Looking for nice pictures of garages

With the GTD40 off to the workshop to make it ready for registration I decided to clear out the 2-car garage and start turning it into a nice workshop. I was hoping to find some pictures of the inside/interior of your garages, but I think a topic is missing where we can all post photos of the garage itself.

So far I only treated the floor with epoxy, but I do plan on painting the walls and trying to give it a sixties motorsport feeling.

First pictures shows the regular concrete floor, second is after I put the epoxy on it. Garage is only 8 x 6 metres, but will house two cars and things like spare wheels and tool kit.



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Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Fred hit that nail home with one slam of the hammer.. The Garage Journal is where it's at in terms of setting up a new shop / garage...

Ellis Hubbard

Lifetime Supporter
Hi John,

What ever you do don't let your garage get as cluttered as mine is.


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Wow, wouldn't mind swapping.

Had a look at the garage journal and some garages are pretty impressive. However, not that many pictures of 'motorsport-oriented' interiors. Nevertheless, I do have some ideas now and will start working on them. With the GT40 coming back at the end of this week I won't have enough time to applies some of the ideas, but I will get there in the end.

Big-Foot I know this fellow and have been to his amazing shop: [url=http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46593 said:
Project Garage Condo - The Garage Journal Board[/url]


Far to many distractions in the condo,more a life style.
I would bet more work gets done in Ellis's garage than at the condo.
Pollishing the floor and the door knobs consumes time.
Practical Practical Practical
Thats the 3 rules to building a workshop.

Wow, wouldn't mind swapping.

Had a look at the garage journal and some garages are pretty impressive. However, not that many pictures of 'motorsport-oriented' interiors. Nevertheless, I do have some ideas now and will start working on them. With the GT40 coming back at the end of this week I won't have enough time to applies some of the ideas, but I will get there in the end.


Your GT40 coming back???
Where has it been?

Have you done the Dutch registration already?
Thanks for all the reactions. Unbelievable what some guys are building, I am afraid it is all a lot more humble overhere.
Nevertheless, I do have some ideas now and will keep you posted.


The car has been to Herman Eshuis (who will be back from the US to set up shop again) for a pre inspection and I hope to have it registered in the coming weeks so I can legally drive it this spring.
Driving the car will also give me some clues as to what to change/improve on the car. It is very easy to start with the engine (which does need to be improved for my needs), but I would like to start with suspension, brakes, centre of gravity, (power to) weight and safety first.

But first I will pick it up tomorrow evening and enjoy the drive home. :thumbsup:

huh...will Herman Eshuis come back to NL?
back to Hardenberg or somewhere else, would welcome him back :)

@Ellis, wow...thats not a garage thats more like a candy store with gt40s, nice.
this one is 30 x 40, bout the right size. only thing i would do different is epoxy or cover the concrete floor.


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Hi John.

This is the workshop I built for my scratch build GT40. It has a plain Concrete floor, but it does have good lighting. Its 5 x 7 metres.


Hi Mick,

That looks like a real workshop!

There is no point for me equiping my workshop like that, wouldn't know how to use all those machines (unfortunately!!!). I do know how to use the spanners though.

Hope to do the walls this weekend.

Before with only the epoxy...


After with the walls painted.


The lower blue is exactly 66 cm high :thumbsup: (top year) and the underside of widest band higher on the wall (similar as seen on the side of the GT40) is at exactly 40 cm from the ceiling.
I think it already looks a lot better, now need to find some other stuff to hang on the walls. Old black & white pictures, marketing stuff from the sixties (Shell, Goodyear, Lucas, Castrol).
Apart from that I will relocate the large cabinet in the back so I can put a proper work bench in the back.

Biggest struggle was to keep the mini helpers at distance... (although he keeps his hands on his back)

And I think he needs some training, as he is to agressive on the wheel. Come to think of it, maybe I should get him a proper foam seat as he is not much in contact with the car!



Ron McCall

Actually it's Bill P's old car. Nothing to do with Bill but with 4K on the odo it requires removal. Mark Engle is doing an evaluation on the problem. Soon to be good as new.

Just joking. You have to see the similarity between your car and my old RCR.


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