Want to see TappaTalk installed?


You might start by telling us what it is and what it does. The link to the page you provided makes the assumption that the visitor knows all about it, well I don't.

I do know one thing though....

there's only one 'P'.
Yep, looks like I remembered the spelling wrong, could have sworn it had two p's. Anyways it's a very popular iOS and Android app that makes browsing forums on tablets and smartphones a much more enjoyable experience. It's free for the forum to install and I believe there are free and paid versions of the app for both iOS and Android.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Color me happy with the forum just as it is!

I don't know what it does, I haven't used it. I get along just fine with this forum on my iPhone.
The reason I am commenting is that I agree with something Ron said in the other thread:
I find it annoying when I am entering a forum to have the tapatalk ad/banner flash at me at every opportunity. In fact it annoys me so much I don't frequent those forums on my iPhone now. It feels like a direct marketing phone call to me - same effect - I hang up.

And anyway, Why give yet another window to the marketers and NSA etc scum?

I notice there is a free and a paid app.
One offers me advertising and the other costs me money... Whoopee - No thanks.

If it ain't broke don't enable a dystopian nightmare.

Nope guess this forum is just the wrong demographic. If it was an ad I would have spelt the name right. I just wanted to be able to keep up on here more easily so that if I do get to build a car in the future I know more of what I'm getting into.
Guess I'll just have to stick to a laptop or wait for an upgrade to a newer version of vBulletin that has some responsive design features for smart phones as I find the current version painful on a smart phone.

Didn't expect this negative of a response to the request. Unless there is a slew of responses in the other direction over the next few days I've been out voted and readily accept that fact.
Fair enough.
It just seemed odd that your very first post here was to suggest something that modified the way the forum works.

Welcome! :)


Ron Earp

Dustin, have you tried one of the other forum skins? You can select them at the bottom left. Maybe the GT40 low res you'll like better on your phone. Personally I browse all the forum sites with my phone, daily, and don't use Taptalk. Don't know what it is, I just never got on with the format of it although I'm sure I could grow accustomed to it if I used it more.

BTW, no forum upgrades are planned in the near future. The new versions of VB don't support many of the features we've installed over the years, nor the look of the forum we currently have. Not opposed to changes for improvements and benefits, but I'm also a fan of if it ain't broke don't fix it.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I haven't a clue what is being discussed. I am computer illiterate.
How about a Skype Chatroom called GT40s.com or similar. We use a chatroom in Audi Joest to talk to the Engineers and Pitwall and it seems to work quite well.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I haven't a clue what is being discussed. I am computer illiterate.
How about a Skype Chatroom called GT40s.com or similar. We use a chatroom in Audi Joest to talk to the Engineers and Pitwall and it seems to work quite well.
Well you guys can't be total cynics, you are doing builds the majority of people would consider crazy.

And to be fair it wasn't my first post, it was my second ;)

Welcome aboard!

If you stay long enough on this forum, you'll notice that most of the most active members were born when the last dinosaur died...
hence the lack of welcome to your proposition.

I strongly recomend you to join the WOGG club here, so that you can get more familiar with the way of thinking of most of them.

And you're right you'll probably won't find any other forum showing members with so much and so versatile skills!!!
