DAX Build Up

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
What a difference a few days make!
First a view of the car with screen fitted - perfect fit and now with wiper and squirter

Next a view of the SVA belts (need longer neck bolts)

Interior from left

Interior from right

All of a sudden it looks like a functioning car - now where are those wheels? Paul due to get his new set this week and I'll get mine back on and align lights etc. Hell I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Your engine

I have been following your thread for some time, and with the most recent pictures I notice the valve covers on your engine. They look very much like Cleveland valve covers.

Is that a Cleveland in your GT40, or could it by chance be a 302 SBF with Cleveland heads? I've seen one forum member who has a Cleveland in his ERA GT40, but he is the only one I've noticed with Cleveland power. My goal is to put together what I've come to call a small port Boss 302 by using a SBF block and some aftermarket closed chamber Cleveland heads. I'm hoping your engine follows that format.

Any info???

BTW--it looks like it's all coming together. With any luck you'll be driving before you know it!



Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

No it's a Range Rover 3.9 EFi from 1990

I have located someone who takes the Rover Rockers and will "customise" to what you want - perhaps Gurney Weslake?

It would certainly get a few queries!

Drive yes hopefully home from SVA test on 16 June


Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

Yes it is perspex / plastic / acrylic (Sorry not up an how the differences can be checked)

Likewise window on rear clip is plastic / perspex / acrylic

I believe unless it is e marked glass it will not get SVA (may be wrong as I have been on numerous occasions)

This SVA could be interesting to see what we have forgotton!


Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
The rear view mirrors are also not my choice but make the rear vision excellent for SVA (easy change afterwards)

Likewise with the low plenum and no carb / airfilter setup the interior mirror gives a good view


Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Your engine

IanAnderson said:

No it's a Range Rover 3.9 EFi from 1990

Drive yes hopefully home from SVA test on 16 June


Ah, yes--the rover engine. For some reason I thought the Range Rover engine was a continuation of the aluminum Buick 215 CID V-8 we had here in the colonies. I can see now that it is quite a different animal. What was confusing me was the EFI unit--I've yet to see one like that and certainly not for a SBF with Cleveland heads, so I was curious. Thanks for setting me straight.

Good luck with your inspection and happy motoring!


Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
First drive (well first movement under own steam)

Well the UK had summer this weekend! 28 - 30 degrees both days)

I did a rubbing compound on the whole body yesterday and a load of the minor scratches in the fiberglass are a lot less obvious.

Fitted steering boss (SVA collapsing) to steering wheel and quick release

Bolted the seats in position - on runners and we designed it that the base is about 1/4 inch off the floor so my 6'3" fits under the door

fitted wheels (Paul has wet weaters on his car as the Image ones arrive next week)

Ran engine up to temp twice - still sloppy rich and cannot figure it out - get a mobile mechanic to take diagnostic readings and fix

Fitted ani cat screens on rad vents nostril and rear clip (keep SVA happy)

Fitted and connected Lambda sensors to check if they will improve emissions - still makes your eyes burn

Started engine selected a gear and drove over Paul's lawn
Got out and pushed it back as could not find reverse

Got it in the driveway lane behind the garage and drove it back and forward - dabbed the brakes and she slows but engine dies - by now we had adjusted the linkage and could select all gears

Got her back in the garage and set suspension
Front up full to make headlights SVA height (Right was normal and left was high originally)

Set toe in correctly at this height

Set the rear to neutral toe and fairly neutral caster - miles out before doing this. Needed to jack up car to adjust rod ends. I tink we jacked her up 30 times

So Rather tired BUT CANNOT STOP SMILING suddenly a car is born


Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Yesterday she was competed for SVA the final test was back and forward up Paul's access lane at the back of his property to try and get the brakes to bed in a bit - eventually started biting well. Hell this thing accelerates well - 25 mph and stop in about 40 yards - on that one not being belted in was a problem and my head hit the front of the door surround.

The engine finally ran a bit leaner - The Rover EFi uses a few settings which are altered by changing a resistor value - the one supplied was the wrong one and thanks to Paul Thomson and advice on people to speak to I ended up speaking to " Gacing Green Cars" and the bloke there said no way you should have "this" coloured resistor so £10 fixed it.

Paul Walton had said the tanks looked small but they hold about 35 litres each - we had used 20 litres of the stuff running rich for about 30 minutes of idling - no wonder the fumes burnt our eyes.

Today she was loaded on the trailer ready for the early start tomorrow.

I got the confirmation (a fax of the original) through confirming the engine build date so emissions at SVA are a bit easir on 1990 year.

Will she pass I hope so - and if she does I will drive to Castle Coome races on Saturday - in not I'll be working on the snags - really seem to think they have to find some faults to show they checked the car.

