Paddock Politics Thread
ALL Political conversations will need to be contained within this thread. You can make use of the Quote, Edit and Permalink options to reference each others posts.
Moderators have the ability to hurl other messages and threads into this one and will do so.
Basic Rules (subject to change)
* If another thread needs to branch into political discussion, carry that end of the discussion on here.
* Do not be offensive nor easily offended.
* Do not make threats or engage in name calling.
* Do not make any confidential information, this also includes full names, phone numbers, addresses, banking or other financial information public by placing that information in this or any other thread on
* Keep the language clean. Do not quote anyone elses bad language regardless of who they are. Don’t use language that you wouldn’t want your children or grand children using.
* Intentional deviation from this policy will result in administrative actions!
ALL Political conversations will need to be contained within this thread. You can make use of the Quote, Edit and Permalink options to reference each others posts.
Moderators have the ability to hurl other messages and threads into this one and will do so.
Basic Rules (subject to change)
* If another thread needs to branch into political discussion, carry that end of the discussion on here.
* Do not be offensive nor easily offended.
* Do not make threats or engage in name calling.
* Do not make any confidential information, this also includes full names, phone numbers, addresses, banking or other financial information public by placing that information in this or any other thread on
* Keep the language clean. Do not quote anyone elses bad language regardless of who they are. Don’t use language that you wouldn’t want your children or grand children using.
* Intentional deviation from this policy will result in administrative actions!
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