Paddock Politics Thread

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I’m thinking Mr. Brennan is going away for a bit...


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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I've been mulling over all of this and I think I've finally figured out where I stand on this POTUS.

First of all, it's difficult to believe ANYTHING the guy says, so many "mistruths" have emanated from his mouth. In my opinion he's a despicable character (many of you think the same of Hillary Clinton), but we've had despicable presidents before who did not elicit the kind of distrust this one has. I'd describe him as the proverbial "Loose Canon" with regards to his Tweets, etc.

On the other hand, some things that I think may be rather important (like avoiding a nuclear war with North Korea) seem to be getting resolved in a manner that will avoid an armed invasion...or worse. That has to be good for all mankind.

I would like to see a POTUS with a "kinder" view of the world, but the world is becoming a rather bizarre place lately. Trump has (to a degree) followed through with some of his military goals, so we need to credit him with that.

In the end, he's just a despicable person, that's hard to argue...but there's no requirement for a POTUS to be likable (Nixon was a great example of that...not that he was such a great POTUS!!!). Trump has surprised this observer, though, with what is getting done (and, of course, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to praise him for what ISN'T getting done, a wall along our southern border that we don't really need, particularly if we would patrol the border more fully!!)

It's just too bad he's such a despicable person... :embarassed:

We'll see what transpires after the mid-term elections...I think that in the near future the Republican's loss of their congressional stranglehold on America may be imminent. We'll see how he deals with that.


Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Veek, listen to Rex T.: FACTS. You must stick to the facts.

The "operation" was gun walking. the Bush administration did it and called it Operation Whatever. The Obama Administration did it and called it something else. BOTH WERE GUN WALKING. Good grief man. You aren't senile.

Ah, safe abortion for the CHILD! And that's the question isn't it? Is one cell in the womb a child? Two? Three? When does it become a person that is entitled to protection under the law? An unanswerable question, no?

And if you say it is, that means you believe EVERY cell is a human life and must be protected. Which means that every time you jerk off, you commit genocide! You Nazi!

The reality is no one can answer that question of when that mass of cells becomes "human" and a "child." The courts have tried to do so, roughly, by saying before viability, the mother gets to decide and after, the state can interfere. That makes sense to me, instead of call a sneeze or a jerk off session genocide, like you do.
Much to catch up on.

1. Larry, collusion is crime. Google it. I previously posted the link.

2. Larry, the Clintons haven't committed any crimes, because after 20-30 years in the public eye, there's no evidence. And the Republicans have controlled Congress since 2010. If the Clintons had committed a crime, then they would be in jail. Remember the song in the movie Frozen, "Let it go."

3. The investigation into the Clintons by Ken Starr lasted 8 years, so sit back, relax and watch some Trumpians go to jail, because Mueller is the best of the best.

4. I love Fast & Furious with Vin Diesel, The Rock, Jason Statham and Paul Walker (RIP). Otherwise, everything else is irrelevant.

5. Abortion, Roe v Wade, settled law. And there's no such thing as the devil. :devil::devil::devil:

6. Scott, stop watching Hannity and reading Breitbart News. It's fake. Brennan isn't going to jail. Brennan doesn't like Drumpf, so the Fake News makes stuff up about him.

7. The Dossier is real and at least some of it has proven to be accurate, like Drumpf travelling to Russia. As usual, Drumpf denied going to Russia, EVER, then admitted to going. Clearly one of his 6.5 lies per day. I'm sure the Pee Pee tape is true too, since Comey documented a conversation with Drumpf, where Drumpf kept asking about it, over and over. BTW, the Dossier was started as Republican opposition research during the primaries.

8. So let me explain to you that there's 3 (THREE) major parts to the Mueller investigation:

A. Russian Collusion & Meddling with the Election - That's Manafort, Flynn, Gates, Papadopolous, etc. That continues with Manafort's son-in-law pleading guilty. We'll hear about more indictments and guilty pleas.

B. DNC & Podesta Email Server Hack - This area of the investigation is still secret, but you know indictments and guity pleas are coming.

C. Obstruction of Justice - The obstruction of justice is the last piece of the investigation. That's all about the firing Comey and Sally Yates to shut down the investigation into Russian collusion, the interview with Lester Holt where he admitted it and anything else where Drumpf tried to stop the investigation.

Why does it feel like I'm always in the "Matrix" here and I'm talking to Agent Smith.

Tick tock........


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Veek, listen to Rex T.: FACTS. You must stick to the facts.

The "operation" was gun walking. the Bush administration did it and called it Operation Whatever. The Obama Administration did it and called it something else. BOTH WERE GUN WALKING. Good grief man.

Ah, safe abortion for the CHILD! And that's the question isn't it? Is one cell in the womb a child? Two? Three? When does it become a person that is entitled to protection under the law? An unanswerable question, no?

And if you say it is, that means you believe EVERY cell is a human life and must be protected. Which means that every time you jerk off, you commit genocide! You Nazi!

The reality is no one can answer that question of when that mass of cells becomes "human" and a "child." The courts have tried to do so, roughly, by saying before viability, the mother gets to decide and after, the state can interfere. That makes sense to me, instead of call a sneeze or a jerk off session genocide, like you do.

