Fatal GT40 Accident - Please tell me this is not Toms RCR GT40

Get well Tom hope for quick and as pain free recovery as possible. Condolences to your passengers family.

Holy Crap I just came on this thread! I had no idea!
Tom's build has been an inspiration throughout my project, what an incredible guy!
I am crushed! Get well soon.
Only just been notified of this terribly sad thread. Most heartfelt best wishes to Tom and Family. Condolences to the passanger's family. I do hope that Tom gets well soon. How very, very sad.

Please be careful out there everyone.
I'm so sad and deeply shocked about this tragic accident .
My best wishes for a soon and complete recover of Tom. My thoughts also by his family. It's a strong hard way through hell they have to go together.
my condolence to the passengers family.

Only few seconds and the World and life has changed




I know you will be reading this thread, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Just wanted to add my voice to the many GT40s friends that have expressed their concern and wishes for a speedy recovery.

While building our GT, when we met a challenge, Ryan and I would typically ask "I wonder how Tom would do it?" You have set a high standard. I look forward to seeing more of your technical expertise.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
Oh my, this is so sad, words cannot express. Get well Tom.

This is something that will stay in your mind.

I know you will be reading this thread, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Just wanted to add my voice to the many GT40s friends that have expressed their concern and wishes for a speedy recovery.

While building our GT, when we met a challenge, Ryan and I would typically ask "I wonder how Tom would do it?" You have set a high standard. I look forward to seeing more of your technical expertise.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

As you do with your craftsmanship, your wording here sets the bar.
I have been busting it working on my car, and Tom's is in my mind the entire time. I almost feel like I would dedicate the work I am doing to him and hope that it can meet his standards. My goal is to have some worthy pictures to show but I am hoping he is well before I can get them done.

Jim Rosenthal

Like all of us here, I am hoping and praying Tom will recover fully from his injuries. And from the loss of his friend, which is yet more tragic. I hope that when he wakes up, he will find out how many people here were thinking of him and pulling for him to get well.

And to get back on the horse, if he so chooses. I'll be rooting for him, whatever he decides.

Chris Kouba

Get well soon Tom

Tom's passenger was his friend Eric. They traveled together when visiting the states in 2008 and stayed at our place for a couple days, which is when I met them both. He was a super friendly guy.

I am pretty sure they stopped at others' houses along the way too and probably met a few more members. Very sad.

Get well soon Tom.

I received an update from Michael, Toms son today.

I quote
"I have some good news to tell you. Tom is getting better and better. On Friday he had a second operation and since this his results are getting better. He is still in coma but his brain pressure is decrease. At the operation on Friday they removed a piece of bone in his head to lower the pressure. So from day to day his condition is getting better only in small steps but there are improvments and this is a good thing.
Thank you for praying for Thomas"

This is obviously good news and all we can hope for at the moment...get well Tom...we are all rooting for you.

Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
That's good news. Progressing in baby steps forward is great news. I'll continue to pray for Tom's consistent improvement.

Regards Brian

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Thank you so much for the update Fran...

We are praying for strength for Tom and his family - healing for the family and friends of his good friend Eric.. :angel:

Mike Pass

Very relieved to hear a bit of good news. Hope you get well soon Tom. We are all rooting for you.
Thanks for all the help, advice, and parts on my re-builds. I wish you a complete and speedy recovery. My sincere condolences to you and yours for the loss of your friend, Scott
I just stumbled on this thread. I didn't know Tom but have seen many of his posts. My condolences to his passenger's family and friends.

I too will pray for Tom's full recovery.