Paddock Religion Thread

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter Paddock Religion Thread
Other that requests for prayers or offers of prayers, all religious conversations will need to be contained within this thread. You can make use of the Quote, Edit and Permalink options to reference each others posts.

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Hidden by accent but the hints are obvious -

The one - Juan, one
The word - Manuel, manual
Everywhere - Fangio, pan geo

Hang on Rick, this is just the opening gambit. It will get nasty for sure... :evil:

Well I didn't want to get nasty but you forced me, you are all wrong and I can say that with complete confidence by pulling rank as a silver medal Holder of the Guild of Saint Stephen and I hasten to add having been to a Catholic public school and with a confirmation sponsor who held the Papal medal, I obviously know the most about religion ;)

Therefore, I can say without fear of contradiction and with full authority, it's shared between Carlos Santana and Ian Anderson :) god the father and god the son.
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9 years of Catholic grammar school, 4 years of Catholic high school lead me to a pair of brothers. Stevie Ray and Jimmie Vaughan.
Actually as much as I like EC, the post was meant to ape the London Tube graffiti of long ago.

I too LOVE SRV ("Life by the Drop" is the best acoustic tune EVER!) as well as Carlos, Jimi and a bunch of others too long to name.

Now let's get nasty!

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Well I didn't want to get nasty but you forced me, you are all wrong and I can say that with complete confidence by pulling rank as a silver medal Holder of the Guild of Saint Stephen and I hasten to add having been to a Catholic public school and with a confirmation sponsor who held the Papal medal, I obviously know the most about religion ;)

Therefore, I can say without fear of contradiction and with full authority, it's shared between Carlos Santana and Ian Anderson :) god the father and god the son.

You called my name, how may I assist?



I meant the real Ian Anderson :)

Whaaat? He's not real?

(Don't take any notice of him Ian, he's from oop there mate, where they talk all funny and have even funnier notions.)

Anyway, the other guy isn't much of a guitar player which is why he took up the flute (true). So how does he fit into the "my favourite guitarist is God" scenario exactly?
Whaaat? He's not real?

(Don't take any notice of him Ian, he's from oop there mate, where they talk all funny and have even funnier notions.)

Actually I am from down there ( Devon), exiled oop here, although I do admit the kids talk with funny accents now. :eek:


I'll grant you Martin Barre (originator of the Barre chord? just kidding) played a mean Hamer (keen eyed observers will note that the guitar he plays in the clip is the same model my new guitar is a replica of) but I don't see Ian Anderson wielding anything more twangy than a tin whistle. So, back to my question Nick. How is Ian Anderson a guitar God?

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I'll grant you Martin Barre (originator of the Barre chord? just kidding) played a mean Hamer (keen eyed observers will note that the guitar he plays in the clip is the same model my new guitar is a replica of) but I don't see Ian Anderson wielding anything more twangy than a tin whistle. So, back to my question Nick. How is Ian Anderson a guitar God?

Well he seems OK to me ;) but why are you censoring flute players :shrug: the rules never mentioned it was restricted to guitar players, why can't god be a flute player, your just anti flutist, I am revolting.
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