Paddock Politics Thread

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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
...I WOULD support a massive air strike on Phat Phuk's military bases...huge numbers of fighter jets accompanying enough bombers to drop a MOAB on each of his military installations capable of launching ICBM's...NO NUKES, though...

EXACTLY. I have zero doubt that's what Trump would do if push came to shove. HE'S not nuts. Lil' Kim IS.
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Well, we both agree on that!

It's a complex issue...and an unreasonable subject. I just don't thing two wrongs make a right...particularly with the severity of the consequences. There must be some way to get international pressure against this Phat Phuk's "progress" toward nukes...perhaps once we can verify a nuclear test, it will become clear to the rest of the world how dangerous he can be, but it needs to be a "world" issue, not one for just the U.S.A. We already have a rep around the world as bullies, taking unilateral action would just reinforce that.

Trump has said that the U.N. is useless...then changed his tune. l wonder which it is.

Doug, Phat Phuk as you call him is not making progress towards the thing that goes BANG, he has had that for a while. He's trying to make a high tech slingshot to send the BANG thing to the sunny shores of California. So when he perfects his slingshot and wakes up one day with a particularly painful hemorrhoid and decides that pushing the red button would ease the pain...............................Patting his fat little head and whispering sweet nothings in his pudgy little ears will have been for naught. Severe life changing pressure should be brought to bear on this neanderthal moron that should have met his end in a condom.


Impeachment is not going to happen, get over it! I get that you don't like Trump, given where you live, you can''t like Trump. I certainly don't like Obama, but I didn't piss and moan about it for 8 years. I'm more concerned about America than who I think should be POTUS. While not liking Obama, I still wanted the best for America, I still want the best, so get over it, just sit there, or help.

Just spotted your reply Al..

You could copy/paste this over Brexit issues (with name & place changes) and it would still be a valid plea..

Good post...

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Severe life changing pressure should be brought to bear on this neanderthal moron that should have met his end in a condom.

We all agree on that Al...but my position has always been that a multinational presence is the answer. If we let President Trump be the biggest bully on the playground, then when Phat Phuk gets his slingshot perfected he will quite naturally aim at Trump's area of the playground.

On the other hand, if bullies from all over the playground combine to present a united front, Phat Phuk will realize that there are WAAAAY too many bullies for him to prevail and perhaps...just perhaps...then there will be progress.

Who appointed Trump the "Chief Cook and Biggest Bully" of the playground, anyway? We seems to be a case of "my Bully is bigger than your Bully", which isn't going to curtail Phat Phuk anywhere near as well as all the other bullies banding together with our big bully against this one delusional renegade. There is power in numbers.




its really only the USA that has the muscle Doug. Our navy has been decimated to the point that on a good day, we could field no more than a dozen ships out of a total of 19. Yes, that's right, the once mighty Royal Navy will now fit in your neighbours duck pond.

Call the French, they have some experience in Indo-China don't they?

Funny? They're not picking up... hmmmmm :shifty:

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
its really only the USA that has the muscle Doug.
Call the French, they have some experience in Indo-China don't they?

Funny? They're not picking up... hmmmmm :shifty:

If we are in this alone, Keith, then my only suggestion would be to station Patriot missiles along our western borders in significant numbers that the incoming missiles could be intercepted...but that doesn't take the nuclear impact out of the equation. If we are in a situation where there is really NO other nation in the world who will help us in this issue, then I fear for the world b/c our presidential bully will jab away at North Korea until they feel like they have to launch.

The world will be a very different place once that happens.

China and Russia need to step up, perhaps joined by Australia. It's not just a United States problem.


We all agree on that Al...but my position has always been that a multinational presence is the answer. If we let President Trump be the biggest bully on the playground, then when Phat Phuk gets his slingshot perfected he will quite naturally aim at Trump's area of the playground.

On the other hand, if bullies from all over the playground combine to present a united front, Phat Phuk will realize that there are WAAAAY too many bullies for him to prevail and perhaps...just perhaps...then there will be progress.

Who appointed Trump the "Chief Cook and Biggest Bully" of the playground, anyway? We seems to be a case of "my Bully is bigger than your Bully", which isn't going to curtail Phat Phuk anywhere near as well as all the other bullies banding together with our big bully against this one delusional renegade. There is power in numbers.


I don't see where anyone is being a bully. We've made our presence know, supplied protective measures to S Korea, I think that if Obama had the huevos to do this you would have been praising him. No matter what Trump does, you will have a problem with it. You are getting carried away with this. Deep breath, sit down. :)

Randy V

Staff member
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A couple of thoughts here -

The most dangerous enemy is the one you don't know.

The smartest person in the room is usually the last one to speak.

Put those together with this situation we have with North Korea....


If we are in this alone, Keith, then my only suggestion would be to station Patriot missiles along our western borders in significant numbers that the incoming missiles could be intercepted...

