Knock Out Punches!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Can anyone give a good reason why a Campaign Chairman (Pawlenti) would leave Mr Romneys campaign with only a few weeks to go until the election?
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
There is no way a conservative wins in the eyes of the left.

LB, once again, realizing the risk of :dead: (yes, I realize it was Al, not you), if "win" is all that matters to you, rather than an honest exchange of beliefs and opinions, that's a sad commentary on where the Conservative movement is at this time. I live in the area that elected Tom "Win At All Costs" Delay, he is the only person I believe to be more despicable than Boehner...the hyper-partisanship was not such a problem until Delay became SOTH, IMHO, and to see the emphasis on "Win" leads me to believe that you have absolutely discounted the possibility that somebody else's opinion might have value...that sort of egocentricity is not a pleasant trait, at the least, and a serious character fault at worst.

Please get help, Bob....for your sake if not for the sake of the rest of us who really want a vigorous but polite discussion regarding these important decisions that face us in this upcoming election. I, for one, know my vote will be useless...hell, we Texans voted for Gee-Dub, even I admit he's worse than Romney....therefore, my vote matters not one whit to anyone but me, and I have one important belief about voting: an uninformed vote is worse than no vote at all. It is for that reason that I participate in these discussions, I am interested in information even if it does not agree with my current opinion...I have been known to change my mind :idea:

We see our leadership lie and bungle the "it was the movie" excuse for the Libyan mess and now admit it was probably Al-Qaeda. They are not handling our interests competently. On this alone they have proven their inability to manage realities of the real world out there. Putting an appearance on the Letterman show over meeting with Netanyahu in this time of crisis speaks volumes to where this President is coming from, no apologies, downright animosity for a faithful ally who is being threatened with the "glass bowling" mentioned by others in jest for the Arab world.

Think about this for a second, Bob...we have a large contingent of Brittish members here, in fact I see from your profile that quite a few of them are in your "Friends" list. The Brittish have always seemed a quite durable bunch to me, don't seem to approach these issues with the fervor with which we Americans do, and yet Romney managed quite well to alienate a huge number of Brits when he visited England during the Olympics.

Now, considering that the Muslims/Al Quieda are MUCH easier to piss off than our "Keep a stiff upper lip" bretheren in GB, what makes you think for even a second that Romney would do a better job of placating them than the more accommodating Obama? Romney would have level-headed Americans at each others' throats, we would have NO friends in the middle-east once he had the chance to offend them all...and his ultra-conservative views on MANY issues are sure to do only that.

Again, he is the GREATER of the two evils from which we have to choose in November, and it is my sincere belief that will be his Waterloo...if he did not seem so "evil" to the general public, he might have a better chance of winning, but having been born with that proverbial "silver spoon in his mouth" (not to mention the same "silver foot in his mouth" that Ann Richards mentioned regarding Gee-Dub), Romney has not a chance of connecting on any level with the average American who is having a difficult time making ends meet.

The Conservatives are fond of saying "It's the economy, stupid". They are SO right, and Romney has no idea what it is like to face financial mountains, so he has no idea how todays economy affects the average American (although, I admit, his wife might well have to invest in slightly less expensive dancing contest horses, we'll have to wait to see....there, I said that just for you, LB :thumbsup: ).

Oh, BTW...for the individual who asked about my comment regarding the $700,000 horse, it was a typo....the actual income-tax deduction taken by the Romneys for the horse, which competed in the Olympics in GB, was only $77,000...but, then, she is reported to own only about 30% of the horse, so it is quite valuable....not to mention the taxes evaded by the deduction...a "medical necessity"?...give us a break, Ann!! My apologies for the wrong value originally quoted...slightly :embarassed: I didn't catch my error when I originally made the post.

I would like to ask the rest of those who are following this thread, though....just how much did you get to deduct from your taxable income last year for the "dancing horse" you bought? Right.....I didn't think so :thumbsdown:.....

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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Word on the redstate boards is money. The lobbying job was too lucrative to say no to, and he has some campaign debt to retire.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
OK Jeff, I believe he needs the money.

But the campaign only has a few weeks to run, wouldn't the banks come out ahead if they waited a few weeks and possibly gotten a Consevative, cut taxes for the wealthy, bank loving President.

Additionally, wouldn't Pawlenti's value as a lobbiest gone up considerably if he just finished a succesful Presidential Campaign.

