1149 Mono Replica

Jim Rosenthal

I probably deserved that one....Ron, I am only kidding. I just wanted to see if anyone was actually watching this thread, since not much happens on it, or at least not very quickly....

Went over to the car today to look at removing the Holley and fitting the Webers. It's going to have to wait until the bodywork is done; it's all wrapped up etc. Not much use in trying to do that now. Body shop thinks she'll be out of there this week. I think next week but I am the eternal pessimist.

Jim Rosenthal

You need glasses, Andrew. No scratch there, although there may be a highlight or something like that. I may be old, but I can still see...

Jim Rosenthal

Paint work reportedly done....I have been at my day job for quite a few days and haven't been by the paint shop. Got a call today that it's done, so I'll visit her tomorrow and get a couple of photographs, with any luck. Everyone here has seen it but me. Glad THEY have time off.

Jim Rosenthal

Some photos from today, with the nose panel in, and we are getting the paper and tape off. Moves Friday back to mechanical shop and we'll begin sorting out wiring her up.


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Jim Rosenthal

Also notice that the 60s Cadillac convertible in the background which was red is now black. NOT an improvement IMHO. Even dark blue would have been better. Who ever heard of a funeral convertible?

Jim Rosenthal

No new photos:(, but happy to report that we moved GT40P1149 back to the main shop for us to begin wiring it. Since it was a nice sunny day in Annapolis, we just pushed it, the three or four of us. It's only about three or four city blocks from one place to the other anyway.

This happened at 5:30 on Friday afternoon. It's all locked up for the weekend, and nothing will happen, of course, until next week, but the feeling of having the car painted and getting ready to begin the process of final assembly (at least I HOPE it's final assembly)....well, as they said in an old article about GT40s.."Joy was in fact unconfined". And joy is what I feel.

A happy holiday weekend to all and I hope you all are out driving your GT40s. One of these days soon I will join you.

Jim Rosenthal

Not yet. Plan this week is to get all the latches, lights, etc, back on the car and then begin figuring out where everything goes on the engine room bulkhead. Then we can start running wire to all that stuff. I should have some photos by next week, with any luck.

Jim Rosenthal

A progress report, and a small step forward: we've got the headlamps and driving lamps back in, tail lamps and license plate lamps as well. AND (big news for me as I was worried about it) there IS just enough room under the rear bodywork for both SW fuel pumps. I wasn't sure there was, and since the mounting hard points are welded in, there was no alternative except only one pump. Which some GT40s do have, but can we all agree they look MUCH cooler and original with two of them, side by side?

This week we'll finish figuring out where everything goes back there, now that we know where the fuel pumps will mount. Only left to figure the coil, fuel filter, voltage regulator, and no doubt a few other odds and ends....

I think the nice billet overflow tank I bought is going to end up on the Cobra. There's no room for it on the GT40, and I can run an overflow hose down to the road. And if I have coolant pushing out, then I need to fix something that won't be solved by an overflow bottle, now will it?

Jim Rosenthal

I'll try to get some photos within the next few days, but I have to say it's amazing how much like a car it looks once the lights are in, louvers, etc etc. And the roof eyebrows, and the way the doors shut with the weatherstripping in place...very satisfying.
Jim, unless I'm on the wrong page, I think you will want some kind of overflow bottle to push to/suck back from. Otherwise you will need to refill your header tank each time you take it out for a drive. I'm assuming you are using an original style header tank, which should be mostly filled and won't have enough room for expansion. I run one of the tall skinny hot rod type stainless steel overflow tanks due to the space issue.

Jim Rosenthal

I'll have to look. Rick, do you know how to get in touch with Fran to see what the tank looks like? PM me if you want to, I got some small items from him years ago but I've lost all his contact information.

The problem I am going to have is finding a place to put the overflow tank. We're running out of room on the front engine room bulkhead.



I have an overflow tank and the level moves up and down as the engine is driven and then cools. I suspect you may need one as well.

Space is an issue. Mounted it alongside the tranny behind the axle. It has been suggested that this won't work, but in fact it has worked just fine.

Details on my build blog / book.