SPF #2285 Born, But Still Coming To Life

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Back

Robert --

You wrote:

"Others like you have discovered some defects, some poorly implemented part placements and other omissions. Without going into lengthy detail, some of those discoveries of things of poor parts, or poor implementation, are instead a requirement that Safir requires."

Having made that charge in public, it is now your responsibility to Superformance, Hitech and Safir Spares Ltd to state:
  1. Precisely what these poor implementations, parts and ommisions are, and
  2. Why you think Safir is at fault.
It's time for you to do the honorable thing and call Bob Wood and give him a chance to defend himself against your public charge in front of tens of thousands of people that he and his company is responsible for these problems in the Superformance GT40.

Have not been on here in awhile...car is looking great....nice job.
First, as I am sure you have heard from others...put in a good set of belts. Stock belts are horrible!
Second, get a set of wider offset wheels made so you can run the DOT Avons. The race Avons are not good for the street...they loose pressure, follow every road line and are prone to puncture. Although I still run them on the street...I put on the DOT's for long distance driving.
Looks like your 14" wide wheels have a little less offset than mine. My wheels tuck in a little more. Be sure to check yours for rubbing.
First pictures shows the stock width wheels with wider offset. Last shows the 14" wheels. Derek Bell likes SPF cars too...here I am getting ready to hand the wheel over to him as he gets buckled in...:)



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Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
Reply To Brian


Have not been on here in awhile...car is looking great....nice job.
First, as I am sure you have heard from others...put in a good set of belts. Stock belts are horrible!
Second, get a set of wider offset wheels made so you can run the DOT Avons. The race Avons are not good for the street...they loose pressure, follow every road line and are prone to puncture. Although I still run them on the street...I put on the DOT's for long distance driving.
Looks like your 14" wide wheels have a little less offset than mine. My wheels tuck in a little more. Be sure to check yours for rubbing.
First pictures shows the stock width wheels with wider offset. Last shows the 14" wheels. Derek Bell likes SPF cars too...here I am getting ready to hand the wheel over to him as he gets buckled in...:)


Thanks for your note Brian. Your Gulf looks great! The photos well posed, exposed, and excellent color, saturation and clarity. Good job on that.

I like the stance of your ride very much. It does appear that your rear tires are tucked in more, but it's difficult for me to discern whether that is due entirely to having less offset, or because your car is at a proper, lower ride height. My car is still adjusted very high since it's still in the shop. The photos of my car were all PS, and while I did lower the chassis virtually before posting them, I did not correct the camber. The camber is way off on all four, but more on rears, and I remain hopeful once that is adjusted properly the top radius of the rear tires will move inward. But, that was a good observation you made, and I appreciate your comments.

The seat belt issue came up at the shop the other day and it was mentioned that the belts provided are not approved by any tracks. Only a fool never changes their mind, but it is doubtful I'll ever make it to a track. Are the stock belts horrible because they are not approved, are uncomfortable, dangerous for street, or? I’m just curious because I've not driven one yet. Do you think I should change them even if I don't track it?

Once I'm up a running, I'll look into the Avon Dots, but remain surprised I had not heard of them before now. So, thanks for enlightening me.

I do have a few questions re your beautiful car. First, I noticed no signs of side mirrors. Last year at the Ford two-seater ride from Irvine to Laguna Beach and beyond, there was a GT40 with side mirrors inside the cabin, and somewhat tucked into an opening - can't picture it clearly now. The owner/driver said it worked well for him. I have checked out every size, shape, color, and placement of side mirrors - and there are 100s and more combos - but still can't pull the trigger. What do you employ for side mirrors (cameras)?

The other interesting aspect rarely seen (my me), is the addition of what appears as a round acrylic vent on the passenger side on your Gulf - couldn't really see the driver side. What is the true function and are you satisfied with it/them?

Thanks again Brian, and please let me know more about your Gulf.

Robert S.

GT40s Supporter

Have not been on here in awhile...car is looking great....nice job.


I forgot to ask: Are you using the name Brian in an attempt to direct people away from knowing that you are really Rod Stewart?

Thanks, Robert
Robert, NSXER has what I consider to be one of the best looking cars out there so if you copy his you won't be disappointed and neither will the viewing public. If I win the lotto NSXER will be getting a call from me! :thumbsup:

The side vents you refer to are "helicopter" vents that I've added to the side windows of my car and I HIGHLY recommend them if you want to add much needed additional air to the cockpit. You would need to remove the side window and drill the hole where you want the vent located. I've seen them in various locations and have even seen two added to each window. They are pretty inexpensive and not to difficult to do. I did mine and I'm not what I would call a mechanic at any level.

