Scotland Tornado

You're right it is pretty tight but I think it just about meets the requirement of 50% of "apparent" visibility at 45°. Any idea what the definition of "apparent" is in this context?
I'll drag the original SVA manual from the cupboard, I think it had an explanation, but that page disappeared in the IVA manual. My build goes so slowly I have too much time to worry about stuff, which is a dangerous thing...

I'll take a pic of the little indicators I have put on mine if you are interested.


The picture attached shows the rear light positions as SVA. I think I have a copy of the SVA manual on a pdf, PM an email address and I will send it on



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Here is a pdf of the pages I have of the draft IVA manual, should be a guide but check if any changes were made in the final issues.
Hope these help



  • Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) Manual for Vehicle Category M1 lights.pdf
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Here is the page from the SVA manual re apparant angle



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Here's the old SVA explanation for you.

Ian, the reason I ask, is the 15 degrees is quite shallow, and the 45 degree view would potentiall mean the light enclosure may obscure the light. I am a former auditor and worry too much ;)

As for what I have done, see the attached. They are little LED light from CBS, fully E marked as well. Smaller than a 50p piece. I am hoping they will blend/disappear once the light enclosure is painted matt black.



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Thanks for the info, I think I understand the "appararent" surface now. I am pretty sure I'm still OK with where it is, I will also raise it a bit with the rubber seal. I also checked with a piece of string this morning. I intend to remove after the IVA and fit the larger indicator in the lower recess after the IVA, so at this stage I just wanted something functional only.
Cheers all
Sound proofed the doors and fitted the covers. Completed all the front wiring and checked the connections with a multimeter, all seems to be fine. Fitted the light covers and the front clip panel with Dzus fasteners.
Recently I noticed that a mouse (or mice) had been crawling over the car, and now that I have some of the electrics in, I dont want them chewing the cables (I used to ride bikes and a mouse previously caused around £500 damage to the wiring on my Fireblade!), so a bought a Carcoon cover. Should keep the mice out and any damp.


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More photos.........


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Really coming along nicely. That cocoon cover looks the business. Most of the guys here that leave their cars for any amount of time get a box of mothball flakes and leave them in the vehicle somewhere. The odor is gone in minutes when removed, and it keeps the little varmints from chewing up your project.
Myself I have a resident cat, nothing gets by him, but he likes to sleep in the car.
Good looking car, keep posting.
lol @mice, a little bugger ;-)
are you going to make a black color around the light covers etc too?
personally I thinks it looks better.
nice progress.
I will blacken out the light cover edges after the IVA as I didnt want it to interfer with my temporary front indicators. I will also blacken out the light recesses and the rear engine bay area. Re Mice, little expensive buggers; a few years back they chewed through some plastic water pipe while we were oveaseas; cost us around £1k that time to fit the plumbing. Morale, always run copper water piping if you live in the country!
Started to prepare the rear clip this weekend. Removed all the lights and the vents, and fitted the engine bay heat insulation. It needs to be trimmed back and then I'll fit aluminium tape to tidy the edges.


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Looks lovely! If you ever feel like you'd like to share your expertise, I am nearly at the stage of doing my GTD body. It sould only be a quick flight down to Stansted :)

I wish I had your skills.

Very little to report. I was working on the rear clip and then the snow came around late October and has been relentless since. Temperatures regularly at -15°C and below have put the dampener on working in the garage, and I am waiting of delivery of a Little Devil space heater, but they cant get it to me due to snow! So I went and bought a new toy to play with; a 4x4 Iseki tractor with snow plough. Funnily enough, I am still waiting for that to be delivered too!!?
Finally managed to get some work done in the garage today after about 2 months lay up. Started back on the rear clip.


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