Paddock GUNS thread

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Randy V

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Lifetime Supporter Paddock GUNS Thread
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Take away the assault rifle....they will use a shot gun (way more deadly) anyone that served in the military would know that. And there is always the pipe bombs, so lets take away pipes.. How about a knife, one of my favorites because it is up close and personal.. Have you ever looked the enemy in the eyes as he is dieing ? So when the bad guy breaks into my house he will have a very bad day...probably his last. Guns aren't bad people are bad .... Period


Re: Paddock Politics Thread

Take away the assault rifle....they will use a shot gun (way more deadly) anyone that served in the military would know that.

So why don't the military use shot guns instead of assaulty rifles? Maybe not so deadly by comparison after all! Doh!

Shame they don't show Duck Commander on TV here anymore. Used to like that as a way of understanding America.
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

They can and do. These days they are carried as a secondary weapon along with a combat rifle, and primarily used for breaching doors, but there is nothing stopping troops from using them against personnel when necessary or practical.
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

In the jungle warfare during the Malayan Emergency, the British Army and local forces of Malaya used shotguns to great effect due to limited space in the jungles and frequent close combat. In the Vietnam War, the shotgun was used as an individual weapon in the American army during jungle patrol and urban warfare like the Tet Offensive.
Re: Paddock Politics Thread


Armsel Striker
Auto Assault-12 Shotgun (AA-12)
Benelli M3, a 12 gauge combat shotgun with switchable pump-action/semi-automatic firing modes
Benelli M1014, a gas actuated semi-automatic which is the current "Joint Service Combat Shotgun", serving as a replacement for pump action models
Daewoo USAS-12
DP - 12
Fostech Origin, a 12 gauge semi-auto shotgun
Franchi SPAS-12, a 12 gauge combat shotgun with switchable pump-action/semi-automatic firing modes
Franchi SPAS-15, a 12 gauge combat shotgun with magazine feeding, primarily self-loading but with a backup pump function for lower-energy loads
Heckler & Koch FABARM FP6, 12 gauge pump action combat shotgun
Ithaca 37, 12 gauge pump-action shotgun used in WWII, Korea, and by U.S. Navy SEALS in Vietnam with duckbill attachment
Kel-Tec KSG, 12 gauge pump-action shotgun
Mossberg 500, pump-action combat shotgun used by the United States Army and Marines
NeoStead 2000, used by the SAS[citation needed]
Remington Model 31, a 12 gauge pump-action shotgun used in WW II.
Remington 870, a pump-action combat shotgun widely used by Western militaries and police.
Saiga-12, a Russian gas operated semi-automatic shotgun based on
Special Operations Weapon, 12 gauge full-automatic shotgun used by U.S. Navy SEALS in Vietnam
Stevens Model 520-30/620 Series a 12 gauge pump-action shotgun used from WW II through Vietnam
Winchester 1200, a 12 or 20 gauge pump-action shotgun
Winchester Model 1897, a 12 gauge pump-action exposed-hammer shotgun used from WW I through Korean War
Winchester Model 1912, a 12 gauge pump-action hammerless shotgun used from WW I through Vietnam
Bandayevsky RB-12, a Russian magazine-fed shotgun
Fostech origin 12 semiauto shotgun, a ak styled shotgun made by fostech but with slightly different different design than
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

Take away the assault rifle....they will use a shot gun (way more deadly) anyone that served in the military would know that. And there is always the pipe bombs, so lets take away pipes.. How about a knife, one of my favorites because it is up close and personal.. Have you ever looked the enemy in the eyes as he is dieing ? So when the bad guy breaks into my house he will have a very bad day...probably his last. Guns aren't bad people are bad .... Period

100% correct. Yes, AR-15s have high capacity magazines, but a shotgun in an urban or enclosed environment (CQC) is far more devastating.

Regarding mass shootings:

The Vegas shooter could've killed far more people than he did. Tactics... It was pretty much spray and pray, from his point of view. Ive been in damn near the same type of "tactical" situation as him with a GAU18... A couple hundred feet off the ground flying at 110 knots, and a few hundred yards out. Even though the .50 fires a far more powerful round than the rounds he was firing, from my point of view, he only started his killing spree. He easily could've added 100-200 more kills by firing in the right target areas of the audience. I have no idea whether he completely scoped out his target or not, but from the videos I saw, he only started his raid. I won't even go any farther into what he did because God forbid someone reads this that may want to do the same. A few spec-ops friends and I had a long chat about what happened there and its clear he had a "great start" to his raid, only to not finish it off, tactfully.