The only way this makes any sense is if both the Banks and Pawlenti see absolutly no way for Romney to win.

It sounds like the banks and people in the know are betting on Obama!
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Trying to plough through more "shopworn cliches." Do you have a bumper sticker for each one on your guitar case?

OK, your ideas are less than inspired/inspiring, sorry. I'm sure if Warren Beatty ever does a "Reds II" movie he'll have a whole half hour for you, Doug, congrats in advance. Its droning bores like you that made school agonizing, buddy.

LB, once again, realizing the risk of :dead: (yes, I realize it was Al, not you), if "win" is all that matters to you, rather than an honest exchange of beliefs and opinions, that's a sad commentary on where the Conservative movement is at this time. I live in the area that elected Tom "Win At All Costs" Delay, he is the only person I believe to be more despicable than Boehner...the hyper-partisanship was not such a problem until Delay became SOTH, IMHO, and to see the emphasis on "Win" leads me to believe that you have absolutely discounted the possibility that somebody else's opinion might have value...that sort of egocentricity is not a pleasant trait, at the least, and a serious character fault at worst.

Please get help, Bob....for your sake if not for the sake of the rest of us who really want a vigorous but polite discussion regarding these important decisions that face us in this upcoming election. I, for one, know my vote will be useless...hell, we Texans voted for Gee-Dub, even I admit he's worse than Romney....therefore, my vote matters not one whit to anyone but me, and I have one important belief about voting: an uninformed vote is worse than no vote at all. It is for that reason that I participate in these discussions, I am interested in information even if it does not agree with my current opinion...I have been known to change my mind :idea:

Think about this for a second, Bob...we have a large contingent of Brittish members here, in fact I see from your profile that quite a few of them are in your "Friends" list. The Brittish have always seemed a quite durable bunch to me, don't seem to approach these issues with the fervor with which we Americans do, and yet Romney managed quite well to alienate a huge number of Brits when he visited England during the Olympics.

Now, considering that the Muslims/Al Quieda are MUCH easier to piss off than our "Keep a stiff upper lip" bretheren in GB, what makes you think for even a second that Romney would do a better job of placating them than the more accommodating Obama? Romney would have level-headed Americans at each others' throats, we would have NO friends in the middle-east once he had the chance to offend them all...and his ultra-conservative views on MANY issues are sure to do only that.

Again, he is the GREATER of the two evils from which we have to choose in November, and it is my sincere belief that will be his Waterloo...if he did not seem so "evil" to the general public, he might have a better chance of winning, but having been born with that proverbial "silver spoon in his mouth" (not to mention the same "silver foot in his mouth" that Ann Richards mentioned regarding Gee-Dub), Romney has not a chance of connecting on any level with the average American who is having a difficult time making ends meet.

The Conservatives are fond of saying "It's the economy, stupid". They are SO right, and Romney has no idea what it is like to face financial mountains, so he has no idea how todays economy affects the average American (although, I admit, his wife might well have to invest in slightly less expensive dancing contest horses, we'll have to wait to see....there, I said that just for you, LB :thumbsup: ).

Oh, BTW...for the individual who asked about my comment regarding the $700,000 horse, it was a typo....the actual income-tax deduction taken by the Romneys for the horse, which competed in the Olympics in GB, was only $77,000...but, then, she is reported to own only about 30% of the horse, so it is quite valuable....not to mention the taxes evaded by the deduction...a "medical necessity"?...give us a break, Ann!! My apologies for the wrong value originally quoted...slightly :embarassed: I didn't catch my error when I originally made the post.

I would like to ask the rest of those who are following this thread, though....just how much did you get to deduct from your taxable income last year for the "dancing horse" you bought? Right.....I didn't think so :thumbsdown:.....


Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Trying to plough through more "shopworn cliches." Do you have a bumper sticker for each one on your guitar case?

OK, your ideas are less than inspired/inspiring, sorry. I'm sure if Warren Beatty ever does a "Reds II" movie he'll have a whole half hour for you, Doug, congrats in advance. Its droning bores like you that made school agonizing, buddy.

Gentlemen, I give you a splendid example of an individual who knows not how to even support his own beliefs with words. He has to attack the opposing viewholder personally rather than present a case for his viewpoint.

We see this all the time, quite frankly, in individuals who suffer from various mental disorders.....they know they are incapable of making rational decisions and therefore attempt to divert attention from their deficiencies by attacking the message carrier, not the message.