FYI the Patriot has a range under optimal conditions of about 50 miles. We have a little over a thousand fire units in the inventory. If the DPRK weapons system is a suborbital launch capable of hitting the mainland U.S., the chances of a Patriot, (designed to kill aircraft and upgraded to intercept tactical missiles -think SCUDs), hitting an terminal inbound ICBM launch is very low. The only way to address a launch with any real chance of success would be AEGIS shipboard system intercept in the boost phase of launch.

In my opinion, trying to reason with someone who reports indicate fed his uncle to starving dogs and uses antiaircraft weapons for disciplinary measures is a fools errand.

The pic is the meeting building on the DMZ. The right side of the room is in North Korea, the left side the South. The room inside itself is technically neutral. When I took it, the DPRK guards at the window didn't seem too friendly.


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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I don't see where anyone is being a bully. We've made our presence know, supplied protective measures to S Korea, I think that if Obama had the huevos to do this you would have been praising him. No matter what Trump does, you will have a problem with it. You are getting carried away with this. Deep breath, sit down. :)

I would never praise anyone, no matter their political persuasion, who would do anything to encourage North Korea to launch any form of nuclear weapon towards any target...and the longer Trump goads this fool, the more certain that he will do SOMETHING! I suppose, Al, that he could use restraint and just try to attack us with conventional weapons, but anyone who would feed a family member's remains to a dog would have no restraint when it came to launching whatever was his most lethal weapon toward a country for which he has such disdain. I can't see it happening.

Like I said before...once we have enough aircraft in the area I would support a surprise "conventional weapon" bombing attack (MOABs!!!) targeting all of his launch sites...but such an operation would still require multinational cooperation and would probably piss Russia off...and by itself might cause the ICBMs with the warheads to detonate. My only concern is ANY nuclear weapons, regardless of who launches them, being used. We don't need to kill our planet and everyone on it, Al....I would love to watch what happened to Sadaam Hussein happen to this Phat Phuk idiot!

I would never praise anyone, no matter their political persuasion, who would do anything to encourage North Korea to launch any form of nuclear weapon towards any target...and the longer Trump goads this fool, the more certain that he will do SOMETHING! I suppose, Al, that he could use restraint and just try to attack us with conventional weapons, but anyone who would feed a family member's remains to a dog would have no restraint when it came to launching whatever was his most lethal weapon toward a country for which he has such disdain. I can't see it happening.

Like I said before...once we have enough aircraft in the area I would support a surprise "conventional weapon" bombing attack (MOABs!!!) targeting all of his launch sites...but such an operation would still require multinational cooperation and would probably piss Russia off...and by itself might cause the ICBMs with the warheads to detonate. My only concern is ANY nuclear weapons, regardless of who launches them, being used. We don't need to kill our planet and everyone on it, Al....I would love to watch what happened to Sadaam Hussein happen to this Phat Phuk idiot!


We are not goading Phat to do anything, he is and has been testing missiles with the intent of reaching the US. The only thing that will dissuade him is the threat of something unthinkable happening to his country ( a puddle of glass comes to mind), or convincing China and Russia to break off relations, stop trade and threaten military action. China doesn't want a radioactive cloud blowing into their country. Talking to or ignoring this fool isn't going to work. I don't think it's if this unstable fool will launch a weapon, it's when. and sitting around smelling flowers and talking nice isn't an option

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I would never praise anyone, no matter their political persuasion, who would do anything to encourage North Korea to launch any form of nuclear weapon towards any target...and the longer Trump goads this fool, the more certain that he will do SOMETHING! I suppose, Al, that he could use restraint and just try to attack us with conventional weapons, but anyone who would feed a family member's remains to a dog would have no restraint when it came to launching whatever was his most lethal weapon toward a country for which he has such disdain. I can't see it happening.

Like I said before...once we have enough aircraft in the area I would support a surprise "conventional weapon" bombing attack (MOABs!!!) targeting all of his launch sites...but such an operation would still require multinational cooperation and would probably piss Russia off...and by itself might cause the ICBMs with the warheads to detonate. My only concern is ANY nuclear weapons, regardless of who launches them, being used. We don't need to kill our planet and everyone on it, Al....I would love to watch what happened to Sadaam Hussein happen to this Phat Phuk idiot!


...aaaaand, of course, as I've mentioned before, all your aforementioned positions/postulations/speculations/theories/strategies, etc., are based on your (seemingly) unquestionable and absolute certainty that - were they adhered to - Lil' Kim would never go off the deep end some morning and 'push the button' just because somebody peed on his Pop-Tarts...thereby ensuring the exact outcome you fear. 'Quite a risky assumption...

The massive conventional strike you mentioned aside, I can't 'throw in' with your view/line of thinking with regard to how to handle that puke.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
The massive conventional strike you mentioned aside, I can't 'throw in' with your view/line of thinking with regard to how to handle that puke.

