Where's Randy (Big-Foot)???


Lifetime Supporter
Does anyone know what happened to Randy? His last post was back on July 24. I tried sending him an e-mail with no response. I'm concerned......

Dave L
I too noticed his absence. Havn't heard back from him in a while. Hopefully it's just he's busy with life and nothing serious.
I'm hoping so too. I called him the other day and got his voicemail. I left a message but haven't heard back.

Dave L
I just checked his LinkedIn profile, He has activity in the last week or so. So I would believe it's not business/work related. Just hope he's just been real busy with life, which is a good thing.

~Earl J
No, I haven't heard a word. I've sent him an e-mail and left a message on his voicemail but haven't heard back.

Dave L
I'll try and contact Randy's sister, According to him she is living in the town next to me.

(Small world after all)

No garanty i'll find her though.....


I found Randy's sister and all is fine, thank god!
Yes, Randy is my brother and I have been living in Epe almost 30 years. I just emigrated back to the USA.
Randy is fine but he got promoted on his job a year or two ago and they keep him pretty busy.
I'll forward your email to him.

Grtz Thomas

Regards thomas
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After composing this message and going back to re-read, I find that I have really dumped a load here..

I got a call from my sister telling me of Thomas' note. My apologies for causing any concern..

I have had to step back from my online activities for a number of reasons, most of all to focus on my job and family and also to reflect on just where I am in life and what are my priorities.

Last April I turned 60 and have started looking more in earnest about how much longer I can manage to stay in the work-force. I've a lot of responsibility and many people relying upon me and quite frankly, it's a struggle. While some memory lapses are normal, my memory is starting to fail on a more regular basis. Once upon a time I could track 5 or 6 very complex processes and projects simultaneously. Not anymore as my ability to multi-task is slipping as well.
As far as retirement - well - my financial position is not anywhere near what it should be due to a few bad choices in investment strategies as well as some unwise purchases.
So where am I headed then?

I've officially retired from driving racecars and have aborted my plans to build a vintage Trans Am car. The competitive fire that used to burn within me has gone out. I've started liquidating all those parts and the donor car and am even now considering abandoning hope of building my life-long dream car - the GT40 which has turned from a source of enjoyment into one of regret.

I took delivery of my GT40 chassis in July, 2007. While I never did put a date on when the car would be done, I never thought I would be posting 6+ years later telling the world that my car is roughly 1/2 the way to complete. I can do just about anything I put my mind to and can take piles of raw materials and turn them into something useable. But, I've never mastered body and paint.. It's been waiting for body and paint for over 3 years and that work is roughly 20% done. Too many other competing priorities I guess. All of the setbacks I've just taken in stride.
Have I been too picky? Probably. Too much a perfectionist? Probably. Too understanding? Probably.
I've spent more that twice the initial cost of the "kit" and have yet to turn a wheel under power. Right now, I feel that I've wasted a lot of time and money and am trying hard to justify continuing or just cutting and accepting my losses by capping the expenses and sell it for what I can get for it..
Yes, I realize I'll lose a lot of money if I toss in the towel now, but without a crystal ball, all I can see in my future is some of the same maladies that many others have experienced with the growing pains of their cars.. More money.

Enough of the whining. I'll do my best to get back to the forum and moderating when possible.

Thanks for your concern fellas..
Randy, I could say likewise & ditto to virtually everything you mention, and I daresay there are more than a few of us budding senior citizens on this website/forum who are going thru the same scenarios, so dont feel lonely, your part of a large group of old racers etc dealing with similar problems.
Randy - I'm really glad you're okay. Taking a step back to reflect is totally understandable though I must say you had me concerned. I'm sure everything will fall into place for you.

Take care of yourself.
Dave L
Randy: Good to hear from you ,really glad you are ok. I think there are many of us that are missing your posts and presence on the forum. Hope all works to the good for you. Blessings Dave
Just as Jac Mac said. You will know the right choice. I hope you don't feel bad about it, it is what it is. You will deal with it just like everything else you have dealt with. Good to see you resurface.

I have had some of the same issues as well. I think I understand.

Best wishes,
Hi Randy and all,

glad you're OK!

Still think it's quite extraordinairy that one could locate a person within 2 hours from the other side of the world, with nothing more than a first name and a smal town name in a not native country.....
hows that for contrast on what they where able to do when the GT40's and T70's where still originals.......

Life is full of choices. Me being a relative young bloke (34) on this forum ever since my dad died (aged 58) I tend do stuff right now especially when it's something that makes me feel sad when I think about not having a second chance to do it when I'm older. (if that makes any sense)

regards Thomas

Glad to hear from you and glad to know you're OK. I've certainly appreciated your sage advice when we've talked on the phone. Gotta finish the GT40! Bail on the other rubbish.

I can appreciate some of the difficult choices you've had to make and taking the time to reflect on priorities is definitely wise. Hope to see you soon.

Randy good to hear from you and glad everything is okay. Just keep on keeping on and make course changes in life as necessary.

Glad to see you back! Sometimes the multitude of projects and obligations can overwhelm even the sharpest mind, clouding memory and focus on tasks. Perhaps that's all that there is to your memory failings and I certainly hope so. Go to your neurologist and get tested now. At the very least, this can be comforting to have some answers to your concerns.
Randy, please understand you have a lot of fans and supporters not only here on the forum but I'm sure elsewhere in your life. As suggested, a visit with your doctor would be wise and those of us on the "other side" of 60 can certainly appreciate your need to look at the stars and recheck your course.
Thoughts and prayer are with you.

Randy, you're going to have to do something interesting when it comes to retirement age....nothing better than a great GT40 project in the garage to keep the mind sharp and keep moving and active....so why not just sit on the '40 for a few more years and look forward to a great retirement project? You might even have some grandkids by that time who can work on it with you (instead of watching tv and playing video games)... Just a thought.

Glad to hear all is well. None of us are as young as we once were!