When your best isn't good enough.

I don't usually post on condolence threads, but having had a scare some years back with a family member, I have a fraction of understanding the hurt you feel. Not your fault, and concentrate on the good stuff.

Regards and godspeed,

Rick & Karen

Having followed your exploits from afar as a racer, I feel I know you even though we met once briefly at Sandown. My heart fell when I read about your loss. Depression is a terrible condition and it affects more people than is right in this modern world.
My condolences to you and your wife. Remember the good times.

Some how when you have meet in person, the loss seems even greater.
My sincerest thoughts to both of you.
Although we’ve never met, the friendship through this forum means I feel deeply for you and your family. My thoughts are with you through this terrible time.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" /><o:p></o:p>
Ross as a father who has also lost a child , my eldest daughter to drugs, i can feel your sorry and heart break , but mate for what its worth i can assure you that everybody around you knows you and your loverly lady did all you possibly could, it will never take the guilt away, thats just who we are, but it wasnt your fault.
i no words seem empty at a time like this but from both Fran and myself our deepest condolances , try to be strong mate, god bless.
John and Frances

Brian Magee


What can you say at a time like this. The brain is a complicated thing. With the terrible reports globaly of youngsters with guns at least he took nobody else with him.

Families around the world are thinking of you.

Brian and Pam.

Dimi Terleckyj

Lifetime Supporter

My deepest sympathy and thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time.

Life goes on but the thoughts of the ones we have lost will linger on.

Remember the good times, it helps to make it more bearable.


I haven't posted simply because I am at a loss for words and can't comprehend the hurt involved in losing a child. I have lost a few friends to these circumstances and it always leads to the questioning if you did everything you could as you try to make sense of a senseless tragedy. I am possitive you did all within your power as any father would. Andrea and I will be praying for strength and peace for your family.

Having lost a Father and a Sister at far too young an age I have never really learned to understand the utter "finality" of death to a loved one. However, I have learned to feel them both in my heart and mind to this day. Your son will always be with you and you will be amazed at how many times he will come to you just because.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

I can understand you you feel, and as you said, why are so many young people depressed.

You have my support in dealing with your pain.

Very saddened to hear the news. It is something I think you will never get over.Having lost three nephews to suicide on both sides of our family, I have just an inkling of the feelings you must be going through. There are no words, only expressions of our feelings for you and your wife. It will take time is all there is to say. You have to take them one day at a time. I used to work with the mentally ill through my practice. My wife still does. Some we could help, and some we couldn't. It is a disease that is hard to shake, and I feel some never get out from under its power. Your best is not a measurable thing. It is a feeling that you have when all is said and done. Know that the sun will still shine and things for you and your wife will get better. Try not to get into any sort of blame game with your self or each other. My brother and his wife could not bare the pain and eventually parted ways. You give strenght to each other. Don't take it away. Try and remember the good things, as we all try to eliminate the bad.
We, all here on the forum as well as those you know personnaly, are thinking of you two.
