Paddock Politics Thread

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"We should call evil by its name. My brother didn't give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home. Orrin Hatch United States Republican Senator

Thank God there are those that are prepared to stand up against fascists, Neo - Nazi’s, and racists whatever it costs them. "


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Lifetime Supporter
You are one nutty self parody my friend. Have you ever considered counseling? Not sure what they would do with you but seriously, you are one nutty old dude.
Orin Hatch... a 40 year career politician blah blah blah blah

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan of Wisconsin called white supremacy "repulsive."
"We must be clear. White supremacy is repulsive. This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity," he tweeted.

Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake released a statement Tuesday evening on the President's latest comments regarding the events in Charlottesville.
"We cannot accept excuses for white supremacy and acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn them. Period," the statement reads.

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, criticized Trump on Twitter Tuesday night.
"There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so," McCain said in a tweet.

Sen. Todd Young, an Indiana Republican, tweeted, "This is simple: we must condemn and marginalize white supremacist groups, not encourage and embolden them."

Speaking to CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" Tuesday, GOP Rep. from Texas Will Hurd said that Trump should "apologize."
"Racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism of any form is unacceptable and the leaders of the free world should be unambiguous about that," he said.

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Florida Republican, said of the comments: "Just no."
"Blaming "both sides" for #Charlottesville?! No. Back to relativism when dealing with KKK, Nazi sympathizers, white supremacists? Just no," she tweeted.

Florida senator and former Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio sent out a flurry of six back-to-back tweets that said, "The organizers of events which inspired & led to #charlottesvilleterroristattack are 100% to blame for a number of reasons."
Rubio went on to criticize Trump for assigning white supremacy groups only "50% of the blame."
"We can not allow this old evil to be resurrected," he wrote to end the Twitter thread.

Two Bush presidents condemn 'racial bigotry' amid Trump backlash
Statement from George HW and W Bush doesn’t mention president by name but marks latest Republican rebuke of his defense of far-right rally in Charlottesville



Lifetime Supporter
Blah blah blah I don't recall you having a problem with violent BLM or antifa. See nobody respects or sympathizes with your feigned outrage because its just BS based solely on trying to destroy the President.
Blah blah blah I don't recall you having a problem with violent BLM or antifa. See nobody respects or sympathizes with your feigned outrage because its just BS based solely on trying to destroy the President.


It is not feigned outrage or BS it is my honest opinion, as for trying to destroy the president somewhat ironic, but good to know I have such power, personally I think he is quite capable of achieving destruction himself.

I can only assume you have not read all my political posts, not surprising there are far to many of them, or maybe your recall is selective. However, if you had you would have seen I posted on many occasions I am against and condemn any form of terrorism or violence no matter who the perpetrators are.
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You are one nutty self parody my friend. Have you ever considered counseling? Not sure what they would do with you but seriously, you are one nutty old dude.

Refer back to Socrates and insults.

I'm not the supporter of 45, who supports and defends Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists, which means you must also. And I'm in need of counseling? Look in the mirror lately?

You're probably still have a lot of anger about painting your car white and not Linden Green, an actual color. I totally understand. There's counseling for that BTW. :lol:


Mike, I think you're bored. It's time for ANOTHER repaint and engine rebuild for your replica. Unfotunately, all that work and money and it's still a $150,000 replica of a 1960's race car. :thumbsup:

Now you're insulting the guy's car????

Dang dude, you need to up your fiber intake and cut down on the Caramel Macchiato, Venti, Skim, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Extra-Whip, Sugar-Free lattes at Starbucks.
It's one thing to ride the little yellow bus, it's another to be the guy licking the windows.

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Agree -- knock off the insults and stay with political debate or the thread will be given a time-out....


Lifetime Supporter
Agree -- knock off the insults and stay with political debate or the thread will be given a time-out....

The two are indistinguishable. Allowing it on this auto forum damages everyone. The major contributors to this thread and their diatribes found therein, contribute little if any to any legitimate GT40 discussion. Their only purpose for being on this forum is to hoist themselves as holding some morally superior high ground and to castigate those with whom they disagree as intellectually deficient.
I think it time we stop and take a serious look at what the Paddock has become and how it aligns with the original purpose for this forum.

I am in no way suggesting that free speech be curtailed, however I think that it's time for these "conversations" to go someplace else. I would not tolerate these diatribes to take place in my home and would put them out immediately.

I am asking Ron and the others who monitor this forum to eliminate this thread and let those who frequent it take their conversations elsewhere.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Rush Limbaugh was right when he opined that, if the faaar left TRULY wants to rid the USA of every single vestige of slave owners, the confederacy and its supporters - at some point they're going to have to get rid of the Democrat party.

'Twas Democrats who formed and populated the KKK. 'Twas Democrats opposed desegregation.

'Rhetorical question: when do you suppose will we see the names of prominent DEMOCRATS (like, say, Robert Byrd...a former 'biggie' in the KKK) removed from roads, buildings, etc., and their statues removed?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I think it time we stop and take a serious look at what the Paddock has become and how it aligns with the original purpose for this forum.

I am in no way suggesting that free speech be curtailed, however I think that it's time for these "conversations" to go someplace else. I would not tolerate these diatribes to take place in my home and would put them out immediately.

I am asking Ron and the others who monitor this forum to eliminate this thread and let those who frequent it take their conversations elsewhere.

The Paddock (26 Viewing)
Enter at your own risk.

^^^ 'Pretty much says it all.

All you or anyone else sharing your view would need to do in order to achieve your goal is imply not 'click' on this :nice:

'Far simpler. ;) :chug:

Exactly what I thought when I first saw that post. What does Willy Wonka or Gene Wilder have to do with Charlottesville, Black Lives Matter, Obama, Trump, police violence or anything? I agree. WTF?

You're free to post it. I'm free to find it insensitive, since the picture is of an actor who's dead and was a Jew. I just can't find any other connection.
Rush Limbaugh was right when he opined that, if the faaar left TRULY wants to rid the USA of every single vestige of slave owners, the confederacy and its supporters - at some point they're going to have to get rid of the Democrat party.

'Twas Democrats who formed and populated the KKK. 'Twas Democrats opposed desegregation.

'Rhetorical question: when do you suppose will we see the names of prominent DEMOCRATS (like, say, Robert Byrd...a former 'biggie' in the KKK) removed from roads, buildings, etc., and their statues removed?

Wrong. Now you're equating George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who owned slaves, BUT were the founding fathers of the USA, fought the British, wrote the Declaration of Independence to Robert E. Lee? Lee fought AGAINST the US and killed hundreds of thousands of US soldiers and was indicted for TREASON. And Lee's opponent in the Civil War, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, supported him for his release from jail, which the President agreed to, because Grant would have resigned.

Come on. More fake news by Rush The Fat Slob. And you believe it, which is amazing.

Always a distraction from 45, who supports Neo-Nazi's, White Nationalists and the KKK. And you support him. 45 is leaking support like the Titanic leaked water. Bob Corker, a Republican Senator and a supporter, just called him incompetent. And he's literally fired almost everyone that he has hired.

It's a joke. He's a joke. He either resign, be impeached or get primary'ed in 2020. And that assumes that his health, being clinically obese, doesn't catch up to him.
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