Long story short, Ive said it for years. Vegas is an ULTRA SOFT target and Im surprised it took this long for it to happen. We have well over 300 million citizens in this country. It only takes 1 or 2 crazed people every few months or more to mow down kids at schools or people at outdoor concerts. This it the new world we live in. Its sad, but you have a better chance of getting killed in a car accident than in a mass shooting (unless you live in Chiraq).

The kids are pawns for political gains, nothing more, much like the illegals that are somehow allowed to vote in this country. The mass shooting that happened in Florida could've been prevented over 40 times. How many times did the police visit his house? How many times were the FBI contacted? Why did the four officers that first responded do nothing outside that school while more children bled out and died? What medications was the kid on? Why were all the tips on his FB and YT pages not investigated? Why did so many kids when FIRST INTERVIEWED say that "they just knew" that it was this kid? All the warnings were there. Why are we not talking about that? We aren't because its an initiative to discredit the basic ideologies of the conservative. The MSM is only talking about the effect of what was the causes.

Do I believe that everybody should have AR-15s for home protection or even for sport? F*** NO. Most people do not know how to properly handle these weapons that own them. And since some people think I must be one of "those gun nuts" that has an entire arsenal of weapons, I dont. I only have four. I own two AR-15s, an AK-47, and a Beretta 9mm pistol. The two AR-15s: One is set up for extreme distance. I have thousands and thousands of dollars in it. I have done shot comps and have placed very high in national competitions. The second AR is set up identically to the M4 I had when I was in (other than burst mode). I have burned up a half dozen barrels putting 10s of thousands of rounds through that in tactical environmental shoots. A few ex military friends and I shoot every first Sunday of the month. Typically, we put 500-1500 rounds down range, each. We talk about old times and stuff like that in between knocking the rust off of our CQC tactics. The AK47 is simply that. A $250 POS that Ive put 10s of thousands of rounds through just to be familiar with the enemy's weapon of choice. The Beretta is identical to the one issued to me while in Rescue as well.

Am I a gun nut? Nope. I know plenty that are, with collections expanding to 200-300 weapons. So what do we do to "stop" this?

Simple: You're NEVER (NEVER!!!) going to get the guns back. It may work on island nations like Australia, but it'll never happen here. So how do you handle it? Tax the ever living crap out of the ammo. (Need not worry, libs, I currently have around 20k+ rounds of ammo. That'll get me until the end of summer... maybe.) Thats the simplest way to do it. We already have mental illness initiatives set in place that help. Anything more than that and you are violating HIPAA. So taxing the ammunition is about the quickest way to deter gun sales. Other than that, you're in the hands of your neighbor, neighbor's neighbor, etc. Anybody could snap at any time. It only takes one psycho to go through with what most people may think they would love to do in their minds. Denying that is infantile.

I already know I won't change anybody's minds or anything like that. And some of you will go full "ape s***" on the above posting, but I honestly dont care. I understand exactly why you would want guns to go away. Or why President Orange is an idiot. I like about 50% of the stuff he does. The other 50% is total shit (this latest bill, for example is trash. The wall crap. The Affordable Care Act mess. I could go on...) I understand where you are coming from, trying to help refugees and other illegals coming to this country. I get it. I imagine most of you have never been to "s*** hole" countries, either. But is it so bad to help the homeless crisis in LA and San Fransisco instead of helping non-citizens? Why would you not want to take care of your own brothers and sisters in this country than people who are not accustomed to the American way of life? Thats an answer Ive never heard from anyone anywhere near the left. Billions are spent on the homeless in California alone, but its failing miserably. Why? Why are liberals so upset at corporations bringing plants and jobs back to America? Again, I could go on and on but its pointless.

I dont even know why Ive written this much at this point... LOL.
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Re: Paddock Politics Thread

So why don't the military use shot guns instead of assaulty rifles? Maybe not so deadly by comparison after all! Doh!

Shame they don't show Duck Commander on TV here anymore. Used to like that as a way of understanding America.

