The latest CAVs are nice! Heck with Superformance....


Had an opportunity to go by VIP Classics today in San Diego and enjoy a nice chat with Roy there while looking over the latest CAVs being sold. He is selling quite a few of these because, frankly, they beat the pants off the Superformance (and other mfgs) cars currently available, or soon to be available in the case of Superformance. The level of fit and finish and quality/useability is really impressive. My early CAV (mono #6) looks somewhat outdated in comparision with the latest version exhibiting major upgrades to the brakes, uprights, seating, etc.

Really worth a look if you're in the San Diego area.
On any other Forum a title like that would start a riot.....thank heavens we are all unbiased level headed forum members......

You may still need your flameproof suit though Cliff...wink

Ron McCall

How can you say that? Have you had a chance to look at a Superformance PRODUCTION car up close?Or a RCR turn key minus? I have seen all of them (new CAV Superformance and RCR) up close and the fit and finish in just as good on all of them!!!! The Superformance at SEMA was spectacular!!! The RCR P4 at Carlisle was absolutely flawless!!
I saw the Superformance at SEMA and Monterey, it is a nice car, they have done a great job on it. I have seen the latest CAV that Roy has sold and will be doing the engine and trans install on it, it is a Gulf car( I know) and it is really gorgeous. Better or worse? who the hell cares, the design and build quality of all the replicas is ramping up and I have to think that is good for all of us. The CAV is not marketed as a copy of the original, it is updated in many ways, as most replicas are, and is constantly being improved.


Well, I'm no dummy, I knew there'd be a healthy dose of opinions voiced on this one. And, I've got my flame proof suit on so I can take the heat.

Here's a thought in the CAV v. Superformance comparison: has anyone actually studied and driven a SPF production (no, not the demo on the stand) version? The CAV you can buy and drive, right now, not six months from now with a hope that the one you'll actually get has the same level of fit and finish as the one on the SPF stand.

And, I must disagree, there are wide variances in the level of quality, fit and finish and useability amongst the various manufacturers. Obviously, with regard to some of the manufacturers, the end result may be partially dependent upon the skill level of an owner/builder who takes it from a partially built state. And, to be brutally honest, for every really nice such home-assembled car, there's one that's a big freaking mess (inc. some that aren't even safe to drive) through no fault of the kit manufacturer.

OK, fire away...

ps. I have complete faith in the unbiased and balanced perspectives of my fellow forum members....
CliffBeer said:
Well, I'm no dummy,

OK, fire away...

ps. I have complete faith in the unbiased and balanced perspectives of my fellow forum members....

Holy Cow Cliff, With opening and closing lines like that you tempt the living daylights out of my cynical side, are all bean counters like this? Im gonna go sit in the cheap seats now and hope Pete's got some popcorn left over to keep me busy!

Jac Mac
Maybe we should have a " Show Down" in the future like at "Run & Gun" with all these cars and let them "Duke it out" once and for all!
Okay, I'll bite. I'll make my Superformance MKI available for a comparison with other replicas. The clincher is finding an unbiased, knowlegable third party to do the "evaluation". David Hobbs lives up the road from me, and he drove these things at LeMans back in the day. How cool would it be if we could set up a day at Road America, or even Blackhawk Farms, and have someone like him look over and "exercise" our cars. Or for that matter, Peter Egan lives a little farther up the road. Maybe we could lobby to get Road & Track to do a comparative test. Or....I guess we could just get together with a beer and a brat and feel good that we get to enjoy such amazing cars..regardless of "pedigree".


Hey Daryl, now wouldn't that be a hoot.....I have total respect for Peter Egan (look forward to his Miscellaneous Ramblings every month) and David Hobbs - those guys obviously know what they're doing when it comes to driving and reviewing fine automobiles.

