A dilemma (NSFW)

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Re: A dilemma

One would think that this young lady should put more thought into her wardrobe.The pink shorts clash badly with the paint.

Agreed. That leaves two options, repaint the car or take the pants off.....:eek: :pepper:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Re: A dilemma

Now that is a dilemma,:eek: though I guess that all you fine sophisticated Gentry who are followers of this thread would go for option two.:)
Re: A dilemma

It may not car related, but considering the interest in all things military on this forum, I couldn't help but add this photo of a new class of Ukrainian Army cadets.

I just can't stop imagining a naked pillow fight in the barracks! :eek:


  • ukrainian_army.jpg
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Re: A dilemma

It may not car related, but considering the interest in all things military on this forum, I couldn't help but add this photo of a new class of Ukrainian Army cadets.

I just can't stop imagining a naked pillow fight in the barracks! :eek:

That is without doubt the most overt upskirt photo shoot ever...boomsmile

Pat Buckley

GT40s Supporter
Re: A dilemma

I am having a tough time believing that there are that many good lookng women in the Ukranian army....

You gotta love the guy laying his camera on the ground to get a better shot.....LOL...

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Re: A dilemma

Are they advancing in 'Review Order' or is it in 'Line Abreast'.
Pat, if she has two left feet would it really matter?
Where is the enlisting office?
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Re: A dilemma

Interesting observation, Pat. On closer inspection I note a minimum of eight different shoe designs.

Wait. What on Earth am I doing? I'm counting Ukranian footwear! This may be the onset of cabin fever. If the snow doesn't melt away from the barn this weekend I may indeed go barking mad! HELP!!

Must go out, sit in the car and make vroom vroom noises. YAhhhhhhhh.....
Re: A dilemma

That's actually a damn good idea. Perhaps we SHOULD allows gays in the military. I know I sure as hell wouldn't be shootin' at one of them! Well, with a rifle anyway....
Re: A dilemma

I am having a tough time believing that there are that many good lookng women in the Ukranian army....L...

Apparently the Ukraine has good looking women. Czechoslovakia has "women" in their army too. Here's a photo of their Lesbian Commando Brigade. :eek:


  • Czech4.jpg
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Forum Rules BROKEN

I have never seen such highly violation of forum rules ragarding this thread.

Nudity and soft porn!!! I remeber oliver get scolded for having a AVITAR of a heavy set women. His avitar was in high taste compared to some of these pictures. This thread is way out of line and has nothing to do with GT40's.


By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Re: A dilemma

Can that really be you John/Oliver/Dogface?...such an impartial opinon in the Paddock no less...!!

Fran - you must be right ! It is Oliver, re-incarnated as Dogface - all of us old-timers would recall & recognise those unique talents :

- a total inability to spell correctly
- grammar : what's that ?
- try to be controversial : at all costs
- waltz into an old established Forum & try to tell people what to do

Yawn !!!

Kind Regards,

Peter D.