Another thing, if not already done, is to put a black border (about 3/4 to 1") inside and around all the clear plastic pieces on the car. This really adds a great deal to the overall look of the car and really sets off the finish of the car. Again, not too difficult just requires patience when placing the tape (use thin width pin stripe tape) to set the border, mask the part you don't want painted, and use Fusion Matt Black paint). The matt black paint will actually look glossy when done. This really made my car look much more "finished."

Continued luck in finishing your already great looking 40.
Forgot to mention I believe you might be mistaking Derek Bell (aka Rod Stewart) with NSXER. Derek Bell is straping in to the driver side of the car.... Sir Derek Bell does look a wee bit like Rod though.
Re: Reply To Brian

I noticed no signs of side mirrors. Last year at the Ford two-seater ride from Irvine to Laguna Beach and beyond, there was a GT40 with side mirrors inside the cabin, and somewhat tucked into an opening - can't picture it clearly now. The owner/driver said it worked well for him.

You can use a convex round mirror at the base of the "A" pillar inside. It will give you pretty good coverage save for the area just behind the rear quarter. I have sat in a race car so equipped and it worked pretty well. Note that it will likely not satisfy your stae if they require "outside rear view mirrors."

Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
Reply to Jimmy

Robert, NSXER has what I consider to be one of the best looking cars out there so if you copy his you won't be disappointed and neither will the viewing public. If I win the lotto NSXER will be getting a call from me! :thumbsup:

The side vents you refer to are "helicopter" vents that I've added to the side windows of my car and I HIGHLY recommend them if you want to add much needed additional air to the cockpit. You would need to remove the side window and drill the hole where you want the vent located. I've seen them in various locations and have even seen two added to each window. They are pretty inexpensive and not to difficult to do. I did mine and I'm not what I would call a mechanic at any level.

Another thing, if not already done, is to put a black border (about 3/4 to 1") inside and around all the clear plastic pieces on the car. This really adds a great deal to the overall look of the car and really sets off the finish of the car. Again, not too difficult just requires patience when placing the tape (use thin width pin stripe tape) to set the border, mask the part you don't want painted, and use Fusion Matt Black paint). The matt black paint will actually look glossy when done. This really made my car look much more "finished."

Continued luck in finishing your already great looking 40.

Jimmy! Haven't heard from you since I was a mere tyke. Thought you were spirited away from us. It's good to hear from you again.

Thanks for clarifying the nature of the circular window vents. I kind of thought they were vents, but wasn't sure if the few I did see were home made, or commercially available. I have also viewed extreme variations of those vents as well, which fed my wonderment. Is there a Forum approved vendor to acquire those vents from, or do you know of a good source? I'd sure appreciate knowing.

Thank you as well for the black boarder tip. I may have unconsciously viewed that treatment, but it's another really good and worthy tip I credit and thank you for.

I really appreciated your worthy tips and kind complements. Best to you and yours. Robert

Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
Re: Reply To Brian

You can use a convex round mirror at the base of the "A" pillar inside. It will give you pretty good coverage save for the area just behind the rear quarter. I have sat in a race car so equipped and it worked pretty well. Note that it will likely not satisfy your state if they require "outside rear view mirrors."

Thanks for the tip Rick! Onward! Robert

Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
Forgot to mention I believe you might be mistaking Derek Bell (aka Rod Stewart) with NSXER. Derek Bell is straping in to the driver side of the car.... Sir Derek Bell does look a wee bit like Rod though.

Thanks for the clarification. Robert

Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
Re: Reply to Jimmy

aircraftspruce.com is where we get ours as well as our AN fasteners.

Thank you sir! Great service.

That was an excellent source since I was also searching for turnbuckles and rods/ends.

Head on over to the Green Door and I'll buy you a round. :laugh:
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Re: Reply To Brian

Thanks for your note Brian. Your Gulf looks great! The photos well posed, exposed, and excellent color, saturation and clarity. Good job on that.

I like the stance of your ride very much. It does appear that your rear tires are tucked in more, but it's difficult for me to discern whether that is due entirely to having less offset, or because your car is at a proper, lower ride height. My car is still adjusted very high since it's still in the shop. The photos of my car were all PS, and while I did lower the chassis virtually before posting them, I did not correct the camber. The camber is way off on all four, but more on rears, and I remain hopeful once that is adjusted properly the top radius of the rear tires will move inward. But, that was a good observation you made, and I appreciate your comments.

