2161 Makeover


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Mike, This is just my $.02 of course.....but I like it. Its unique & different and the the polar opposite of the BRIGHT red. Your car has moved from one being fairly "normal" in appearance to something much more "period" looking and the color "white" really looks good on the car. The Goodwood emblem is a nice touch and you got the wheel color spot on. Unsure if this is what you were attempting to do given it wasn't long ago you were going with the rear diffuser and making the car more modern. Not sure I was into that too much. But, I enjoy seeing you play with your ideas and then pulling the trigger after making your choice. What else is yet to be done to the car? Any interior mods being made? Not much you can really do inside...just asking. I too will be changing the color of my car. Currently its yellow which if it were an original I would love but given its not I've some decisions to make. I've always been partial to the GULF colors but as many have said its a bit overdone. You inspire me to think more outside the box. Something that has come to mind recently (which I'm sure I'll get flamed for thinking this way) is "wrapping" the car. The cost is very favorable and after reading the pros / cons on it its starting to make sense. Information tells me I get a 10 year warranty, the finish is more "brilliant" then paint and it can and will actually protect the paint under the car. The cost I've seen so far is about 3-4K to do the car and the guy tells me that would be on the high side. Hmmm, really? I showed him pictures of a full liveried Gulf car and he says..."yeah we can do that, no problem, decals and all." More and more cars are being wrapped as we have a few Lambos, Hummers, Ferrraris, Nissan GTR's in this area already done. All Nascars are wrapped too. Pause for thought. They tell me, like paint, they have millions of colors to choose from and different levels of quality wrap and they can usually have to car done once the wrap is completed in days. I digress. Looking forward to the finished product but as of right now...very nice, very nice indeed.


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Making a couple slight aesthetic adjustments but should be done soon. The level of quality is nothing short of top shelf. The guys at Luftkraft have done an astounding job. Anyone can paint a car. It's the little details that take it to the next level.

Regarding wraps, I spent a little time around a GTR today that had a wrap. It was a black car that they did a satin black wrap on. If you take parts off and do it right it doesn't look bad. You could see a little wrinkling where it was wrapped around pointed edges but nothing bad. I think a lot of how it looks depends on the original color and the color you wrap it with. I was told lighter colors show imperfections worse than black. Maybe have them wrap a section and see how it looks before committing to the entire car.

Jim Craik

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Mike, Jack is right, elegant is the right word, I like it very much.

I was sure you were going Linden Green, the white is a pleasant supprise.


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Thanks Jim, I was this close to a green that was slightly darker than the normally seen linden green. We bought and mixed the paint but right at the end I changed my mind. I have the paint mixed and ready that was around $1000 that I would make a deal on for someone looking for this shade of green. It is stunning.



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I agree Jim and its an example of the fine work done at Luftkraft. As you suggest, small details make a lot of difference. I'm looking forward to sharing a couple other small details on the car that I think are so nice and maybe not typically seen.