They're Watching You......

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Keith, I love that cartoon.

I heard today that they busted a radicalized US Citized trying to enter the Wichita Airport with what he thought was a car bomb.

Fortunately our Government was monitoring the Internet, looking for just this sort of thing and the Islamic terrorist he thought he was conspiring with was a US agent.

Thank you President Obama!
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Well Jim, I remember when it came out that the NSA, FBI.... were monitoring the Internet here in the US, there was a huge outcry.

Oddly enough from the far left and far right came a deluge of outrage..........

Tea Party darling Rand Paul was outraged called for a total end to this practice.....

Fox tried to paint this as Obama is reading all your posts and listening to all your calls.....

Folks here on this site were outraged and called for an end to this practice......

This is just one more in a long string of terrorist plots foiled by internet survaliance.

Jimbo, you can be sure, if this guy had succeeded in a terror attack, The right would have blamed Obama, saying he is just not up to keeping America safe.........

As we have seen, President Obama is totally responsible for every bad thing that happens, Don't you think he should get credit for the good as well.
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Hands up anyone else that feels compelled to stand up and salute every time Jim mentions "President Obama?"

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Oddly enough from the far left and far right came a deluge of outrage..........

Read the 4th Amend, Jim, and see if you can figure out why:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against UNREASONABLE searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, BUT UPON PROBABLE CAUSE, supported by OATH OR AFFIRMATION, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Now...are you going to try to tell us that it's reasonable to suspect E-V-E-R-Y person in this country is a terrorist who's looking to hatch a terrorist plot? If so, what's the "probable cause"?

As we have seen, President Obama is totally responsible for every bad thing that happens...

No he isn't. Just ask him. To this very day PRES. BUSH has been the one who's been responsible for all the bad stuff that's happened in the Obama Administration. Either him, or tsunamis, or hurricanes, or the GOPs in the house, or the Tea Party, or FOX News, or corporations, or Wall Street, or insurance companies, or Rush Limbaugh, or Sean Hannity, or......................:zzz:
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Jim Rosenthal

Just to be fair here, IMHO Obama doesn't get credit for stopping the Wichita plot. He isn't directly involved one way or the other. Would you send him a thank-you note every time the USPS delivers the mail to you? Of course not.

And also to be fair, Bush has gotten credit from the Obama administration for a lot of things he did right including AIDS initiatives. I've found that presidents seldom credit their predecessors, which is a damn shame, because frankly, the influence of the president is confined enough that these guys are a lot more like each other than they are unlike each other. The office tends to define the occupant, rather than the other way around.

Charlie Farley

Look Jim C,
Even the Tea Party is saluting Obama, isn't that enough ?


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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Well Jim, I remember when it came out that the NSA, FBI.... were monitoring the Internet here in the US, there was a huge outcry.

Oddly enough from the far left and far right came a deluge of outrage..........

Tea Party darling Rand Paul was outraged called for a total end to this practice.....

Folks here on this site were outraged and called for an end to this practice......

Read the 4th Amend, Jim, and see if you can figure out why:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against UNREASONABLE searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, BUT UPON PROBABLE CAUSE, supported by OATH OR AFFIRMATION, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Now...are you going to try to tell us that it's reasonable to suspect E-V-E-R-Y person in this country is a terrorist who's looking to hatch a terrorist plot? If so, what's the "probable cause"?

And now guess what a fed judge has ruled on the issue:

Judge deals blow to NSA phone data program | Fox News

Of course, that doesn't guarantee what flip-flopper Roberts' Supreme Court will decide. I DO KNOW what it ought to decide...'cause I can read and understand the English language used in the U.S. constitution.