To add to Walt's point, the military does use shotguns. It's a great way to clear a house. The bad news is the guy with the shotgun generally goes in first. Doh!

I've found the The Jeremy Kyle Show to provide great insights to the UK.


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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

Tax the ever living crap out of the ammo.

Nope. 'Unconstitutional. How? At some point outrageous taxes would prevent lower income people from buying ammo and thereby, in effect, render THEIR right to keep and bear null and void. How? Without ammo any gun(s) they might have would be useless...except as 'clubs' perhaps. ;)

No matter HOW you look at it, taxing guns/ammo out of the reach of ANYONE is clearly an "infringement" on that person's right to keep and bear.

"Equal protection under the law" and all that...
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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

Its sad, but you have a better chance of getting killed in a car accident than in a mass shooting (unless you live in Chiraq).

The kids are pawns for political gains, nothing more, much like the illegals that are somehow allowed to vote in this country.

The mass shooting that happened in Florida could've been prevented over 40 times. How many times did the police visit his house? How many times were the FBI contacted? Why did the four officers that first responded do nothing outside that school while more children bled out and died? What medications was the kid on? Why were all the tips on his FB and YT pages not investigated? Why did so many kids when FIRST INTERVIEWED say that "they just knew" that it was this kid? All the warnings were there. Why are we not talking about that? We aren't because its an initiative to discredit the basic ideologies of the conservative. The MSM is only talking about the effect of what was the causes.

Do I believe that everybody should have AR-15s for home protection or even for sport? F*** NO. Most people do not know how to properly handle these weapons that own them. And since some people think I must be one of "those gun nuts" that has an entire arsenal of weapons, I dont. I only have four. I own two AR-15s, an AK-47, and a Beretta 9mm pistol. The two AR-15s: One is set up for extreme distance. I have thousands and thousands of dollars in it. I have done shot comps and have placed very high in national competitions. The second AR is set up identically to the M4 I had when I was in (other than burst mode). I have burned up a half dozen barrels putting 10s of thousands of rounds through that in tactical environmental shoots. A few ex military friends and I shoot every first Sunday of the month. Typically, we put 500-1500 rounds down range, each.

It may work on island nations like Australia, but it'll never happen here. So how do you handle it? Tax the ever living crap out of the ammo. (Need not worry, libs, I currently have around 20k+ rounds of ammo. That'll get me until the end of summer... maybe.)

But is it so bad to help the homeless crisis in LA and San Fransisco instead of helping non-citizens? Why would you not want to take care of your own brothers and sisters in this country than people who are not accustomed to the American way of life? Thats an answer Ive never heard from anyone anywhere near the left. Billions are spent on the homeless in California alone, but its failing miserably. Why? Why are liberals so upset at corporations bringing plants and jobs back to America? Again, I could go on and on but its pointless.

I dont even know why Ive written this much at this point... LOL.

I don't know either, other than most of what I excerpted above sure proves my broad brush was accurate?

Illegals voting? Doesn't happen. Any reasonable study of this says so. It's truly nutjobbery to think otherwise.

Yeah, gun nut you are. Thousands of rounds down range. Weapons set up for long range fire. Whatever dude, that's so different from how most Americans live tha the fact you think you are "normal" when it comes to this is bizarre-o to say the least.

Yeah, I've travelled through most of the world. Seen that most people generally want the same thing -- safety, a better live for their kids, access to education and health care. people are no different in most places. Muslim. Christian. Asian. American. African.

And no liberal I know thinks anything like what you post above. No one is saying ignore the problems of wealth inequality and lack of opportunity in the US. People are saying we can do both - we can help the poor here with fairer tax policies and better community colleges and freer access to education and so on. None of that means we should be racist, jingoist dicks about immigration.

This country is a nation of immigrants. Most come here for a better life, work hard, and make things better for all. And it's a long standing tradition for the generations of Americans who came before them to be racist, jingoist pricks to the newest group of immigrants. Doesn't make it right, it just is what it is. the white protestants from the UK hated the irish who hated the poles who hated the Italians who hated the Chinese who hated the Hispanics. Sad, childish and predictiable. Sorry you'd rather join that cycle rather than break it.

