No outrage here!

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Mr Jones,

I can't tell you how disapointed I am in your statement!

So in your mind walking through a "white" neighborhood while black is a death sentence?

You would follow and harras a teen who's only crime is walking by your house. You would harras him until he gave you an excuse to shoot him!

Boom, boom, boom?

You have just presented the strongest argument yet for the total banning of guns!

Condoleezza Rice jogs through our neighborhood, you could just hide in the bushes.............boom, boom, boom!!!

Please move to Texas as soon as possible.

:squint: :stunned: :icon_bs::icon_bs::icon_bs:
How one's wish to harm no one, yet protect themselves from others, who do not care about harming, (or even make it their business to harm others)can be so utterly misinterpreted by people like Jim C, completely baffles me.

Howard said nothing about race, colour, or religion. Simply that if he goes to investigate who is lurking in his bushes and that person charged at him, he would happily slot the bugger.

Now from that, certain people cannot ride by on their bicycles? F. OFF

Blind these lefties are, blind and mad. Deliberately mis-quoting everyone they disagree with.

Just one step along the BS line that is passive aggresiveness. Look at me, they say, I have values and principals and consider myself a friend of the Earth and the baby seals and whales and dolphins and trees and all people across the world.

Sanctimoneous drivel.

Differ from them in your opinion? MOVE TO TEXAS!
Yeah, "Save the Whales" collect the whole set!

I would defend my household or my neighbors, with great vigor, and a shotgun!

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
...not to mention, in CIA legal parlance, "...with extreme prejudice..."

(Edit: And, for you libs, "prejudice" as used here does N-O-T have anything whatsoever to do with race. NOTHING!)
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Jeff, that Martin asshole is still dead...............good, he had it coming. I would have done the same thing, two or three times............ boom, boom, boom, another shitbad bites the dust.

I have the right to know who is rooting around in my bushes in front of my house at night and when I go out there to find out, I don't go empty handed. Both hands, I'm not partial to handguns, prefer model 70s with buckshot.

So the dumbshit charges me and jumps at me............boom! Fuck the commie motherfucker! Had it coming! Got it! We need more of that, not less. Too many shitbags and not enough people who have a spine and know the difference between right and wrong.

Jack.... so I like that Jones act deal, got my attention, gonna look that one up.

Howard - I have to say, following my experience yesterday - well have a guess. I am not a vengeful man for reasons I have already explained, but you know - I also believe in 'natural justice'

Despite the fact that this thread is probably a racist one, responses from our progressive liberal friends have disappointed me considerably, because Jeff's rejoinder is a intellectually little weak for him and Jim's is just well whining and no substance - just political dogmatic mantra just as a puppy (or kitten).

THIS is what people most identify with, black white, Asian of Hispanic, or any victim of a crime. THIS is what they really want to be, see and do.

If you don't believe me, look up the stats and do some general research.

OK, forget the plot. Forget (if you even knew) what or who this guy is. THIS is instant justice, and you know? Even for me, it has resonance on many levels.

Let me know what you think...

[ame=""]collateral briefcase - YouTube[/ame]

Howard Jones

Interesting choice. If I wanted THAT brief case back THAT bad. I would have taken a rest on the fender and punched them both between the shoulder blades....twice. Fight with surprise on your side, from a good defensive position with cover. Walk over to em a yack.....only in the movies. Now............................THAT was George's mistake. He let Trayvon close the distance to him and engage him in hand to hand when he was armed with a firearm. That's the proof that he didn't intend to harm Williams. If he had, he would have had his firearm up and at the ready.

I really don't intend to check for color when a unknown assailant ambushes me from cover, in the dark. At that point its me or him. The load of buckshot knows no predigest, nether do I. My first post speaks to this. Shotgun up and at the ready. Eyes on the field. Pay attention to cover. IF, and that's a big if, I went out to investigate instead of calling the cops and getting my tax moneys worth, that's how I would do it. If I get a nut case charging a up and ready shotgun, he's not going to be allowed to close on me. Not even close.

The one thing that might stay my hand would be a very short small person. Long enough to try and determine age. Same thing in my house at night. No "who's there" bullshit. Check to see if I know em and then, if not, a load of buckshot in the chest.

By the way the news is reporting that a 1 year old child was shot while sleeping next to his father the night before last in Oakland. The shooter killed them with 9 rounds through the rear yard bedroom window next to the bed. Dad caught 8. The 20ish father was visiting the area to attend a funeral of a murder victim. Somebody REALLY wanted him dead. Everybody on the TV news report was black.

Oakland has the highest murder rate in California. Is there any wonder why people are interested who is cheeping around the neighborhood at night. Oakland could use a neighborhood watch. The police force is down on manpower buy nearly 50% due to the fine job the local government is doing.

This hasn't got anything to do with Martin, just a news report and a couple of facts. I can't wait to see what the lefties read into this one.