Results will be posted tomorrow.

Once again I cannot thank Paul enough for the work he has put into this car in the last few months - Le Mans here I come (I hope)


Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Early start today - at Paul's at 6:30
Trailer hooked up and off to Mitchim

arrived about 7:50 for the 8 am appointment and unloaded.
Went to the counter and was told to go to lane 2.

Drove around and got second gear for the first time- dabbed brakes numerous times to help bed in the new stuff.

We were greeted by a young examiner who immediately asked who is the owner and who is the mechanic so we know who to blame - not the best start!

Asked to open fron clip -done and he said the regusltions require cables to be fixed every 12 inches (mine were set about 6) "but I don't like the stick on clips" So " All wiring will have to be taken off done in crinkle conduit and then clipped back to clips glassed / araldited in" So the test was failed on his interpretation of the rules within 5 minutes.

I would have protested and gone legal on him but Paul just said yes tell me what is wrong and I'll put it right.

Next snagged some sharp edges needen sanded / rounded

Then tried to snag the exhaust on a sharp edge protrusion machine but could not - he did try numerous ways!

Propped engine bay open (on short leash to stop opening fully) said no he wanted it open full to examine suspension - so we were told to remove the leash and then he snagges it as he cold not see the lights with the clip fully open.

The lights being used do not have bilt in rear reflectors so we have to add some - also the rear fog light was arginally too low and needed to be moved.

Tested emissions and passed (this was the area we thaught we could fail on as last week is was so rich but we got it right - thanks again to Paul Thomson, Dave Parker and their contacts)

Speed test - said the machine is broken and only reading Kilometers and so expect to fail this (It is law theat in the UK the speedometer must show primary unit of measure as miles and secondary as km) In the end it passed the speedo test

Up in ramp and he noticed that the rear brake lines snagges on closed rear clip

Weights and measures - Dax is about 1050kg with full fuel (other than that used) with no body on board

Brakes then tested and all passed - he even asked if there were boosters fitted as the tests were so good without them. Suggested the handbrake needs adjusted but did not cnag (needs to hold lower in movement range - remember brakes stillbeing bedded in!)

Out of building and sound test - he decided on 4000 revs this is a lot higher than the stated 2/3 of max power (given as 5300) Test failed got 104db and need to be 101db or less to pass (time to stuff the exhaust with wire wool and perhaps some super traps)

He drove to set markings for rear view mirror test and said it failed as he could not see base of one cone - drivers side and partilly obscured by the flank and wide wheels.

We waited for hm to write up the sheet and got about 20 fails - his parting comment said it all when one of the other examiners came over to look and said do you fancy yourself in one of these and he said something along the lines no way they should not be on the road!

Retest is booked for 29 June - only a UK government department of bureaucrats could have a department with 2 SVA examiners and allow both to go on leave the same week.

Decided to drive her home but only got about 3 miles in really heavy traffic at 1pm in the heat and managed to puke out the coolant fluid - must have got an air lock and steamed the fluid out - ned to fix a bleed from the top hose on the engine back to the header tank to force all bubbles out .

Back onto the trailer and back to Paul's - could not believe how heavy the winch was - transpired that a) I was winching up th trailer, b) trailer on a hill winching up hill and c) I had left her in gear (damn near burst my boiler but got her on)

Over 1/3 of snags fixed this afternoon

We move forward - tomorrow to CBS to get conduit for wires and a load of cable ties as we now need to cut those already fitted - some different mirrors back to work on Sunday

Thanks again to Paul for his expertise in all this saga

Tired, sunburnt, appy to have driven her but disappointed at the outcome.
(mental note to self - avoid Mitcham)

Assuming this is the same station which Paul used for his car, how come you got such an ar... such a stickler for his own made rules?

Clearly 2/3 of 5300 is just over 3500, not 4000 so will you protest if he says the same next time and it is still too loud?

Anyway, this process is definitely an 'experience'.

Well done. Hope all goes well for the retest.
My examiner had already handed in his notice when he was testing my car and would have left a week after it ! So I did get a bit of an easy ride through the test. In fairness none of the points raised were unduly unfair - even the noise test read well over 101 dB as she hit 3k so wouldn't of passed anyway. I can't believe the mirors we used failed - anyway going to remount further up the door so as to see over the rear arches. Wheels and tyres passed on my car - the same set didn't on Ians - no temperature markings on them as they are 15 years old ! All in all a very picky examiner but nothing that can't be sorted before the retest. It was a shame about the boiling on the way home - I wanted to hear her roar passed me on the A3 !
Castle Coombe tomorrow, first time for my 40 on the track, of course I have Ians slicks back on my car as my wheels still haven't arrived.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter


Today I drove to Mitcham - ended up in 3rd gear only as the heat build up was jamming he shift mechanism. Had alook and had also popped a drive shaft seal.

