1149 Mono Replica

Jim Rosenthal

Sounds about right. I know I was surprised when we had to do some welding on the roof spider- the metal is quite a bit lighter than I thought it would be. But fairly sturdy nonetheless.

Jim Rosenthal

Courtesy of Pegasus, a remote mount for the oil pressure sender. Also ordered two tanks today, which will take weeks but that's okay. Waiting for progress on the dash vents, but hoping to have them in by next week, and then send the dashboard to the painters. And it appears the fuel tank senders that I bought five or six years ago, still in the original boxes, can be used with the size tanks I am having made.

Next order of business- learn to rebuild SW 240A fuel pumps. Santa came early this year, from eBay.

Jim Rosenthal

Dash vents coming along slowly- we will have to relieve the fiberglass dash molding to get the vents to fit. At least now we know how they go in....

Big news is several SW pumps at home to overhaul, PLUS a call from Stainless Headers Inc who are back from SEMA and busily working away on 1149's exhaust system. They hope to ship this week or early next- the trip to SEMA held them up, but the flanges arrived while they were away. Can't wait to see them....I am supposed to get some photos as well which I'll post here when I have them.

Jim Rosenthal

New exhaust system shipped today from Stainless Headers in Minnesota; they sent a couple of email photos, one of which I've attached here. With a bit of luck, I will have this system on the car within a week or two, and I will post photos then of the complete works, assuming it all fits without too much fiddling. These look very nice, I have to say.

Stainless Headers Inc have agreed to keep the old system as a pattern in the event that anyone else decides they want a similar system built for their car. Total cost to me was a bit under $1900 including shipping. I'll post photos showing how they fit on the car as soon as I've tried them out.


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Beautiful Jim!
Stainless Headers has a really good reputation and will fabricate some quite complex
systems. Love their plumbing "kit" for set-up.

Jim Rosenthal

I am very much looking forward to seeing these on the car. We just have to put the AN bolts in that hold the transaxle- the "bolts" in there now are just threaded rod chunks which located everything, but the proper AN bolts need to go in before the exhaust system, as you can't get to that area without taking the pipes all off.

A tip of the hat to Howard Jones who posted about SH, I wouldn't have found them if it weren't for his post about his coolant tubes, I think it was.

Jim Rosenthal

Still waiting for exhaust system to arrive and VERY frustrated with UPS. Don't use these guys; use FedEx ground instead. It would have cost half as much and been here by now. UPS are really difficult to deal with, and make everything as hard as possible. FedEx are infinitely better. If I even see the system this week, I'll be surprised.
Still waiting for exhaust system to arrive and VERY frustrated with UPS. Don't use these guys; use FedEx ground instead. It would have cost half as much and been here by now. UPS are really difficult to deal with, and make everything as hard as possible. FedEx are infinitely better. If I even see the system this week, I'll be surprised.

So haven't heard they are merging? The new entity will be called "FedUp"!!!!!!!!!!

Jim Rosenthal

Frankly I hate these guys, something I don't say lightly. They are a great example of the "customer satisfaction prevention bureau" going full tilt. If you don't like the way they are doing things, shove it, is their attitude- just unbearable. I'm sitting home waiting for the damn box as we speak. Write. Whatever. :(

Jim Rosenthal

Too bloody right. ANyway, despite UPS' best efforts to frustrate everything, the exhaust system DID arrive and we unpacked it and fitted it yesterday. It's fantastic. The quality of the workmanship is peerless. We don't have it snugged up to the engine yet- there is a separate parcel containing Allen-head bolts which hasn't come. (because of clearance we have to use them to secure the header flanges to the heads.) But the overall fit and finish of the system is just beautiful.
Without the headers bolted up snugly we can't tell final positioning. Based on the photos from Stainless Headers we think the exhaust pipes will end up right in the middle of the rectangular opening in the rear bodywork. The angle over the ZF transaxle is just right.

Stainless Headers? I can't commend these guys highly enough. I wish they made a lot of other stuff for a GT40- they don't, but for the two things they've done so far- water pipes for Howard's car, and a bundle-of-snakes for mine- they've done quite well indeed. The old system that they used as a pattern is still out there, if anyone decides they need a setup like the one SH made for me.

Other news: the vents that I got from Andy Booth are fitted to the car, and the dashboard installed over them, and it all looks great. The fit is better than the 60s car I have used for a data reference. I think we can get the dash back out this coming week and get it over to the paint shop, along with a bunch of little access plates and whatnot that are also going to get sprayed black. The name of the paint and body shop that is doing the work is Encore Collision- the GT40 is the fourth car they've done for me and they are really very good indeed- fast, excellent work, and reasonably priced. (that may go out the window as there will be a lot of surfacing work on the GT40s bodywork, but that's okay) Anyone in the Annapolis area who needs bodywork done would be well advised to contact them- another great shop doing nice work and turning things around promptly.

I've found an original Avro fuel tap valve on Ebay, with help from Andy, and SW pumps, also with help from Andy. Our goal is to get all the engine room items mounted within a month or so and then begin putting all the fuel hoses etc in as well. Meanwhile, the next thing that happens is that the shop will get back on the bodywork- getting all the lights mounted, all the latches mounted and adjusted, and we'll finish those parts that go in the front wings behind the lights. I can also now make drawings for the brackets that hold the back of the exhaust system up,and the lines for the remote oil filter.
A happy Thanksgiving Day to all here in the US and a Sweet Thursday to everybody...photos to follow.

Jim Rosenthal

Here are a few progress photos: they show the dash vents located behind the dash, nicely set in- the dash comes out tomorrow and will go to the painters. Also the first install of the new exhaust system, although it is not tightly bolted up to the heads- waiting on gaskets and Allen-head bolts. Still, it seems to fit well and looks good. Along with the dash the first batch of access panel covers is going to the painters' as well, following which we'll bolt them in to keep them from getting lost....


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Jim Rosenthal

Yeah, I have to admit I was thrilled when we bolted them up and it all fit. The paint shop is amazingly fast, so I should have all those little sheet-metal pieces back in a few days. Once we are able to get the whole car in for paint, the painter ought to be able to turn the car around in a month (unless we have an icy winter and he has a lot of collision work) I hope to have drawings and patterns made this week for the two brackets that hold up the back of the exhaust system and keep the remote oil filter lines from flapping around. Those won't take too long to make up, and then I can get them in and tucked away.

The dash was a LOT of work- the guys at Mamock's spent a lot of time and effort on getting the vents set into the monocoque, but the fit is at least as good as it is on 1072. They are moving along to the front clip: setting the headlights and driving lights in, getting the Hartwell latches to fit and hold, and the panels that close the backs of the headlights off from the front wheels. I hope to be in the paint shop in January- that would really be great, but there is a lot of stuff to do before then. The last thing to fit is the doors- the fit of the doors is bad and they will have to be partly cut apart and reglassed back together. They may have warped over time- a cautionary note to anyone who just has them leaning up against something. They sit proud of the roof and have to be brought into better alignment with the roof spider, plus those curved aluminum items that hold the very tips of the doors down have to be fitted and riveted on. (I assume they ARE riveted on, aren't they?)

Brian, do the cars that are being built in Invercargill have that perforated exhaust shield over the tops of the silencers? Just curious. I haven't made my mind up about that yet. I did find a company that makes perforated stainless steel stock in about the right dimensions.

Jim Rosenthal

Bit of a milestone today: the first batch of pieces went to the paint shop- the dash and all the access plates off to be painted. The body pieces that are still on the car are having some modifications to permit them to clear the expansion tank etc. Moving along, not rapidly, but moving.

Well, they ARE endurance racers, aren't they? :)