Paddock Politics Thread

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"Believe me" is a tell for when Trump is lying...

And this guy is our President? Really?

I know, Rod...every time I hear Trump say "...believe me" I know it's something that is NOT believable...nor true! Its been said that the true hallmark of a pathological liar is that they believe their own lies...I think that's a good description of Trump.

Let's hope there is something good happening in the near future (and I don't mean "good" for POTUS DT!).


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Get use to it... He will be president for the next 7 years

He'll be lucky just to finish his term. And history will remember him as the worst president in U.S. History.

Yesterday at the White House, he was giving some kids candy in the Oval Office and said this little idiotic statement/question to the kids: “You have no weight problems, that’s the good news, right?”

What did Rex Tillerson, his Secretary of State call him again? Oh, ya, a "F'ing moron." Not truer words have been said.

And to call him a hero, a guy who got out of being drafted by the military for "bone spurs" is laughable and insulting to real heroes, say like, John McCain, for example.
Knock it off Jeff... No one is above / beyond reproach here...
Please clean up the language - and yes that means the hidden letters with special characters S/$ etc...

I completely agree. Me and Keith. Keith -- who I generally like -- was being a jerk and posting something personal about he me knows nothing about, and I responded.

So I agree, your position should be we BOTH need to knock it off.

I will and he should too.
...You right wing nutjobs ever wonder why most of the factchecking organizations have to spend their time debunking the shit you consume each day as "news?"

You mean "s---" like "you can KEEP your doctor"..."you can KEEP your plan"..."Obamacare is NOT a tax"..."Benghazi was caused by a video"..."there's not a SMIDGEON of corruption at the IRS"...the NSA is NOT spying on the American people"..."the police acted stupidly"...'if you cross this red line your butt is mine'..."Ft. Hood was workplace violence"...'ISIS is a J.V. team'..."Bergdahl served with honor and distinction"..."I did NOT send or receive classified material over my server"..."I handed over ALL State Dept emails"........."s---" like that?

'Enough of this for today... :zzz:
Is that all B.O. and H.C. did, Larry?

No wonder Trump seems so determined to embarass our country...he can’t let the Dems “outdo” him, his ego won’t allow it!!

At least Trump has discovered his true calling...could he be destroying the Republican Party in an effort to make himself look good?

“Sure...send your hard earned money to me and I’ll make sure you get a great education from Trump University”...there are more, but what purpose is there in beating a dead, smelly “horse”? :dead:

See...nobody is guiltless in this day and age :eek:


It speaks volumes about a person when they profess such intense desire to see another person fail. When that person is the POTUS, it says even more.....
I agree with that. We should all be open minded and want the President to succeed and congratulate and support him when he does. I was very supportive of President Bush I during the Gulf War, where he carefully and skillfully built a coalition to get Saddam out of Kuwait.

I thought President Bush II did an excellent job keeping the nation together after a divisive election and during and immediately after 9/11. I also think he did a much better job keeping the growing number of crazies in the R party at bay.

On the other hand, most posters here, and the R party, wanted Obama to fail from day one, and said so.

With Trump, we have something different. I get some of the trepidation folks had with him from the start. With that said, believe me or not, I was willing to give him a chance. I thought there was a chance -- the first meeting with Obama seemed to go well -- that he would recognize the gravity of th eoffice and shift to a more Presidential tone and tenor.

We are now 9 months past that and know he is incapable of it. We know he will play dice with the chances of nuclear war, and that senior members of his own party think he is a "fu$%ing moron" and that he needs adult day care. We know he is incapable of getting any of his legislative agenda passed despite having majorities in both Houses. We know that he is petty and vindictive. We know his agenda seems focused more on tearing down what Obama did, rather than lifting us all up.

So, yes, at this point, I want this nightmare to be over and have him out of the office. Replacement by a reasonable Republican is entirely fine by me.

It speaks volumes about a person who after watching a train wreck for 10 months and seeing the damage it can cause, says "back that sucker up and let's do it again."
It speaks volumes about a person when they profess such intense desire to see another person fail. When that person is the POTUS, it says even more.....

