More Global Cooling/Warming/Change hoax.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Despite interpreters, the denizens of the damned EU argue in English....

The ULTIMATE in irony.

'Brings to mind the old joke about the German pilot asking the Frankfurt tower why he had to speak English while at the controls of a German airliner sitting on a German airport runway...whereupon a very proper English pilot anonymously keyed up and said, "Because you lost the bloody war..."

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
49*c in Windorah Queensland today that's 120F a bit warm. Must be global warming. Or something to do with the tilt of the earth which some call summer.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Hey Pete
Can you not transfer some of that warmth down to the Global Warming research ship that is stuck in the ice and now abandoned in Antartica?

Or do you need to transfer some of the Antartic ice up to Australia to help keep your drinks cold? They have 3 icebreakers down there so perhaps thy cold break it into nice little cubes!


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
...the Global Warming research abandoned in Antartica?

News reports say the ship's passengers have been evacuated, but the crew is still aboard & waiting for a chance to free the ship. So, it's not been abandoned...yet, anyway.

The irony of a bunch of global warming researchers having their ship trapped in ice is just priceless! It's kinda like Mother Nature is saying, "Golbal warming this!" :devilish:

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I can't wait to hear the spin they put on this situation. Prepare to be amazed.............

In a way, the media have "spun" this story from day one. Not one of the "Lamestream media" (- Goldberg) has even mentioned the fact that the group aboard the Russian ship was down there to study the effects of "Global warming"! They were down there simply to "visit historic sites"!

(Truthfully, the only T.V. network I've seen/heard mention that fact is FOX. None of the others have 'far as I'm aware. But, I'm sure there has to be a chart or graph somewhere that disputes my own findings in that department.)

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Incredible isn't it? Or maybe not, a lot of vested interests and research grants will go bye bye if any admit they could have got it wrong! As always follow the money.
Larry, Have you heard about the dyslexic robber who ran into a bank? He screamed: "Air in the hands mother stickers this is a f*ck up!"
Watching the 'news' as I type this, I am lucky we don't have the right to bear here, as my manic, near insane laughter can no doubt be heard in Wales.

A so-called climate expert, is seen warning against catastrophic climate change, as a scene from some disasters movie is displayed on screen, showing New York and the Statue of Liberty, up to its waist in frozen tundra, as two lonely survivors can be seen struggling to make their way across the frozen wasteland. Presumably in search of a hot dog?!

Please, can we stop with all this apocalypse terror-mongering style of brain-washing? I hope that I am not alone, in refusing to discuss the subject with such utterly obvious crack-Potts who represent the side of (excuse me while I piss myself), science! These fools and jokers are clearly only trying to scare the brain-dead and the need-to-do-right brigade, who believe anything, if proclaiming their belief makes them feel cleverer than the bloke next door. It is sad in an oh so pathetic kind of way.

I would be confident in suggesting that there is money to be made in them-there lies, just like the warming mongrels. Now it's cooling!

Pictures of O'hare, snowed in? How drastic?! Apparently, it is unusual and extreme?! Has no one ever watched Planes, Trains and Automobiles?
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
So now the cold is caused by man as well as the hot. Well buggar me talented lot aren't we. Shakes head and rides off into the sun.......sorry snow.
We should turn their own science upon them. If it gets too cold, simply drive more SUV's for a couple of years and stop car-pooling, burn a little more coal. Situation normal, no? Temps rise again........... You get the idea! Bloody fools.
Send all of your worn out tires to Al Gore and pay the freight. He'll have a huge pile of them to burn for heat, and I think it would get him a city ordinance fine from the pile in his front yard!

Redneck retribution...

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Well in the UK at the moment we are being "lashed by unusual and harsh storms"

Well it is winter and it normally rains around this time of the year.

The BBC was showing flooded areas and showing in one place the lifeboat taking fresh groceries into a village surrounded by water.

So it is really bad and totally out the ordinary.

Well that seemed like a fair report, until they said the village had a historical name too, and this infers that historically the village was known to be cut off by rising water.

It's all a new thing ......obviously
Well in the UK at the moment we are being "lashed by unusual and harsh storms"

Well it is winter and it normally rains around this time of the year.

The BBC was showing flooded areas and showing in one place the lifeboat taking fresh groceries into a village surrounded by water.

So it is really bad and totally out the ordinary.

Well that seemed like a fair report, until they said the village had a historical name too, and this infers that historically the village was known to be cut off by rising water.

It's all a new thing ......obviously

What we are suffering from here is mainly down to total lack of maintenance of our ditches,streams and rivers. Our forefathers have dug by hand thousands of miles of ditches to keep all the land properly drained, the EA used to keep all vegetation in the streams / rivers cut back , the council used to keep all the culverts, gulleys and roadside ditches clear. The land was properly drained and when it rained it would act as a huge sponge keeping back millions of gallons of water which it would release into the ditches and streams slowly. For years now because of consecutive dry years,EA and council cutbacks all this has been left to ruin, every year you will see council workers blowing all the leaves off the paths and roads straight into the ditch, land owners have filled in culverts and farmers dont bother anymore with the land. When it rains now its all just run off which bounces straight off the land over non existent ditches into clogged up streams and rivers which = FLOODS. Trees under powerlines were always kept cut a few meters below, this is another area of neglect. There are thousands of miles of cables growing through the tree canopies , these trees are roadside and rooted down in the poorly drained sodden ground so now when the wind blows over they go pulling down the cables.

We are paying a very heavy price for neglecting some very basic area`s of what used to be annual maintenance. It has little or nothing to do with climate change.
