Paddock Politics Thread

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Southern slave owners where Democrats, Lincoln was a Republican. Whether written long ago or not, the Constitution is still a relevant document. The ability to introduce amendments keeps it current. I find it amusing that you voted for a ill tempered, arrogant, treasonous candidate strickly on gender as did the rest of the uniformed electorate who voted the last time on color, with first as a reason.

Well, Friday, our President and Republicans today are banning a religion, which is irrelevant to the one person one vote argument. You're all over the place.

The constitution has been amended many, many times over the past 200+ years, because it required revision. Society and life changed. Like giving voting rights to women. The founders were such "geniuses" that not only did they own humans, they also said 50% of the population was irrelevant in choosing elected representatives and making laws. :thumbsdown:

While Clinton was certainly an imperfect candidate, she's not a white nationalist/supremacist moron like the Orange Orangutan that was elected by 3,000,000 LESS votes than Clinton.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Sorry, I don't buy that logic. Statewide citywide contests count in my book. Why not run (a) state, county or city electoral college for governor, senators, mayors, representives? All popular vote and not broken into micro electoral colleges.


One citizen one vote. If 50% of the population lives in Texas, then it's still one citizen one vote. It has nothing to do with the national budget and receiving funds from Washington DC.


"Let's just say the total population of Texas constitutes 50.1% OF THE ENTIRE U.S. POPULATION...and everyone therein votes for presidential candidate "A". Let's just say everyone else in the other 49 states votes for presidential candidate "B". Without the E.C., the "popular vote" (ONE PERSON, ONE VOTE NO MATTER WHERE THEY LIVE) would dictate that Texas alone says candidate "A" will govern the whole country...when in fact the vote count was actually 49 states to 1 for candidate "B"."

You seem to buy this belief that the founders were smart or brilliant. Just regular citizens to me. I don't know if they were smart or a bunch of dumbasses. They obviously owned people and beat them, sometimes to death, so that in my book was pure idiocy. You can buy 100% of everything in the Bible, but some of what is written there is irrelevant IMO in 2017. Same for the Constitution. don't know if the Founders were smart or "dumbasses"...evidently you believe ALL of The Founders (I'm aware of only six) owned slaves - which was a common practice back then, BTW...and on occasion they beat some of them to death ('even did it themselves, I assume) don't "buy" 100% of what The Bible says and some of it is irrelevant by your measure - as is some if not all of the U.S. Constitution.

Conclusion? 'Obvious waste of time going back and forth with you on any of the above since only your 'opinion' is accurate/relevant 'far as you're concerned regardless of whether or not it might defy historical records as well as logic and common sense that might /should dictate otherwise.

Therefore, I'll leave you to the solitude of your alternate universe... :mellow:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I didnt know where to put this under Jokes or this thread. Kevin Rudd was once
Prime Minister of Australia. I am assured this is a true story.


No matter what side of the political fence you're on, THIS is FUNNY and VERY telling! It just all depends on how you look at the same things.

Judy Rudd, an amateur genealogy researcher in south east Queensland , was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that ex-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's great-great uncle, Remus Rudd, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Melbourne in 1889.

Both Judy and Kevin Rudd share this common ancestor.

The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows at the Melbourne Jail.

On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription:

'Remus Rudd horse thief, sent to Melbourne Jail 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Melbourne-Geelong train six times.

Caught by Victoria Police Force, convicted and hanged in 1889.'

So Judy recently e-mailed ex-Prime Minister Rudd for information about their great-great uncle, Remus Rudd.

Believe it or not, Kevin Rudd's staff sent back the following for her genealogy research:

"Remus Rudd was famous in Victoria during the mid to late 1800s.
His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Melbourne-Geelong Railroad..

Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad.

In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the Victoria Police Force.

In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honour when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."

NOW That's how it's done, Folks!

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Invoked by Pres Carter against the Iranians too!

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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Known as theMcCarran-Walter Act, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 allows for the "Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the President, whenever the President finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. The President may, by proclamation, and for such a period as he shall deem necessary, may suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants or impose any restrictions on the entry of aliens he may deem to be appropriate."

Invoked by Pres Carter against the Iranians too!

Yeeeeup...but, the 'p.c.'-saturated, pro-illegal immigrant, open borders agenda-driven lefty thumb suckers deny that reality, too.

And, I can see their point. I mean, after all, any self-respecting terrorist has "I'm a terrorist" tattooed in big red letters on his/her forehead, don't they?