So...keeping in mind the ELE possibility of using would you do it without pissing Phat Phuk off enough to launch the initial strike, which I bet we can both agree would be a nuclear weapon? I have no opposition to using our military forces to blow NK off the map, as long as we don't set off nukes doing it...I would just like to live long enough to be able to meet my first grandchild (you'd think that at 68 years of age I would have at least ONE by now :furious: ) and have it resemble a human, not some grotesque abomination brought about by radiation.

Regardless of your answer, Larry...I still don't think the initial "strike" ought to be a unilateral U.S. action UNLESS we declare war, I think other countries ought to be involved, too, and most preferably some of them in the region of North Korea. If we do that, even then I would hope we could deal with North Korea without nuking 'em...and so do those living in the surrounding countries, I would bet.

So...keeping in mind the ELE possibility of using would you do it without pissing Phat Phuk off enough to launch the initial strike, which I bet we can both agree would be a nuclear weapon? I have no opposition to using our military forces to blow NK off the map, as long as we don't set off nukes doing it...I would just like to live long enough to be able to meet my first grandchild (you'd think that at 68 years of age I would have at least ONE by now :furious: ) and have it resemble a human, not some grotesque abomination brought about by radiation.

Regardless of your answer, Larry...I still don't think the initial "strike" ought to be a unilateral U.S. action UNLESS we declare war, I think other countries ought to be involved, too, and most preferably some of them in the region of North Korea. If we do that, even then I would hope we could deal with North Korea without nuking 'em...and so do those living in the surrounding countries, I would bet.


The time to do something should be now or very soon. I say that because he hasn't perfected a reliable rocket.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
The time to do something should be now or very soon. I say that because he hasn't perfected a reliable rocket.

Then start lobbying your elected officials for a Declaration of War, Al. It's not only the right thing to do, it's the right way to go about doing it.


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
So...keeping in mind the ELE possibility of using would you do it without pissing Phat Phuk off enough to launch the initial strike, which I bet we can both agree would be a nuclear weapon? I have no opposition to using our military forces to blow NK off the map, as long as we don't set off nukes doing it...I would just like to live long enough to be able to meet my first grandchild (you'd think that at 68 years of age I would have at least ONE by now :furious: ) and have it resemble a human, not some grotesque abomination brought about by radiation.

Regardless of your answer, Larry...I still don't think the initial "strike" ought to be a unilateral U.S. action UNLESS we declare war, I think other countries ought to be involved, too, and most preferably some of them in the region of North Korea. If we do that, even then I would hope we could deal with North Korea without nuking 'em...and so do those living in the surrounding countries, I would bet.


I say again with regard to launching or not launching a conventional strike vs. just plain sitting on our hands and doing nothing:

"...all your aforementioned positions/postulations/speculations/theories/strategies, etc., are based on your (seemingly) unquestionable and absolute certainty that - were they adhered to - Lil' Kim would never go off the deep end some morning and 'push the button' just because somebody peed on his Pop-Tarts...thereby ensuring the exact outcome you fear."

IOW, do something or do nothing - in the end Lil' Kim could 'go postal' on his own for no reason at all. To do nothing is akin to continuing to feed an alligator hoping he'll eat you last...or whatever that old saying is...

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Glad to hear you see it my way, Larry.

I am all for doing something!!! Get congress to declare war on North Korea and hit them with overwhelming non-nuclear force.

To do so without a Declaration of War would be us just doing what we are worried about Phat Phuk doing to us, to wit initiating a deadly attack on our country without warning...the military equivalent of a "sucker punch". We would be no better than the one we are worried about. If we want to start a fight, at least we could (and should) say "Put up your dukes!". That is exactly what a Declaration of War would do...but I think our present POTUS is too much of a coward to do that, plain and simple.

Let's do it right if we are going to have to do it alone...


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
'Couldn't get congress to agree on whether it's raining or not these days. No matter what Trump may want to do regarding a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, the left will AUTOMATICALLY OPPOSE AND OBSTRUCT it...just like they have done continually since 1/20/17.

If Trump invented a serum that was 100% effective at curing any and all forms of cancer - the Democrats would do everything in their power to block its release. THAT's how bad things are today politically.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
'Couldn't get congress to agree on whether it's raining or not these days. No matter what Trump may want to do regarding a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, the left will AUTOMATICALLY OPPOSE AND OBSTRUCT it...just like they have done continually since 1/20/17.

If Trump invented a serum that was 100% effective at curing any and all forms of cancer - the Democrats would do everything in their power to block its release. THAT's how bad things are today politically.

Ever hear the old phrase "Turnabout is fair play!", Larry...or "What's good for the goose is good for the Gander!"?

You have described completely accurately the manner in which John Boehner and his partners in crime shut down Congressional action when BO was POTUS.

It was wrong then and it is wrong now, but you must admit Boehner taught the Dems well...still, "...two wrongs do not make a right" applies in these critical times. We will just have to see if our leadership in both parties can turn things around...I am not hopeful, though.

I have never known a time when we needed a viable 3rd party as much as we do now.

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