Something to ponder!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Boys come on lets not throw all the toys out of the pram. One of the reasons I enjoy this forum is one can have a strong debate and disagree without resorting to personal abuse..
Now kiss and make up and give each other a hug.:shy:
I'm sorry Pete, with all the crap that's happening and has a possibility of happening in the USA, it's making me nuts. From the global warming that is a natural phenomenom and has happened throughout time, that fear monger Gore has caused the Dems to make a bill that would tax us to death and cause consumer goods to go through the roof if passed by the senate to pay for the gazillions that the government is spending, a trillion here, a trillion there! Then government healthcare that will limit our choice of doctors and narrow our choice of procedures to what the government sees as neccesary with a plan that they won't be using. And all the sheep that are following blindly thinking that this is green and wonderful that will be the loudest pissers and moaners when it hits them financialy and they no longer are free to choose. But everything else is just f-----g peachy!
OK, it's clear we've got some pretty messed up situations on our hands - everything from an economy in the toilet from overspending and Wall Street shenanigans, an environment which is showing some signs of cracks from 100+ years of pollution, a crazy in North Korea threatening to use nukes, a middle east in turmoil with another crazy in charge (Iran) of one its countries, and a cultural crisis in the USA.

Across all of it, what jumps into my mind is we also have very little faith in the ethics and integrity of our political machine. We have corrupt politicians who lie and cheat and philander....then apologize and think they've somehow redeemed themselves. No! At least Elliot Spitzer had the decency to fire himself after using a prostitute. Mark Sanford sneaks off to Argentina without telling anyone (including his wife and kids on father's day weekend....let alone the state over which he presides) so he can fool around with his latin mistress. What a pathetic man. At least Bill Clinton stayed on the job while he was getting a bj in the White House.

Wouldn't it be so nice to have politicians that you felt were doing the right things, telling the truth, used straight forward language, had high ethics, couldn't be "bought" by lobbyists and campaign contributors, and weren't drunk on power and influence? I'm voting against the incumbent for any and every political race coming up - whoever ISN'T the incumbent has got to be better than this load of complete duds we have in office/power now.


Lifetime Supporter
...I'm voting against the incumbent for any and every political race coming up - whoever ISN'T the incumbent has got to be better than this load of complete duds we have in office/power now.

Given the group of elected officials in our general area, Cliff, this isn't a real hard choice though.

What a pity we can't get rid of our Governor as well.

I don't see how our elected officials, most with the equivalent of a masters degree (6 years) can be so utterly stupid. It seems that in order to qualify for political office you need to have no common sense, a huge ego, and a complete lack of brains. If any one of us were to go to Bumscrew, Alaska and sit in a bar with a lady that we are not attached to, someone would walk in that knows us. You never get away with crap like that. Most of us learn that at an early age, it's called having good morals and integrity. But then I remember what line of work most politicians come from, I guess that explains it!
Interesting to note that even though they were all board certified lawyers, the past SEVERAL CONSECUTIVE mayors of Waterbury CT have ALL been CONVICTED of at least one FELONY ACT while in office ranging all the way to pedophelia(actually occurred right in the mayor's office!).They gave the Republican party a bad name for a while. In fact,the last one made it all the way to Governor of the state(John Rowland) - so, Al, it doesn't surprise me that they SEEM to be that stupid.....maybe it's done so we'll think they're incapable of thinking up ways to steal money from us! Here's the most incredible part : after being released from jail for felony misappropriation of funds, the same aforementioned Governor Rowland was immediately hired, in CT, as a fund raiser for the state.At about 100k /yr!!!!!! Who in hell is watching the Store?
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I remember Roland, crooked SOB, and the Waterbury mayor with the VERY young black girl. He was a defifinite POS lowlife! Too bad they both went to federal prisons, life would have been quite different in general population of a state prison with BIG BUBBA as a room mate.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
It seems like the fox has been put in charge of the hen house.

It is the same in Oz unfortunately, both sides of the house appear to be total wankers, with the morals and integrity of Alley cats.
The parties in power broker these guys for elections. They choose men and women of questionable character and no backbone so that these candidates can be manipulated. The electorate (the people) are too lazy and unwilling to dig into the facts and the pandering press groupies, most of whom can't write, think or even spell, find it easier to print the "party line" developed by marketeers. After all, the western countries are all about swallowing advertising as its presented on the telly. This is the state of our nations. We can only hope that this generation will finally pull it's head out and rise up. Find the most independent thinker at the PTA, town council, police department, or any lower level service job where there are only real workers and volunteers, and fund their grassroots run for offices in the highest levels of government. Make sure that they have zero party affiliation and can only run their campains through public special interests allowed.
Of course this diatribe is only wishful thinking.
I have nothing new to add to this plague of illegal aliens, it sucks, but one thing that makes my skin itch is the wrong that this people is doing to the true hispanic people. The name hispanics belong to the people of Spain or their descendants around the world and I really get upset when I see all this natives or black people been called hispanics, they called themselves latinos or latinas and they aren't, a true hispanic is of european ancestry. I guess if someone is got some little distant native in them that those can still can say that they are hispanic. I'm not racist, but I bet you guys don't see black people here claiming to be white, it's just a plain kick in the balls feeling to me and many others that I know.
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I guess so... I was just letting out some frustrations. Is just that it bothers me when I see all this gangbangers, criminals, illegal aliens, etc. taking the name of a group of people that doesn't belong to them and giving it a bad and negative classification. Of course that there are true hispanics here and in Latin America, but they aren't doing the wrong things that we see and hear everyday in the news, maybe a very small number.
I'm proud of my Basque and Spaniard ancestry, but saying that I'm hispanic in this country around the masses that are a little ignorant on the subject makes me feel like I'm insulting myself these days.
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Don't feel bad, There are the usual sterotype thinkers around. Most people think that to be a Democrat, you have to be liberal and to be a republican you have to be conservative. In the narrowly won vote in the House of Representatives on Friday, the Cap and Trade(Crap and Tax) vote passed by only six votes. A narrow margin of victory considering the phone banks for the Congtess were overloaded and shut down several times during the week with voters trying to tell their representatives to vote NO. Just goes to show that the representatives are not listening to their constituents.What else is new??
The interesting thing about the vote is that 8 Republicans voted for the bill and 40 Democrats voted against it. So it just goes to show that you can't just label someone because of their affiliations. I guess you can say, not all democrats are liberals and not all liberals are Democrats, and vice versa for republicans. When you strip away the labels, then you only have the individual to deal with, and that means you have to get to know him to find out who he really is.
So don't get uptight just because someone assigns a tag to their way of thinking or life. They probably have no idea about what they are saying. People today are rapidly changing the meaning of the words they use. For you it is Hispanic. For me it is Freedom. Used to be freedom meant control of your life to do what you wanted as long as it didn't interfere or cause harm to another. Now it means not having to worry about personal responsibility or worry about what to do or make decisions because the government will do it for you.
Be proud of your heritage because you know what it means to be what you are, and what it stands for.
