F1 in 2014.

Commencement of Ecclestone trial in Munich today.

Reports say that even some kind of amusement arose when the judge greeted him with a smile and asked for E.´s family status. E. replied "both married and divorced but I fondly remember the divorce part" after which judge, prosecutors, defence lawyers and audience were breaking into laughter.

Surprised no one asked Bernie to stand up :laugh::laugh:
Surprised no one asked Bernie to stand up :laugh::laugh:

He has cracked a few funnies over the years.


"You know I've got one of those wonderful ideas ... women should be dressed in white like all the other domestic appliances" - Ecclestone on women in F1 "They think they've got me by the balls--their hands aren't big enough." - Ecclestone when Williams and McLaren refused to sign the Concorde Agreement in 1998
Read more at Bernie Ecclestone | | F1 Driver Profile | ESPN F1



Grids next to Herr Vettle, what could possibly go wrong???


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Oh my oh my oh me oh my! I cannot stop laughing. :laugh:
They've taken the flea collar off Lulu's dog Roscoe and stuck it on the exhaust!!

Did it work?


You ignorant...those exhaust pipes are essential to keep hybrid engines running...


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At Mercedes they use a long flexible tube from the exhaust to Hamilton´s and Rosberg´s Ausfahrt.

...oh, and another tube from the hidden bean tank to their mouthpiece :idea:

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
This is what F1 should sound like!


Great day at Brands Hatch and the Masters series


Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Lewis is a pretty sore loser and second is first of the losers... Pretty piss poor display after the race, not even a handshake for Nico.