"Let's just say the total population of Texas constitutes 50.1% OF THE ENTIRE U.S. POPULATION...and everyone therein votes for presidential candidate "A". Let's just say everyone else in the other 49 states votes for presidential candidate "B". Without the E.C., the "popular vote" (ONE PERSON, ONE VOTE NO MATTER WHERE THEY LIVE) would dictate that Texas alone says candidate "A" will govern the whole country...when in fact the vote count was actually 49 states to 1 for candidate "B"." don't know if the Founders were smart or "dumbasses"...evidently you believe ALL of The Founders (I'm aware of only six) owned slaves - which was a common practice back then, BTW...and on occasion they beat some of them to death ('even did it themselves, I assume) don't "buy" 100% of what The Bible says and some of it is irrelevant by your measure - as is some if not all of the U.S. Constitution.

Conclusion? 'Obvious waste of time going back and forth with you on any of the above since only your 'opinion' is accurate/relevant 'far as you're concerned regardless of whether or not it might defy historical records as well as logic and common sense that might /should dictate otherwise.

Therefore, I'll leave you to the solitude of your alternate universe... :mellow:

Whatever. You're obviously missing my point and you're right it's a waste of time to explain any further. As for logic and common sense, I'd argue the same thing for you.
Yeeeeup...but, the 'p.c.'-saturated, pro-illegal immigrant, open borders agenda-driven lefty thumb suckers deny that reality, too.

And, I can see their point. I mean, after all, any self-respecting terrorist has "I'm a terrorist" tattooed in big red letters on his/her forehead, don't they?

More alt-right nonsense.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Whatever. You're obviously missing my point and you're right it's a waste of time to explain any further. As for logic and common sense, I'd argue the same thing for you.

Larry's a good soul, Rod...he's just stuck back in the 1700's as far as his political foundations. The world is well beyond that now... :idea:

As I always say, we're all entitled to voice our own opinions. Thank goodness (and America) for that!

...and just remember what they say about "opinions"...


And, I can see their point. I mean, after all, any self-respecting terrorist has "I'm a terrorist" tattooed in big red letters on his/her forehead, don't they?

Larry perhaps you and your ilk could get one of these to help you.


PS It's a bit silly letting Sir Mo Farah in to see his family if he flies from the UK but not Somalia, and please consider "ordinary" UK citizens and others, in the same situation. Not everyone has a Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to fight their corner and get them back into the US.

You may want to peruse and consider this if you can, seems very relevant in today's climate.
I think we call all agree to audit the voter rolls every few years. Because simply put, those who argue that "one man one vote" "every vote counts" etc, can easily see that even one illegal alien voting in any election, cancels out one legitimate vote of a US citizen.:laugh:
i think we call all agree to audit the voter rolls every few years. Because simply put, those who argue that "one man one vote" "every vote counts" etc, can easily see that even one illegal alien voting in any election, cancels out one legitimate vote of a us citizen.:laugh:

I think we call all agree to audit the voter rolls every few years. Because simply put, those who argue that "one man one vote" "every vote counts" etc, can easily see that even one illegal alien voting in any election, cancels out one legitimate vote of a US citizen.:laugh:

Alright everyone, when you moved to different states or when your parents died, did you folks call the voting registrar to delete your name or your parents' names? If an audit could be done 100% w/o deleting real voters, then I'd agree. But the local Republican-run counties/districts will just take advantage of it. Maybe if it was done on a bipartisan basis.

The whole illegal voting nonsense via Trump's mouth is so infinitesimally small, according to nearly everyone not named Bernard Langer. :laugh:
Larry's a good soul, Rod...he's just stuck back in the 1700's as far as his political foundations. The world is well beyond that now... :idea:

As I always say, we're all entitled to voice our own opinions. Thank goodness (and America) for that!

...and just remember what they say about "opinions"...



Doug, I've always been independent. I could be swayed one direction or another over the years, but all I see with Trump and his Trumpians or Trumpites is nonsense and smoke screens.

I know I'm not alone, but I honestly believe Impeachment is inevitable. He's already pissing off McCain, Sasse, Collins and Graham, among other sane Republicans. It's only a matter of time, unless he turns a new leaf and quick.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I'm tired of political posts.


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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Happy Friday meathead! LMFAO!

You dipshits actually elected an authoritarian who might actually come take your guns.

The dupe-stupid here is on impressive levels even among Trumpanzees.

Yeah, 3 million more voted for Clinton than the Fuhrer, but he did manage to convince his beloved "uneducated" in droves, I mean 80,000 of them, in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania to go his way.

Nice job. Really nice job. As the events of the last week have proven. Your man is as clueless, uneducated and dictatorial as you. Eventually, you'll disagree with him, and when he comes for your ass, you'll be begging for a "libtard" lawyer to save it.
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