Navy Seals charged.

Fox News revealed to us the utter corruption of Acorn, while the MSM buried it.

Fox News used the very words of Van Jones (disgraced former "Green Jobs Czar) to reveal he is an avowed Communist, using the "Green Movement" to attack Capitalism while the MSM reported a minor fragment of the whole story.

Fox News is now reporting on the falsified data used to foster the lie of Global Warming, excuse me, Global Climate Change. The MSM, still waiting.

Then we have Dan Rather destroying his career, using false documents, in an attempt at destroying President Bush's military record.

We have the MSM reporting Florida being won by Gore before the Florida Pan Handle polls closed, thus demoralizing conservative voters who knew Florida was key to the election.

In that same election we have Tom Brokaw declaring on national television that "We only need one more state to win!" This after calling Florida for Gore.

Back in the Sixties, the Hippies took over the Deans office, and they never left.
All those Hippie leaders were Marxists (think William Ayers, Weather Underground radical bomber, now "elementary education theorist"), and they permeated the educational system to the point where the history teachers in my relatively conservative area taught my kids that "Marx was right, Communism just hasn't had a fair chance." and "Because of Ronald Reagan, we have nuclear missiles pointed at us right now."

You liberals refuse to listen to people like Rush Limbaugh or Fox News because they don't say the things you were trained to hear. I have to hear the Left's agenda everywhere I go, including the doctor's office because News Week, Time, etc. are staring at me while I wait for my appointment.

It takes an effort to hear the conservative side of a story. The left controls the schools, and therefore any enterprise that requires a degree. All these junior Marxists think they are doing the right thing, but with all their intelligence, degrees, etc. they don't question their brainwashers. What a waste.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Ok, I'll play your game.

While we certainly hear, and should, a lot about Acorn, we only hear the bad -- which is a small portion of what Acorn has done. Why? Because that is how Fox News portrays it.

If the "mainstream media" was so liberal, why did it FIRE Dan Rather for his error on the documents?

Nearly 20 years ago, while in college and shortly thereafter, Vann Jones was involved in Marxist groups aimed at protesting police brutality, etc. Should he have had the position in the Obama administration he did? Probably not. Was it the end of the world that he did? Certainly not. Is he an "avowed Marxist bent on destroying capitalism?" Dude, you have watched WAY too much Glenn Beck.

If you are so riled up about the calling of states in the 2000 eleciton, were you doing the same when the "mainstream media" called -- for the first time -- states for Reagan before polls closed? Or was the media just doing what it thought would, gasp, generate the highest ratings in both cases.

Do a quick run down of the conservative columnists and commentators we see everyday on the news and the papers -- Buckley (RIP), Will, Novak (RIP), Safire, Buchanan, Krauthammer, Hannity, Beck, Dobbs, Coulter, King, O'Reilly, etc. etc. etc. and tell me that the media is biased?

You guys check your critical thinking skills in at the door when you buy the line that the media has a unilateral bias one way or the other. It does not. There is bias in both directions and you need to be smart enough to sort out advocacy journalism (Fox and MSNBC) from news.

Last, I'm pretty centrist when it comes to foreign policy, and economics. I'm definitely a liberal on social issues. I have and probably will again (when the party regains its sanity) voted Republican.

But I will tell you that the hate of the left and disinformation that comes from what seems to a lot of moderates to be the "mainstream" of the Republican party and from conservatives in general is a huge turn off.

In the 80s I wasn't afraid of what a Republican president might do to this country. I wasn't afraid of what Bush I or Bush II (dolt that he was, but at least he seemed to have some common sense when it came to social and domestic issues) would do. But this rabid right wing who thinks "the left" is destroying America really needs to settle the f$%^ down.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
And last, why do you guys insist on coming on car forums and posting this crap, or assuming that since I'm into cars, I'm a right wing nutjob and send me e-mails all day long with racist, sexist and downright offensive material in it?

It seems like EVERY car forum I go to has a "Paddock" area that is full of this type of mess. Disappointing really, and it almost always seems to be "ohmygodObamaisdestroyingthecountrymongering" from the right.

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
Give it up Jeff. The Left and the Right see their news through thier own preconcieved, "this is what I'm comfortable with" mindset. There are too many other strings on this site that offer value, information, and humor rather than another rehash of what is already available from any number of biased media sources.

Ron Earp

It seems like EVERY car forum I go to has a "Paddock" area that is full of this type of mess. Disappointing really, and it almost always seems to be "ohmygodObamaisdestroyingthecountrymongering" from the right.

I also have also noticed this phenomenon. And, it caused me to think about the car hobby in general, the people that participate, and their demographics.

Could it be possible that those that are attracted to "fast car hobbies" are predisposed toward right leaning politics? I suppose we could poll that up, or, pay a visit to the Prius forum and see what the paddock there looks like.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Now that is an interesting idea.