Peace. Go shoot some cans in the woods with the AR-15. If I read the social tea leaves right you won't have the ability to so much longer.
Re: Paddock Politics Thread


Armsel Striker
Auto Assault-12 Shotgun (AA-12)
Benelli M3, a 12 gauge combat shotgun with switchable pump-action/semi-automatic firing modes
Benelli M1014, a gas actuated semi-automatic which is the current "Joint Service Combat Shotgun", serving as a replacement for pump action models
Daewoo USAS-12
DP - 12
Fostech Origin, a 12 gauge semi-auto shotgun
Franchi SPAS-12, a 12 gauge combat shotgun with switchable pump-action/semi-automatic firing modes
Franchi SPAS-15, a 12 gauge combat shotgun with magazine feeding, primarily self-loading but with a backup pump function for lower-energy loads
Heckler & Koch FABARM FP6, 12 gauge pump action combat shotgun
Ithaca 37, 12 gauge pump-action shotgun used in WWII, Korea, and by U.S. Navy SEALS in Vietnam with duckbill attachment
Kel-Tec KSG, 12 gauge pump-action shotgun
Mossberg 500, pump-action combat shotgun used by the United States Army and Marines
NeoStead 2000, used by the SAS[citation needed]
Remington Model 31, a 12 gauge pump-action shotgun used in WW II.
Remington 870, a pump-action combat shotgun widely used by Western militaries and police.
Saiga-12, a Russian gas operated semi-automatic shotgun based on
Special Operations Weapon, 12 gauge full-automatic shotgun used by U.S. Navy SEALS in Vietnam
Stevens Model 520-30/620 Series a 12 gauge pump-action shotgun used from WW II through Vietnam
Winchester 1200, a 12 or 20 gauge pump-action shotgun
Winchester Model 1897, a 12 gauge pump-action exposed-hammer shotgun used from WW I through Korean War
Winchester Model 1912, a 12 gauge pump-action hammerless shotgun used from WW I through Vietnam
Bandayevsky RB-12, a Russian magazine-fed shotgun
Fostech origin 12 semiauto shotgun, a ak styled shotgun made by fostech but with slightly different different design than

Have a read...
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

The reality of self-defense gun use bears no resemblance to the exaggerated claims of the gun lobby and gun industry. The number of justifiable homicides that occur in our nation each year pale in comparison to criminal homicides, let alone gun suicides and fatal unintentional shootings. And contrary to the common stereotype promulgated by the gun lobby, those killed in justifiable homicide incidents don’t always fit the expected profile of an attack by a stranger: in 35.5 percent of the justifiable homicides that occurred in 2012 the persons shot were known to the shooter.

The devastation guns inflict on our nation each and every year is clear: more than 33,000 dead, more than 81,000 wounded, and an untold number of lives traumatized
and communities shattered. Unexamined claims of the efficacy and frequency of the self-defense use of firearms are the default rationale offered by the gun lobby and
gun industry for this unceasing, bloody toll.

The idea that firearms are frequently used in self-defense is the primary argument that the gun lobby and firearms industry use to expand the carrying of firearms into an ever-increasing number of public spaces and even to prevent the regulation of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.

Yet this argument is hollow and the assertions false. When analyzing the most reliable data available, what is most striking is that in a nation of more than 300 million guns, how rarely firearms are used in self-defense.14
13 “Firearms Stolen During Household Burglaries and Other Property Crimes 2005-2010,” U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, November 2012.
14 It is estimated that the total number of firearms available to civilians in the United States is 310 million: 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns. Krouse, William J., Gun Control Legislation,
Congressional Research Service, November 14, 2012, p. 8

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

Walt, here's a one line look into your future:

The kids are going to come and take your guns.


Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

I doubt that they'll take our guns, Jeff...but I don't doubt that the questions the kids have asked regarding guns in schools will enhance the investigation process that gun purchases require. I learned during the late 60's and early 70's that young people can and do make a difference...but until the 2nd ammendment is repealed (and I don't think that will happen...but it might be "ammended") I think we can relax about the "gun control police" taking our guns.


Re: Paddock Politics Thread

"The kids are going to come and take your guns."


Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Re: Paddock Politics Thread

Yep, really. That's why I asked, so I could watch you go full on gun nutter.

So let's say an AWB ban is passed and you have to turn yours in. You don't, so your local LE comes to collect your scary black rifles. You're telling me your response is going to be open fire?

Yes, you are. That's what you are telling us.

Gun. Nutter.
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