in covering the fuel tank down tubes. I saw similar panels on the car and thought it a good path to follow. Take care Jim and good luck.

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Re: RF105

Jim, I like the little blue "motivational tool" in front of the windscreen ! I have one sitting on a shelf in the office - it does work !

Very, very nice panel work - you'll be covered in fibreglass dust in no time !

Kind Regards,

Peter D.

Ron Earp

Re: RF105


Again, that is some nice work there on your 40. The work is neat, very functional, and serves a good purpose in that the frame is not exposed to the elements and thus the seems betwen the frame and internal panels is not present. That eliminates possibility of corrosion. Plus, it down right looks neat!

Re: RF105

Thanks Ron & Peter.

I have read the stories on the fiberglass dust.
I look around my shop & I keep thinking do I want to do that here?.

One thing I did notice by accident I was blowing air inside the tube work to clear the swarf from drilling ect,And rust dust came out of the holes.

I am going to spray with fish oil or extrol through a hose & nozzle.
I cant see it being a problem now but maybe in 10 years or so it will.
Its obviously a natural occurance as the tubes are not painted on the inside.

A very good freind gave me the motivation tool, He has told me this is the color or im not speaking to you again.
The other week he did say he might consider red.

Re: RF105

I am looking at purchasing an RF kit and live in Cherrybrook Sydney.If your happy to email me maybe I could come down and check out your kit. At this stage I haven't been to the RF factory yet and would like to check a car out locally for fit and quality etc.
My email is
[email protected]
Re: RF105

Well the sheet work does seem to go on forever.
Im getting sick off looking at the guilo & the folder.

But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
A few more bits and peices , some detailing work on the finish I want then onto the suspension & fuel tanks I suppose.

Thought I would throw a few more on.



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