Tell everyone every week that you are surviving this COVID19. Just add your name to the list once a week and each of us will know if you are alive.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Jac Mac, what a pair of absolute tarts. My mind springs to words like squads and firing if one NZ resident dies of the covid virus.
Jac Mac, what a pair of absolute tarts. My mind springs to words like squads and firing if one NZ resident dies of the covid virus.

Some of the later news reports state the women are kiwis themselves! What seems to be one major failing is not testing them when they were released from NZ quarantine very early (on compassionate grounds). It's reported that one of the ladies fell ill shortly after, therefore there would of been a very high chance of a positive test result during quarantine. (or perhaps if they were tested prior to leaving the UK, it would of shown up then, = even better).

Second failing, it's reported that they got lost & had to get help (directions) and mixed with some friends, however briefly. That they didn't initially confess to this is disappointing....

So a sorry state of affairs. Sadly their relative did pass away & a lot of people have been potentially exposed to the virus via their journey around the world.

The story has come out gradually over the last few days & coupled with the way the media works (another subject..) it is typically hard to get the full story. I thought they were UK subjects they way it was first described?

Stay safe people. Steve
Jac Mac, what a pair of absolute tarts. My mind springs to words like squads and firing if one NZ resident dies of the covid virus.
It gets even better Dave, apparently their compassionate leave was organised by one of the opposition MP's, the political point scoring that his fellow party members were hoping to achieve had to be put on hold quick smart.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Dave Morton. Another week looms in Shielding. It's quite boring really but Chablis helps. Followed by a Gewurtztraminer. Tomorrow night will be Barolo.
All good where I am. Hiding down on the island in Tas. Cars all locked up in Melb


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Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Still alive here in Michigan. Here’s today’s headlines.

Michigan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases up to 62,306, Death toll now at 5,886

Stay Safe everyone!!

Regards Brian

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Dave Morton. Another week looms in Shielding. It's quite boring really but Chablis helps. Followed by a Gewurtztraminer. Tomorrow night will be Barolo.

'Couldn't agree more about "boring". It's R-E-A-L-L-Y getting old.
The Mrs has RABID "cabin fever". 'Had to take her out for a car ride yesterday to keep her from going off the deep end!
'Been 105 days for us...

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I think I'm ok. Back in Hospital for angiogram on Thursday morning. I'm told my 'Jump Graft ' has failed.
Totally 'double dutch' to me but I'll have to go along with it. Home again hopefully before the weekend.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Thanks. It seemed to be a disaster to begin with but the Surgeons did 4 hours to sort it out. Now it seems the dye used during the Angio has had an adverse effect with the Dioretics I was using so it's back into hospital again tomorrow (Monday)to sort things out or my Kidneys will fail. I'm sort of quietly confident that they won't. Getting old is a pain in the arse.