Well Jeff, I'm not senile just yet but there is no reason to mock my age. I'm also not given to "jerking off" so I don't think your calling me a genocidal NAZI is nearly as appropriate as the label would apply to abortion facilitators of your political party.

As for the OBAMA gun running program, you are free to re-read my posts that clearly provide the fundamental differentiation in scope, objective, outcome and felonious cover up by the OBAMA administration from the previously DISCONTINUED Bush program.

Apparently you are also as confused as to my beliefs as you are to basic biology.

Hint: "The development of a human begins with fertilization, a process by which the spermatozoon from the male and the oocyte from the female unite to give rise to a new organism, the zygote."
[Sadler, T.W. Langman's Medical Embryology. 7th edition. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins 1995, p. 3]

Disagree??? Call you doctor. Ask you Mom what she thought when she was pregnant with you. Did she consider you a baby?? A hamster??? Given the genetic similarity between a human and banana is 60%, perhaps she considered you a botanical berry. Somehow I think not.

But then you'd perhaps agree with the position presented in Oxford's 2012 Journal of Medical Ethics, which said newborn babies are not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life”. Therefore parents should be able to practice infanticide in “what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) (which) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled”. Why not???
There are times I wanted to kill both of my kids (mostly when they were in their early teens) but back in the good old days that was frowned upon.

But, to quote you House Minority Leader Ms. Pelosi, "There’s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person." I guess that's unless it's an unwanted child, or someone that's not on the Democrat voter rolls.

So what happens when actually someone survives an abortion?

Here's a presentation by one. You may find it enlightening. You decide if this person should have been allowed to live... Just a couple of cells right?

One of the best Pro-life speeches EVER! Gianna Jessen abortion survivor Full video - YouTube

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
FACT: Gun walking is gun walking, no matter which party did it. I'm not trying to say Ds doing it was right, and Rs wrong. I'm saying both were wrong. YOU are being a partisan hack about it.

And we'll now call sneezes Veekicides. You literally are saying a single cell is a "child." Literally. That's nearly as good as Larry "Bazookas for Everyone" L.

9. And there's the matter of failing to report the Stormy Daniels payment of $130,000. That failure to report was referred by the Office of Government Ethics to the DOJ for prosecution.

Trump’s Failure To Report Stormy Daniels Payoff Referred To Prosecutors | HuffPost

10. The Defamation Lawsuit by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on The Apprentice. I'm sure that lawsuit will yield some great discovery and testimony from Drumpf.

Trump fails to halt 'Apprentice' contestant's defamation lawsuit | Reuters


FACT: Gun walking is gun walking, no matter which party did it. I'm not trying to say Ds doing it was right, and Rs wrong. I'm saying both were wrong. YOU are being a partisan hack about it.

And we'll now call sneezes Veekicides. You literally are saying a single cell is a "child." Literally. That's nearly as good as Larry "Bazookas for Everyone" L.


I'm also amazed that you are unable to handle the FACTS in my post.

Your reactions are to throw sexual, age, and political insults right out of junior high. I guess you can hurl them as long as you wish.
I'm not sure if your intent is to humiliate, embarrass, intimidate or silence me but as a persuasion strategy, it falls short.

Nothing you've provided changes the facts as to the wholesale criminality of the Clinton/Obama regimes. But as Scott's posts point out, there appears to be a reckoning on the horizon.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Ah, so saying all liberals are ok with Americans dying, and genocide is just fine, but me pointing out the craziness in your posts is unacceptable. Check.

"The wholesale criminality of the Clinton/Obama regimes." And there we have it. Veek fully exposes himself as a card carrying member of stupid land.

P.S. The only thing Scott has pointed out is that he can cut and paste posts from right wing looney toons websites.

No Clinton has gone to jail despite being investigated over and over and over and over by upset, angry, bigoted old white male conservatives for over 25 years. FACT.

Obama's administration was the cleanest of the post-war era in terms of investgations, probes, convictions. FACT.

FACTS. You suck at them. Rex T. is ashamed.
Hopefully, one more investigation into Comrade Trump.

Why hasn't he implemented the sanctions that congress approved: the House passed the sanctions last summer 419 to 3, and the Senate approved it by a margin of 98 to 2.

Three top senators on Friday requested rare multi-agency inspector-general investigations into the Trump administration’s failure to fully implement congressionally mandated sanctions against Russia.

Senate Democrats Call For Multi-Agency Probe Into Russia Sanctions Delay

We all know why, Comrade Trump works for Putin. And Putin has the Pee Pee tape.

Go get 'em. :hanged:

more name calling... Calling someone stupid and tht they suck is just not nice

carry on

Walt, you've have asked me on more than one occasion "Have you taken your meds?" That's not nice.

BTW, just completed my annual physical. Thankfully, still ZERO medications in my "medicine cabinet." :thumbsup:

i only asked out of concern, let me know what you med count is when you are 70 years old..

Asking a question is not name calling...

Carry on

Sure, sure. I believe you. :rolleyes:

If I'm still on GT40' when I'm 70, then I'm borrowing your gun and knocking myself off and quick. :laugh:
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