.....a sad state of affairs, indeed, and particularly at a time when we really NEED people who can present a good case for their opinion.

...yep, sad, indeed.....:stunned:


Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Either this guy has severe mental problems or he is just a scum bag.

Either way, the best thing I ever did was block his posts. I strongly recommend blocking this troll.

Life is too short to listen to his garbage!
We should get some election result bets going, right vs left.
example i would bet jim a bottle of booze or maybe some cigars if Romney wins or he could bet me a box of adult diapers or whatever if Obama wins.
a little harmless fun.
Tell us dug, how many innocent kids have pissed you off because they let you know how boring your sophomoric lectures are? Did you abuse your power, misdiagnose them as being mentally ill and condemn them to a life of Ritalin use? Get any put away for being uncontrollable? It must be hard, not being respected, isn't it.

Well, there's always a silver lining, dude, you're retired now ;~)

Gentlemen, I give you a splendid example of an individual who knows not how to even support his own beliefs with words. He has to attack the opposing viewholder personally rather than present a case for his viewpoint.

We see this all the time, quite frankly, in individuals who suffer from various mental disorders.....they know they are incapable of making rational decisions and therefore attempt to divert attention from their deficiencies by attacking the message carrier, not the message.

.....a sad state of affairs, indeed, and particularly at a time when we really NEED people who can present a good case for their opinion.

...yep, sad, indeed.....:stunned:


Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
We should get some election result bets going, right vs left.
example i would bet jim a bottle of booze or maybe some cigars if Romney wins or he could bet me a box of adult diapers or whatever if Obama wins.
a little harmless fun.

Gee Craig,

You must have forgotten, we already have a bet going about this election. I picked President Obama and you picked Texas Governer Rick Perry. As I recall you gave three very good reasons why Mr Perry would win the presidency. Your three reasons he would win are:

(1) You said he was very smart................................

(2) You said he had executed lots of people................

(3) And the third reason was...............................???
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Tell us dug, how many innocent kids have pissed you off because they let you know how boring your sophomoric lectures are? Did you abuse your power, misdiagnose them as being mentally ill and condemn them to a life of Ritalin use? Get any put away for being uncontrollable? It must be hard, not being respected, isn't it.

Well, there's always a silver lining, dude, you're retired now ;~)


LB, you do know, don't you, that it's not paranoia if they REALLY ARE out to get you?

It must be really hard to live in your world....:clown:

Get help.....:poke:

Keep it professional boys.
Don't make me come over there and cane you Bob

Dug is rather "fast and furious" when it comes to his numerous accusations of mental health problems with people who have the temerity to disagree with him, Mark. We had a lot of trouble with inept teachers wanting to put all the little boys on Ritalin because they didn't act like the girls in this country. He just reminds me of that gray mass of inability that we parents had to keep from putting our kids on drugs.

[ame=]Pink Floyd -- The Wall [[ Official Video ]] - YouTube[/ame]
Which is why I am such a fan of South Park Bob. Writers who are not afraid to point out all that is ironic about America!
Which is why I am such a fan of South Park Bob. Writers who are not afraid to point out all that is ironic about America!

I'm surprised they're still alive!!


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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter

Either this guy has severe mental problems or he is just a scum bag.

Either way, the best thing I ever did was block his posts. I strongly recommend blocking this troll.

Life is too short to listen to his garbage!

Correct....but, IMHO, he could be a dangerous combination of both!

Correct....and done.

Correct....GEEZ, what is that? Silence? The signal to noise ratio just improved significantly.....will wonders never cease?

Cheers, Jim!


Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Dug is rather "fast and furious" when it comes to his numerous accusations of mental health problems with people who have the temerity to disagree with him, Mark. We had a lot of trouble with inept teachers wanting to put all the little boys on Ritalin because they didn't act like the girls in this country. He just reminds me of that gray mass of inability that we parents had to keep from putting our kids on drugs.

Pink Floyd -- The Wall [[ Official Video ]] - YouTube

Right wing nut job rock and rollers crack me up. Not sure what is "rock and roll" about old white guys sitting in chairs bitching about immigrants, gays, "family values", the evils of sex ed and so on.
Not sure why you insist on repeatedly using the 'old white guys' tag Jeff. Racist, ageist and sexist.

Why the continual hard-on for old white guys? Not gettin enuff at home? If you really are a lawyer, should you not know better that to make such continual racial slurs? What is your area of 'expertise' may I ask?