A dilemma (NSFW)



How to get rid of these darned beavers in my garden.... :shrug:



Oi! Botophucket! What's wrong with a bunch of beavers huh?

Just wildlife is all....:sad:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Second effort! Ta Da.....:shy:


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Previously posted Pete, but thanks for the reminder and I'm always ready for a second peek. Speaking of beaver......are beaver pelts endangered? I'm hearing the beaver of today is not quite as hairy as in yester-year. National Geographic should do a story on this change in the species. Personally its always nice to see the beaver in its natural environment hairy or not.


That's a very very good point Jimmy. I would like to volunteer to do some research in this particular area as I used to be somewhat of a specialist in beaver pelts when I was a lot younger, but I do happen to know that currently, the Brazilian species are very bald indeed which I put down to the effects of too much Caipirinha and cross breeding with the North American male which tend to migrate there in the carnival season.
Another very good point Keith. I'd heard the Braziian Beaver is virtually hairless now. I'm sure you could get a government grant for this very important research. Like you, when I was younger, I can recall enjoying the taste of beaver. (Still do) The only issue being that after I'd usually have to go to the dentist for a haircut as the beaver had much more hair back then. Maybe its evolution of the species.


Have the French got Beavers? Is the Pope Catholic?

They've got epic Beavers Dave, and to be honest, I've only ever seen one in the flesh so to speak, and I wasn't too sure which way round it was so I left it in peace. No desire to experiment further and anyway, don't they have rabies? :uneasy:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
David, I think the Beavers that swim both ways are natives of Asian countries such as Bali, however these Beavers have been known to jump on boats and migrate to any port that welcomes them, we have an influx of them in Australia right now, so I dare say some may have found their way to Paris....
Although some are the most beautiful of Beavers and prized for their pelts they can also be very expensive.
If you come across one be very careful as they are known carriers of several diseases.


That's quite right Pete. I believe the Parisien Beavers also exhibit a quite unnatural penchant for Le Beurre..

I'm sure I saw a film about it once.


I would have to say that you knowing that, means you are likely to be anally retentive Pete :blank:

But well spotted anyway... :thumbsup:

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Moi? Mais Non !
The only hunting I have considered doing is using punt gun on the broads.
Not easy to say after a caipirinha.
or three.