Jim's a good guy. Really. Our country values a wide range of opinion as do I. Still love you Jim. Sorry to disappoint.

See, nice and sweet, just like the action on my model 70. IMHO of course.
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Because it is Texas Pete. Perhaps the last remnant of "The land of the free".
Personal rights are taken very seriously there. Hows that Doc?
Heard a news report about this incident today. They were supposing that if the beaters were white and the beatee was black that Sharpton and Jackson would be camping out in that Florida town right now. But I for one know that Sharpton and Jackson can distinguish between a simple disagreement and an actual racial incident! And monkeys are going to fly out of your butt! :)

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Let me know what you think...

collateral briefcase - YouTube

Pure Hollywood bull feathers.

If one is going to confront scumbags like these it's best to have your firearm IN YOUR HAND with its little 'red dot' already placed 'center mass' on 1 or the other dirtbag before saying, 'Top of the evening to ya, laddies'. Change targets if the other perp turns around first. And if possible, one needs to have his OWN darned self behind a dumpster, or whatever cover is available. 'Pretty stupid to just stand out in the open like a big butted bird on a bare limb. REAL WORLD, the perp would have been FIRING as he turned around.


As for ME, shoot, I'd be screaming for my mommy ("mum" to you Brits!) and beating feet in the opposite direction. The cabby - and anyone else in that zip code - would be completely on his/their own...

(If I remember this movie correctly, ole '007' there was the guy who tied up the cabby in the 1st place, wasn't he?)


Lifetime Supporter
Oh Jim (Craik)
"RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Firearms sales in Virginia are increasing while gun-related violent crimes are declining.
Federally licensed gun dealer sales show that firearms sales rose 16 percent in 2012 to a record 490,119 guns purchased.
During the same period, the number of major crimes committed with firearms dropped 5 percent to 4,378.
Virginia Commonwealth University assistant professor Thomas R. Baker specializes in research methods and criminology theory. He tells the newspaper that the data indicate that more guns don't necessarily lead to more crime.
Josh Horwitz with the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence says the real question is how many guns are sold without a background check. He says these guns are more likely to be involved in crimes." as seen in WBOC 16 Website (in totality)

Only these two schmucks and you can't read the tea leaves.

Trayvon is Dead. How many whites are going the be assaulted before it is realized that Zimmermann was Latino. I know you want us all to die for that poor little 10yr old boy in the picture who had 10" on George, the Blart Mall Cop Putz. Facts are facts if Trayvon was a good Christian, he would have turned the other cheek and walked away an nothing would have happened. And he didn't, he couldn't resist an opportunity to beat a white man up. Hell what are we worth, 200 points? Add 50 if he had had a suite and tie on. Keep it up boys, Your buddy Obama is wanting to start the Cold War up with Russia. Real man of genius.


Pure Hollywood bull feathers.

Fortunately yes, but it gets people's juices flowing for several reasons. It's very popular on Youtube with thousands of variations of whatif whyif, he shoulda done this he shoulda done that etc etc

It's what this scene represents and people's reactions to it that counts. They are both 'bad guys' - Tom Cruise plays a professional hit man, only I guess the viewer sees the Tom Cruise character as the 'victim' in a sense and the perp as the aggressor, but in reality, we know that Cruise is a professional and the perp really is a stupid ass bully boy who likes to point his gun around in gangsta fashion and would have probably been blinded by his own hot shell casing if he had lived long enough to fire his weapon in that rather silly orientation.

So really the perp was the victim in more ways than one.

It is the summary rapid execution of both crime & punishment that is attractive to the casual observer. No media, no lawyers, no D.A. , no politicians NO BULLSHIT.

The popularity of this scene seems to indicate that people are really fed up with the whole circus involved with crime & punishment in the USA where crime becomes a legitimate political platform and the battles are actually for ratings and votes and screw the real victims of crime.

This is only a personal observation.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
'Agree with 99.9% of that. All I would add (and you eluded to it) is the fact that perps have more "rights" than the rest of us.

I would disagree with your stmt that the perp was in any way a vic in this case. No way, Jose. HE ASKED FOR WHAT HE GOT right from the get-go.



Yes, but in reality he never stood a chance but he wasn't to know that. His only possible and normal 'win' situation would have been that none of his 'vics' would have been armed. Plus, his father left him when he was 3, his mother was a crack head and he got bullied at school etc etc.

I'll guarantee that in a real world situation, some bleeding heart in the media would have upped his ratings by using that analogy.

Replying to Larry's Post #55

Howard Jones

I meant 870 sorry. Here's a picture. It's a new model, nice and pretty. Mines a 40 year old field model, not so much anymore.

Oh and one for Jim. I hope that makes you smile. Still love ya!


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Er, are you allowed to pint a gun at the president even if he is plastic and has got a big sloppy mouth?

I don't know whether you should go to jail or hell for that transgression.

Waaaait a minute though..hold on there.......:idea: