Re: Paddock Politics Thread
You know, Larry, I think we're worrying about something that won't happen. Like you, I doubt that the 2nd ammendment will be repealed (not that I don't think it could use some "fixing", so to speak). While I own 4 weapons, I use them very seldom (I doubt that my 12 gauge shotgun has been fired in the last 40 years, and it may be 50 for the .410 single shot)...and I doubt that anyone will find my "arsenal" interesting, it's all old stuff and some of it needs repairs.
I, for one, would like to see the 2nd amendment further defined. It is a bit nebulous in places...I'll also say I think it needs to be "updated" to meet the demands of this advanced (compared to that of the "Founding Fathers") society. As we have discussed in the past, my belief that the FF's could not (and DID not) foresee the technological developments that have come about since the 1700's when the constitution was written, so the fact that the 2nd amendment did not address some of our current issues is just a reflection of the times in which those original documents were composed.
"Time waits for no man". If I had to give some advice, it would be for us as a society to be a bit more interested in people than $$$. Keeping every word in the 2nd amendment exactly as it was written has no relevance to the problems of today, most of which did not exist when the 2nd amendment was drafted. We must learn to change with the times...change isn't going to wait for us to get ready for it. Weapons are no exception.