Paul decided to head home in the Volvo for the trailer

Test booked at 11
I arrived 10:45
Test started about 12:15 - these guys do not keep time or do not own watches!

First thing was he said have you got full tanks - said no and he said fill them up - I said no need this is a retest and the brakes passed first time he went to argue and I said here is the snag sheet and nothing failed on brakes. No I am not filling the tank.

drove the car to the inspection area and went through the list.
First snag was tyres - they do not like BF Goodrich Comp TA - if anyone has these and is doing SVA borrow some others. I then said I have invoices for about £40k worth of bits and this car will pass today even if I have to get a new set of tyres but these are acceptable, they are known by your head office as acceptable and have already passed one SVA on Paul's car. Eventually I got the head of Goodrich Technical to fax a "shut up letter" to the SVA center and they accepted that as someone else took responsibility.
What sharp edges - showed him everything that was sanded. He said I will check and I said any problems and I will sand it here and now. He decided not to check.
Saw convolited conduit and said fine on electrics
Saw brake bias bar was pinned and was happy
Said drive to the mirror test area - passed with flying comours

Said go and park and when the fax arrives from Goodrich he will see if he can issue a certificate.

I parked the car and kept very quiet that he had forgotton to retest the noise.

Half an hour later I got the test certificate.

Loaded the trailer and went to Wimbledon - Damn it is tennis week and the place was busy! Got into DVLA center to get plates and after almost 2 hours they had examined the car taken the receipts they wanted depleted my bank of £220 for a year's tax, first reg etc. and said they could not issue the number plate number today - will need to pick up the documents on Monday.

Back to Pauls unloaded car, returned trailer, and started making it "normal" - drop ride height, fit normal front indicators, fit 9 hole vent on rear clip, remove gauze from vents, fitted fuel caps. un strangled the exhaust

Happy tired and now the big push to get some test miles done and in a week today at this time I'll be in Le Mans with my car

Once again many thanks to Paul for his unending assistance and dedication to get the car ready.

Thanks to all on this forum for their goodwill messags and assistance over the last few years.

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What a tale of persistence in the face of adversity! Well done, mate.:pepper:
I am slightly apprehensive as you will be on the same boat from Dover next Thursday, but I'm willing to hold your cold Coke while you push it along the A28 to Le Mans.
This must be the story of the event!
Well done Ian,

but i would keep quiet about altering things back after the SVA test as the internet has eyes .............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huntsen mentions the A28. This is the wonderful new motorway link from Rouen to LeMans. Please be advised if you or anyone else has not been on this road before that petrol stations are not built yet, except for just outside LeMans so do fill your tanks before hitting the "peages" or you will have to turn off the motorway and incure extra tolls. Do also note that the gendarmes know about their new race track and will almost certainly have their speed traps out again, especially after the event on Sunday. I saw three traps on my way back from the 24 hour event a fortnight ago.

Boy oh boy, what a road though. Oh, one more thing. Do watch the speed limit over those viaducts. They do monitor the limits and those cross winds can sometimes be tricky !!

Please get as much mileage in as you can and check, then double check everything on that 40. Take a spare belt and a puncture repair aerosol and anything else you can cram in. Not trying to tell "granny how to suck eggs" but LeMans in a 40 is quite an awesome "first time journey".

Bon Voyage,

Graham @ GTA Racing.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

I am keeping the car pretty well to SVA standard

On the 40

The ride height is still high enough for speed humps but a little off the top setting.

The front indicators in the lower recess have been added for authenticity - only allowed 1 per side at SVA.

And the rear clip vent holes were said not to be radiused enough they are now but a blank plate was on for the retest.

Great tip about the motorway and no fuel - I have no idea how far the full tank will go. I have the spare belt and also the tyre can. oh and breakdown service. but hoping not to need any of them. Will also take spanners and keep checking things each stop - cannot be too sure on a new car. Also have a "non 40" on convoy in case of mishaps but that is like admitting defeat!

Yes it is one hell of test for the first outing but what a way to start!

Are you going with either of your cars?

I'm not sure what all the fuss was about! Did anyone ever doubt that you would succeed???
You must have some pretty incriminating or compromising photos of the SVA examiner to have bullied him like you did!

Seriously though, congrats to both you and Paul. A mammouth task, and in such a short time.

Looking forward to seeing you in France.
Well done Ian & Paul, We never doubted you would not make it.
Now you have your Passport to happiness, more than what Dave Champ Has !!!!
See you in France.
Well done Ian & Paul, We never doubted you would not make it.
Now you have your Passport to happiness, more than what Dave Champ Has !!!!
See you in France.