I couldn't agree more, Steve...and I must admit I am one of those who thinks Trump has ALREADY failed and is destined (if not determined) to continue in the future. IMHO he views the Presidency more as a "kingdom", as evidenced by his rampant nepotism as well as his bullying, dictatorial manner, than as a position to be held in high regard. His failures are voluntary and intentional, contrary to the beliefs upon which our country was founded, and those failures/transgressions DO say a lot about his competencies, as you suggested. I agree that he will go down in history as our worst POTUS in history.

My viewpoint is that we'd be better off undergoing an impeachment proceeding, which would certainly be followed by interested individuals world-wide, than staying with a "sinking ship", so to speak, which is how I anticipate the Trump Presidency ending.

Just MHO...but it gets "validated" more and more with every transgression. He's dangerous...and HE knows it, too. That's why he's such a loose cannon.

We "elected" him, now we're stuck with him until either we can correct that in the next election or he is impeached.

It speaks volumes about a person when they profess such intense desire to see another person fail. When that person is the POTUS, it says even more.....

Honestly Steve, I don't care a lick about what you think of me, assuming you're referring to me. Trump is/was a failure. And I do hope he's removed from office. I make no qualms about it.

But I'll turn it around on you and others who support the F'ing moron, per Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State.

Trump is a bigot and racist, and tries to equivocate neo-Nazis with protesters of their hatred. He's insulted a Hispanic judge, tried to ban a religion and picked fights with Gold Star Families. He's sexually harassed women. He has bankrupted tiny little subcontractors and ruined their lives and also defrauded innocent folks with Trump University, which he settled for $25 Million. He insults and demeans everyone, including a war hero, but applauds dictators, like Putin or Duterte. He constantly lies and probably believes his lies. He has no empathy for the families that lost loved ones in war and he potentially colluded with the Russians to win the US election.

I don't want a man like this to succeed. Who would? I want him to leave office ASAP and let someone else run the country with class and dignity.

What "speaks volumes" to me is that there's still roughly 33% of this country that support this child-like screwball that has the capability to the nuke the world. Not sure how anyone can support him or want him to succeed.
One more thought Steve.

What do you say to your children, when someone like Trump, a despicable human being, is elected to the highest office in the United States?

"Dear Child, you can demean and harass women, divide a country thru hatred for others, insult anyone and everyone, bully other human beings, call them names like little, clown, lying or connect their father to a 50+ year old conspiracy theory, not apologize for pushing a stupid theory that the current occupant of the Oval Office was not born in America, when there was ample evidence otherwise, and the list can go on almost indefinitely...., but you too can do all this crap and still be elected POTUS!"

No, I don't know how I or you can look at your child's face and tell them it's OK to support a person like that ever, before, during or after the election. I don't want ever to have to say to my kids that I supported this President. NEVER!
My 33 year-old daughter broke up with her boyfriend because he voted for Trump.

I told her it was one of the smartest things I could remember her ever doing...and I liked her boyfriend for a lot of the things he did right!

What do you say to your children, when someone like Trump, a despicable human being, is elected to the highest office in the United States?'d say he prevented an even MORE despicable individual from being "elected to the highest office in the United States"...then get an "amen".
“Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil”

Spoken by the incomparable Jerry Garcia of “The Grateful Dead”

...applies in this circumstance, in particular.

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Excuse me Mr. President, can you say that again about Puerto Rico:

"This is an island. Surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water."

"F'ing moron," according to Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. I agree.
One more thought Steve.

What do you say to your children, when someone like Trump, a despicable human being, is elected to the highest office in the United States?

"Dear Child, you can demean and harass women, divide a country thru hatred for others, insult anyone and everyone, bully other human beings, call them names like little, clown, lying or connect their father to a 50+ year old conspiracy theory, not apologize for pushing a stupid theory that the current occupant of the Oval Office was not born in America, when there was ample evidence otherwise, and the list can go on almost indefinitely...., but you too can do all this crap and still be elected POTUS!"

No, I don't know how I or you can look at your child's face and tell them it's OK to support a person like that ever, before, during or after the election. I don't want ever to have to say to my kids that I supported this President. NEVER!

At what point did I ever indicate I voted for Trump? You make a lot of assumptions about the posters on this board, most of which are false. I can respect Jeff's well thought out response.... not yours (of course we know you don't care). Your emotions, in this case your hatred of everything Trump, cloud any rationality.

Now why don't you pony up and pay for part of this site rather than using it as your own personal toilet.
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