Before I go back to work, spent 5 minutes at Priuschat. Interesting -- the lead post in their "paddock" was "any vegetarian Prius owners out there." Ok....

The global warming "argument" has some posts from both sides.

Don't see a whole lot of hate, but there is some weird lefty stuff in there, have to agree. I think Dr. Earp is on to something. The only car forum place I go that doesn't have this stuff is Dodge Charger forums (they expressly ban any political discussion) and frankly I think that is a better route. Talk politics in the parlor, not car forums.

PriusChat Forums

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
It seems like EVERY car forum I go to has a "Paddock" area that is full of this type of mess. Disappointing really, and it almost always seems to be "ohmygodObamaisdestroyingthecountrymongering" from the right.

I've noticed this as well with other high performance related forums. When I recognized the common and overwhelming Right viewpoint (but it may be the Right is a bit more vociferous than the typical Left leaning enthusiast), I was a bit surprised and realized I perhaps did not “fit” in as well as I thought I would. Fortunately for this site, there exists a pleasant balance of the site’s main topic and purpose, and the more tangential matters discussed in the paddock.


Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I agree.

If Ron's thesis is that guys with fast/expensive/performance cars are generally fairly well off, self made and tend towards being Republican/right, I think that is correct.

And I, a moderate/left guy, get along with almost all of them.

But, the vocal minority of people who post the same anti-Obama, anti-left, anti-everything it seems is, well, vocal. So it's hard to tell what the majority is. I should just ignore the stuff, but, while I don't start threads like this, I do get dragged into them. And sometimes I'm not polite, which embarasses me later.

I do, however, often get PMs from folks -- both moderate left and moderate right -- thanking me for saying something. This leads me to believe that performance car message boards are a lot like the rest of the country: center or center right, and too polite to talk politics in public.

It's the loudmouths (like me above) who cause all the problems, on both sides.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Talk about thread drift, we have come a long way from my original post!

Yeah, Pete, I've been following the thread and owe you an apology for opening up this can of worms!

As I read the article, the Jihadists were guilty of ambushing and killing some of the private security forces contracted by the U.S. Government in Iraq. They not only killed them, they also burned their bodies and then hanged two of them from a bridge for photo-ops.

"The four Blackwater agents were transporting supplies for a catering company when they were ambushed and killed by gunfire and grenades. Insurgents burned the bodies and dragged them through the city. They hanged two of the bodies on a bridge over the Euphrates River for the world press to photograph."

And now the purported mastermind is pissing and moaning b/c of a split lip?????

Talk about chutzpah!!

Maybe we need to re-evaluate our own "rules"??? Maybe it's time for a new "Geneva Convention"???

Again, my sincere apologies for initiating all the thread drift!


Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Yeah, Pete, I've been following the thread and owe you an apology for opening up this can of worms!

As I read the article, the Jihadists were guilty of ambushing and killing some of the private security forces contracted by the U.S. Government in Iraq. They not only killed them, they also burned their bodies and then hanged two of them from a bridge for photo-ops.

"The four Blackwater agents were transporting supplies for a catering company when they were ambushed and killed by gunfire and grenades. Insurgents burned the bodies and dragged them through the city. They hanged two of the bodies on a bridge over the Euphrates River for the world press to photograph."

And now the purported mastermind is pissing and moaning b/c of a split lip?????

Talk about chutzpah!!

Maybe we need to re-evaluate our own "rules"??? Maybe it's time for a new "Geneva Convention"???

Again, my sincere apologies for initiating all the thread drift!


Hey Doug no apology needed, but thanks anyway.
Yes that is why I started this thread, the alleged mastermind complaining about a fat lip and the hand wringing, whining, arseholes force the Seals who should get a medal for capturing the prick, to a Courts Martial.
And yes guys I know these men are being charged by the Navy, but I bet there is a politician in the background pulling the strings.

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
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Doug, please don't apologize. The more people hear about this sort of thing , the better chance we have of getting back to the successful U.S that many of us grew up loving. If anyone out there doesn't believe we are at war with the extremists that attacked our country, they must live in LaLa land. War is about kicking ass and killing people. That is one of the main things that soldiers are trained for. Everyone of these extremists that we capture and hold are going to be fodder for the wishy washy PC's out there that think we owe these idiots. They are right - we owe them the right to die!! This travisty is just an extension of the idea that we should start prosecuting war criminals in the civilian courts! What a bunch of crap!! If we keep supporting this lunacy at the ballot box, it will never change! Don't keep your mouth closed when people you know expound on what great things your elected officials are doing. If you don't believe in a "nanny state" and the handling of a war by the politicos say so and encourage everyone you know do vote the bums out! If the shoe fits, wear it, if not welcome to the fight!