R&T has always shyed away from giving "kit" cars any air time but there now seems to be a threshhold critical mass of production/factory built GT40s out there with the arrival of SPF that maybe, just maybe, they would include a side bar with a brief comparison. If you could talk Peter (with David's support/attendance) into it then I'll be happy to ship my CAV out there! I'm sure Roy at VIP would be happy to do the same with a brand new one. Hhhhmmmmmm.....very intriguing idea.


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
You can use my RCR car as well for any comparison, might be the only time a good driver gets in it :)

I have seen them all as well, each has it good and bad depending on what you look for. The SPF was very nice, saw it at Monterey, again it was nice and much more like the real deal. Saw several of the older CAV's and they were nice too, have not seen the current offering with all the changes, but for me, RCR had the best 'package' to my tastes and as such I can say that it 'beats the pants' off of the others. Your mileage may vary, but the important thing is to find something that floats your own boat or sadly you won't enjoy it and your car will end up in the Cars for Sale section with an ebay link...


Steve C

GT40s Supporter
Sandy....Class response!....For me (capable of a build but, at this time not having the time available) a finished car (roller) was the way to go.....Looked at CAV but, wasn't authentic enough for me...Almost went with ERA but, when SPF leaked the extent of authenticity in 2004 I was hooked....Much said re the accuracy to original by better experts than me all along and now confirmed.... Track testing showed better performance than a Noble and as the Brits know track tests there were lauded as well....I'll admit that the SS chassis offered by ERA and CAV had me on and off but the SPF uses Zinc plating and special coatings on weldments in the production cars....To top it off I really like the MK11 look and wanted an FE with proper coolers, original suspension feel ect......So as many B4 me have said.....It's what floats your boat.....and mine is floated best by SPF.........Also 6yrs as original owner of a SPF Cobra with 20,000 troublefree miles is a god referance....Steve
steve c said:
is a god referance....Steve
I wasn't aware He was a GT40 fan, but then in retrospect, who isn't!?!?

All the different versions/permutations/kits have redeeming features. Let's not knock any, but rather sing the praises of those that we love!

How about RCR's track capicity with SPF's originality and CAV's stainless tub for the "ultimate" '40?

Going back for a nap...(just finished a road trip for work and I'm knackered....)


Howard Jones

Well, Well, Well..... I had 9 GT40s over my house all at one time 2 months ago. GTDs, CAV, Toronado's, and a one off. Some were more than 10 years old. I can tell you for a fact that NONE were "a mess" Now have I seen a few messes in my time? Ya I guess so....but I have yet to look over a complete and running GT40 that wasn't pretty damn good. It must be the kind of person who loves GT40's but they seam to be built to a higher standard than some of the other kit cars. Were not compairing VW based dune buggies here now are we!

As far as which of the current builders cars is the "best". The answer is.....BAD QUESTION!

Kinda like big breasted blonds.... It's all in the feel and we all have a different pair of hands... now don't we? Their all good mate!


See, I knew my confidence in the balanced judgment and good will of the forum members (as evidenced above) was not misplaced. Obviously, as clearly shown above, the right answer, if the question is asked at all, is review the offerings yourself and select what fits your particular wants and needs best. We're fortunate there is such a range of incredibly high quality offerings to choose from.

It is wonderful to see each of the manufacturers constantly improving the design and raising the bar. CAV's latest upgrades are consistent with this trend and I know the other manufacturers are doing the same. As a group, I would think there is enough positive differentiation from the VW/Lambo/Fiero class that maybe mainstream automotive journals (R&T) will give some air time. SPF, CAV, RCR, ERA, etc. are all wonderful and deserve some good exposure in the regular auto press. I'm happy to volunteer my car for any of it!
It will take a year for the comparisons to be valid and its done as follows: What percentages ( it will be < 100)of the original prices do the resells of each make take place at? The marketplace rules fellas, not your opinions.(Got my firesuit on too) jerry mcglothin


Roaldin, go easy there friend, I'm a cpa and an attorney and have both a porsche and a ferrari as well at the GT40! I'm not a politician so I guess I have that going for me....