The seat belt issue came up at the shop the other day and it was mentioned that the belts provided are not approved by any tracks. Only a fool never changes their mind, but it is doubtful I'll ever make it to a track. Are the stock belts horrible because they are not approved, are uncomfortable, dangerous for street, or? I’m just curious because I've not driven one yet. Do you think I should change them even if I don't track it?

Once I'm up a running, I'll look into the Avon Dots, but remain surprised I had not heard of them before now. So, thanks for enlightening me.

I do have a few questions re your beautiful car. First, I noticed no signs of side mirrors. Last year at the Ford two-seater ride from Irvine to Laguna Beach and beyond, there was a GT40 with side mirrors inside the cabin, and somewhat tucked into an opening - can't picture it clearly now. The owner/driver said it worked well for him. I have checked out every size, shape, color, and placement of side mirrors - and there are 100s and more combos - but still can't pull the trigger. What do you employ for side mirrors (cameras)?

The other interesting aspect rarely seen (my me), is the addition of what appears as a round acrylic vent on the passenger side on your Gulf - couldn't really see the driver side. What is the true function and are you satisfied with it/them?

Thanks again Brian, and please let me know more about your Gulf.

Yes, you will want to change the belts even for street driving.
I do run side mirrors now. They are small convex mirrors. I laser cut some small black mounts for the mirrors. PM me your address and I will send you some mounts for free...if you want to run the small mirrors. They work extremely well and do not intrude on the "look" of the car. The window vents work fantastic and I think someone just posted as to the place to buy them.
Pegasus Racing offers the small convex mirrors. You are going to LOVE your car!

Another thing, if not already done, is to put a black border (about 3/4 to 1") inside and around all the clear plastic pieces on the car. This really adds a great deal to the overall look of the car and really sets off the finish of the car. Again, not too difficult just requires patience when placing the tape (use thin width pin stripe tape) to set the border, mask the part you don't want painted, and use Fusion Matt Black paint). The matt black paint will actually look glossy when done. This really made my car look much more "finished."

Continued luck in finishing your already great looking 40.

That is a great idea!
I am getting ready to add the big 5" front driving lights as well....


Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
Re: Reply To Brian

Yes, you will want to change the belts even for street driving.
I do run side mirrors now. They are small convex mirrors. I laser cut some small black mounts for the mirrors. PM me your address and I will send you some mounts for free...if you want to run the small mirrors. They work extremely well and do not intrude on the "look" of the car. The window vents work fantastic and I think someone just posted as to the place to buy them.
Pegasus Racing offers the small convex mirrors. You are going to LOVE your car!


Thank you sir, PM sent.

Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
Re: Back

Robert --

You wrote:

Having made that charge in public, it is now your responsibility to Superformance, Hitech and Safir Spares Ltd to state:
  1. Precisely what these poor implementations, parts and ommisions are, and
  2. Why you think Safir is at fault.
It's time for you to do the honorable thing and call Bob Wood and give him a chance to defend himself against your public charge in front of tens of thousands of people that he and his company is responsible for these problems in the Superformance GT40.

One must momentarily waste significant intellectual resources to discern the magnitude and scope of your ignorance.

All of your numerous upbeat and witty good-works are sadly relegated to the shadows when that little devil within directs you to return to the useless, harmful objective of attempting to prove to the world that you either know better, and are smarter than SPF, Safir, HighTech, and most of us on the forum, or that the very brand of car you own is somehow a car of a lesser God. Of course, neither assumptions are true.

Your recently posted flurry of mindless drivel, coupled this time with a tinge of blinding anger is perhaps symptomatic of stroking out, madness, or lack of medication.

In any event, that shade of yellow remains, and is well suited to you.

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Back

One must momentarily waste significant intellectual resources to discern the magnitude and scope of your ignorance.

All of your numerous upbeat and witty good-works are sadly relegated to the shadows when that little devil within directs you to return to the useless, harmful objective of attempting to prove to the world that you either know better, and are smarter than SPF, Safir, HighTech, and most of us on the forum, or that the very brand of car you own is somehow a car of a lesser God. Of course, neither assumptions are true.

Your recently posted flurry of mindless drivel, coupled this time with a tinge of blinding anger is perhaps symptomatic of stroking out, madness, or lack of medication.

In any event, that shade of yellow remains, and is well suited to you.

Or to summarize, you don't actually know of any Safir-induced issues with the car so rather than admit that you're issuing a wordy personal attack hoping no one will notice you can't back up your original claim. OK, just wanted to make sure.